i would hope that they are all good. You are a sick fuck just watching it,in you mommies basement. They don't even see the profits. But enrique pena nieto is kind of making it good. [3] By the end of 2011, Los Zetas had eclipsed the Sinaloa Cartel as the largest operating in Mexico by virtue of their geographic presence. I will admit at the time I was OK with it but after I had a few days to think about it; I was disgusted with myself as well as my buddies. anyway i saw several comments on mundonarco.com for this video that said that theres a narcomessage in the video stating that that was going to happen to everyone against the zetas. Oh shit hes comin after me now.I will recognize him by his bulging eyes,quivering big lip,and a hump on his back,they say he sprays you when he talks?Big lip. The Nazis probably didn't do this shit. I think for me watching the videos drives home the realism of it all. It's just some baptist university texas football school, those type of schools are all over the southern regions. Corts Prez, Julio Csar Corts Garca, Look here whore golfos, here we have your fucking people, this is going Why you want to support them narcos. Who knows what these men were killed for REALLY? The murder appears to be part of the ongoing war between rival factions of the Los Zetas cartel. Just so all of you readers know. 9:14 says he actually enjoyed watching the beheading video which tells me he also enjoys watching cats and dogs being tortured but more importantly obviously he's never beheaded a human being. These people are sick ! This kind of crap included. CIUDAD VICTORIA, Tamaulipas The latest heinous attack by gunmen from the Los Zetas drug cartel resulted in the execution of an entire family including their dog. Didnt anybody watch that. @ Chivis i don't know if you've gone back to the post "5 cops die in la laguna" but I posted a question in the comments that i would like to get your opinion on since you are the administrator and you've covered this war for so long. This is a systematic plan to eradicate our 1st amendment right to "Freedom of Speech. I can see killing if you're a soldier and fighting in defense of your country. People who enjoy watching this shit and say things like "this was awesome" or "whoa nice beheading" (I've seen these comments on another site) are fucked up. but in the words of my grandpa from sinaloa.. its an eye for an eye.. tooth for a tooth. I saw one video in the past. or if anyone wants to take a stab at it as presented. Now THIS is an execution video the likes CDG and Zetas are known for, thats why I still dont believe the Valor Por Tamaulipas video is real, it just TOO MUCH hate this scumbags have to only give the guy a bullet to the head. February 26, 2013 at 4:31 AM"I saw one video in the past. You sound so sure - why? (them meaning zetas probably). I too carry a Taurus 24/7 because of shit like this. Makes you wonder "why?" No; To be elegible to attend School of the Americas you have to be a ranking NCO or Officer with an impeccable servce record. I felt it diminished my humanity. Point is he did something to deserve this. Hookers and drugs have made my life a much more pleasurable one; and not at the expense of taxes & bills. Los Zetas' and Gulf Cartel's areas of influence, Oct 2013 . U act like USA is great when there was a massacre in an elementary school n the movie theater guess what they were both white people !!!! They would call it a papercut. In fact they want them to kill off each other, less to deal with. Hopefully we have a complete picture and entire message viewable. The group was known for its violent tactics and tight organizational structure. "Just because it isn't you or your loved ones, humanity is diminished. There's no other explanation and there's no other way to look at it.And you can tell that they know they are wrong because they all, like the pussies they are and just like the muslim pussies across the sea, wear masks to hide their identities so the rest of the world cannot identify them and they can hide..just like fkn cockroaches.If they thought they were right they wouldn't wear masks.If they weren't pussies, they wouldn't wear masks.If they were true men they would speak their convictions unmaskedbut they don't because they're a bunch of sissy mamas. Hookers & drugs have been part of civilization from the beginning of recorded history, and they will remain for as long as the human race exists. Chivis hey the mayor of china n.l, got picked up according to rumors.G(-)057, Can't vouch for who attends what university, BUT Baylor is one of the top Medical University in the US. whatever happened to Commandante Diablo and el rey de reyes ! I live in this area im surrounded by demons like dis.. and believe it or not but I thank prison and street gangs cus their actually are the ones keeping motherfuckers like this away from you and I not cops! Im sorry all I see are a bunch of pussies! Osiel Crdenas Guilln was competing for leadership of the Gulf Cartel, an organized crime group that . The people of Mexico have been suffering for a long time under the horrible yoke of drug cartels, whose violence is inhuman and are a major reason for people to attempt to migrate to the US, for they fear for their lives, their families' lives, and they know they do not have a future in a place where such terrible things take place on a regular I couldn't agree with you more. The two men who were also gunned down have been identified as Cruz Felipe Pizana Saldivar and Angel Carrizales Amaya. first off i don't see any narcomensaje (narco-message) in this video at all, and its kinda blurry so if there was one i wouldnt be able to read it. The Colombian authorities killed Pablo Escobar, not delta force or the pepes. Probably got killed too? 4 Nuevo Laredo Massacres. accident There is no honor in wasting your life like that. Very true^^ ,different killings mean different thingsWho ever it was who made that video ,,, shot that guy in the head no doubtThey probably trusted thiss guy and took it personal ,snitches get sliced and diced. You are really willing to go to hell for money? Ya dejense de pendejadas, if your going to traffic drugs do it but stop the senseless violence against your own people.I know there is far less opportunities there but seems like never ending for these guys.Saludos. at least its more harmless and less painfully then a chainsaw. baylor is nothing "especial", just in case you don't know universities. Including some states like durango, or cohuila. Then they cut off his head. its badd but theres still good and honest people worth fighting for.. and all dis fuks deserve no mercy its wrong I know but both teams are taking everything from families on that side from cars money businesess even daughters and sons so dnt feel no sympathy for dis fuks! We have a name for people like u in america that enjoy watching this stuff.they are called serial killers.what have people become when they enjoy watching someone get decapitated? @2:18pm dude.too much pain and screaming i guess. footcutoff They have money, power, influence, and control and will not be stopped. Three of them are bare-chested. !.looks as though he had copped a beating previously before this vid,probably why he didnt move much when that asshole was cutting his fingers off,he was waling through the ordeal but didnt look like he had much fight in him leftpoor sod.To the people who like thisfuck off back to BestGore where you belong,this sight was intended for a window into the Narco-war and the suffering day in day out of innocents in mexico.That other new vid gettin around where the Zetas are cutting up 3 CDG members is horrific too the screaming i will never forget,ever. Zetas and CDG: Execution Videos Borderland Beat This is a horrific execution video, that begins with a man alive and tied. sosa ask tony do you know why we kill childrenand tony just says there just kids manesosa explanes to tony that killing children is part of the dopegame to let others know not to fuck with us tony!!! Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Either way, Something has to give. I just hope that something can be done about these cartels someday if you enjoyed watching this, you need to re evaluate yourself. Movies are not reality. People are numb from seeing them. beheading That was just as gross. In the usa two states washington and coloraldo has legize marijunna for personl use and u can carry up to a ounce of it, so it is a start, i hope mexico will fallow. One of the women says that her son-in-law works in this cartel. I'm just completely sad. This is why god is starting to turn his back on us, because of people like the narcs who murder for stupid shit. No those vids are not humanity and it dont sound like u r a very humane person.what if it was to happen to your kids or you? It is a badge of honour to die in silence with your head up. i hate these videos and i felt the nessesity to show my unapreciation of such material. Like I say you want money? Narcocorrido band Grupo Arriesgado forced out of Tijuana for singing about CJNG. This is just a horrible way to die. Perhaps e40 and his boys? If you can't feel SICK to your stomach after watching men screaming as their heads are carved off then you my friend have no soul. My apologies, the foto originally posted did not seem to go with the story, I did a search and found the foto was really a poor David Roso not even of Mexico he was executed before his intended wedding in August of 2010. execution But what these "soldiers" are doing is absolutely pointless. The enforcers were based around a core group of rogue Mexican army commandos, formerly with. Dirty money never lasts. Home Cartel Beheading / Cartel / Execution / Murder / Pure Gore This man is believed to be chopped off by cartel. WOW !!!!!!!!! I really hope mexico can find peace somehow. They further stated they knew that a man named Alejandro Sudden shot in the head by five bullets Massacre with gun at rehab center leaves 4 Found a man who was dismembered and hidden Poor guy was beheaded with a poor quality https://xgore.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Vdeo-fuerte-en-donde-los-Zetas-decapitan-desmiembran-4-mujeres.mp4, Two young girls were crushed by the truck, The young girl had her thighs skinned by an accident, Mexico 2 Dismembered Men Found in the Street, CARTEL MEXICO execution video- Cut off the mans head slowly with a knife, Young Lady Stripped Unclad And Beheaded By Unknown Gunmen, The accident left three people dead, one person was cut in half and the other two were disfigured, Body of an Indian woman found in murdered dumpster, Chinese man stabs young woman to death in shopping mall, Russian man murdered his girlfriend and videotaped her dead body, Exploding the head of a rival gang member is her happiness, Suicide by jumping. have a good day. As the two factions continue their fierce fighting, gunmen from the two groups have taken to social media and banners to deliver threats to each other. its gotten to be sickening when people actually watch videos of people being killed. This is the worst thing ive ever seen. People always talking shit about other countries fuckin whites fuckin Mexicans fuckin Chinese fuckin Indians fuckin purple people fuckin shit man shut up ! I believe the are a couple kinds of people who turn to BB for these stories. Im also glad to see empathy on this site, people start to lose their humanity and feelings after seeing this stuff. Los Zetas, originally founded by Mexican special forces deserters, some with US training, started as the enforcement arm of the Gulf Cartel, a crime group from northeastern Mexico, before. i hope every bastards of those video makers related share the same fate in the end but the knives are to be dull so they are to be death slowly i don't advocate the victims but they are also the same humanity with us Even any animal doesn't kill other such like that in vain meaningless Humanity is the only animal whose cruelty is especially grotesque!! They are just a bunch of pussies who would be nothing by themselves so they gang up on people and harm them to make themselves feel better about how fucked up in the head they are.Period. Juana went on to become one of the gang's most feared killers and, after. no you fucking lizard, this is death!! Just be thankful that's not happening to you n ur living a happy life fuckin dumbass bitches instead of being judgement n who the fuck cares if u went to big Damn univesity what does that have to do with this !!!! "Zetas were School of the Americas trainees, no? They are known for engaging in brutally violent "shock and awe" tactics such as beheadings, torture, and indiscriminate murder.While primarily concerned with drug trafficking, the organization also runs profitable sex and gun rackets. According to the local media reports, the body was accompanied with a note alluding to the Mexican drug cartel Los Zetas. I felt it diminished my humanity. ; violence being an all too familiar commonality.Thomas Jefferson once said that we are obligated as good citizens to break unjust laws. Video mundonarco.com or a mother searching for a child every waking moment never to see them again !! U, you're self will do it. This article was written by M.A. Dam I seen this video plenty of times the woman in the pink top used to play an important role for the Gulf Cartel she was known as "Comandante Wera Loka" she was a high ranking member. !who the heck wakes up and says i wana watch someone die today on the internet!! Caldrion should of created jobs in mexico insted of spending money on military , he should of created schools, univeristy, and help the youth get ahead, but no he wants to destroy the crtels and create a drug war that is not winable by force. How pathetic. I doubt anyone sees this video and says oh I'm gonna stop now. Anyone want chicken fingers. They are surrounded by 13 masked men, apparently Los Zetas hitmen, who point their rifles at them. America's addiction to drugs has created this horrible situation and it is not just cartel members suffering these fates. P.S. Mankind is killing itself at an alarming rate and killing in a way they think is "fun" or "macho". A lot of intelligent fuckers who go to universities are sick fucks so u goin to baylor don't mean shit!!! If it is, then it deserves an Oscar. It is what it is.for $ and loyalty. The women have been identified as Lourdes Gregorio Garcia Amaya from Texas, Raymunda Amaya Contreras, Maria Del Rosario Carrizales Amaya, Griselda Carrizales Amaya and Maria Cirila Contreras Garcia. Enemies: Zetas, Sinaloa Cartel, Tijuana Cartel The Gulf Cartel is one of the oldest and most powerful of Mexico's cartels, but it's lost a lot of ground in recent years to the Zetas, who were . i hate all cartels for what they did to mexico and calderion for making things worse and at the end of his term he leaves mexico a far worse country than it was this war is not winable he is a lieing basatrd that needs to get his head cut off leaves the country to teach in harvard what a joke after his 6 year term many people have died under his term he did not fix anything but made things worse, what can he teach at harvard nothing usefull but deploying millary to combate cartels and no investagtions were made in any of the deaths because his adminstrion called it cartel related, to all deaths thats fucking bull shit i do not think all the deaths are drug related for one sec,they did so they would not spend time and money to do a good investagtion.The real problem in mexico is provity and with that there is always a endless supply of man power to the cartels. The most dramatic episode of the weekend carnage took place on Saturday morning when gunmen with one faction of the Los Zetas cartel known as the Cartel Del Noreste burst into a home in order to murder four children, five women and two men. Talk about a waste of life. The mans body was twisted and his head exploded, The mans body was dismembered after the homemade bomb exploded. Laws against both are a waste of time, energy, and treasure, imposed upon us by hypocritical politicians who love hookers and drugs. These Narco vids have proven nothing! It's a road to nowhere and they're just gonna meet the same fate that they brought onto these guys. gang Ur a lame motherfucker like you know EXACTLY what he did to deserve this. These are fucking savages. LOL!! feet I turned the volume off, as I prefer to SLEEP at nights and not have bad memories. I think that that is really sad and people need to stop doing stuff like that because they can go to hell for that, THAT IS REALLY SAD WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO THESE PEOPLE IT MAKES NO SINCE, The video of the golfos being decapitaded, valor por tamaulipas siad that two of them dind' t belong to any criminal group. The video has already been removed from several domains..Needless to say this is EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!!! Its crazy in Mexico, so much hatred in Mexico. The credit was given to Los' Pepes however the matter is still shrouded in mystery. why why why would you even want to see the families interviewed after there son gets decapitaed that's messed up dude. guy said no no no!!!!! I hope that everyone of this sick bastards someday shares the same fate but I hope the knife is dull and I hope they die slowly. Just look it at ciudad juarez and toluca. Also known as "Z-40," Morales reportedly executed perceived enemies of the cartel using the method of " The Stew ," or El Guiso. At that time in the early 70's it was in vouge in Nam but later in life is when all the B.S. Marciano 'Chano' Millan Vasquez, 34, was jailed in San Antonio, Texas, for 29 killings carried out for notorious northern Mexican gang Los Zetas between 2009 and 2015, as well as drug and weapons . that would suck having your head cut off that way, must really hurt too. All these guys end up the same way, on the other end of the sword. Fucking murder thier going hell whey they die. If anyone gets the Text somewhere please let us know. this is wat happens wen u eat bread n front of the poor. my brain do not register double talk. And it was bad. bestgore The Los Zetas cartel gunmen even executed the family dog. I come to BB for the stories, I cannot in good conscience watch another torture video after watching what was arguably the most disturbing couple of execution videos yesterday.Write your congressman, send him links to these videos, call your state rep too. I'm a woman and I barely swear but these guys act like they are so tough. Trolls pretending THIS stuff is fake? It does come around. Once your in your in. This people are demon possessed only Satan can make people do this to another human, they will burn in hell. I couldn't watch the first video after seeing those fingers get cut off and the second one I scrolled down once the cutting started but the screams are horrible enough to haunt someone for a long time. All of these cartel scum are no different than the gang bangers here in the U.S. These guys are nothing but cheap killers who eventually will die the same way. Battles between the Sinoloa and Los Zetas cartels have left a bloody legacy in the streets of Nuevo Leon. Investigators are asking for the public's help in identifying the gunmen on the run. Will not subject myself to that again. Poor bastard!!! Zetas behead and dismember four women from the Gulf Cartel. be fair, "The following is an additional video that some of you have been writing and asking for. It was cruel the was she used to kill her victims she was known for pealing the skin of their face. 1 / 9. Most likely. and this hole thing of beheading people needs to stop and posting it on the internet all this causes is anger rage for the other cartels and it is a never ending process of revenge, so i think these videos should be posted on the internet, in the usa these videos should serve as evdience to the cops not for world to see. Born in Hidalgo, near Mexico city, Juana was recruited by the ruthless Los Zetas cartel while working as a prostitute. One of the women answers that her brother-in-law is with the Gulf Cartel. And cut it short next time. this act cant be forgive never! You might not view it like this but guess what? The cartel has unlimited resources to have all weapons, ammunition, armored vehicles, military gear, helicopters, grenades, air support (bombs from planes). U and I would do it if we had nothing. Ending up in a execution video going out in the most hideous way? The women have been identified as Lourdes Gregorio Garcia Amaya from Texas, Raymunda Amaya Contreras, Maria Del Rosario Carrizales Amaya. Drugs and money are not going with you when you die so what's the point in all this??? Later, they sent her away with her mother, giving them 1,000 pesos for bus fare. Nelson Mora Ornelas, Antonio del ngel Fernndez, y Edgar Breitbart Texas has consulted with relatives and friends of the Garcia family who said the Texas family had traveled to Ciudad Victoria with the children for the summer vacation. A video has emerged of the Zetas drug cartel sawing a man's feet and then arms off while he is still alive and mocking him: . I am totally paraphrasing, but I don't see that in the card either. CIUDAD VICTORIA, Tamaulipas Gunmen with the Los Zetas cartel butchered close to 20 victims over the weekend, three of those victims were Texas residents who had been visiting relatives. The practice of "cooking" people who are against certain cartels began to be used by the Cartel De Los Zetas back in 2010 when they separated from the Gulf Cartel and different turfs in Tamaulipas . ?maybe make him the star of one?? So who ever is supporting gvt forces. Some of the comments are sick I am dissapointed with them.I wonder if the Aztecs and Toltecs were equally blood thirstyas today are some Mexicans.ps.I haven't watch the AWFUL video, just read this article and the comments. I read an article on a woman being decapitated and I decided to find the video for myself to see if it was really out there and what I found was a site full of sick fucks and the first comment on the page was a man saying "they should've stripped her down first so I could've seen the blood run down those bare titties." People act like USA is the shit when I cant fuckin leave the house with fuckin shoot out s n shit especial when I live near a white community do I blame the fuckin white people no I blame people with wrong sick minds not the color of there skin ! They do get help at time from the US, but not enough to keep them supplied as well as the cartels. Several other executions and attacks during the weekend brought the total number of casualties to 19 and close to 24 wounded by gunfire. the Barbie post is an all time great. and GATEs unit covoy as well.good night world, Thanks Chivis guess im not going to Reynosa Twister, Reynosa its bad my uncle and gis wife live there when it starts to get dark they stay inside and dont open thd door for anything. Many of the soldiers were from good and decent families "yet" despite this they became depraved killers. All for $ and loyalty. But do not think for a second that the CIA is in cahoots with the actual shot callers, they have been involved from the beginning and always will. shut up idiota. I wonder what the Zeta would do with that sick little freak who likes to watch these videos? (See Vigilantes Mante. These videos are also used as a motivator for their own troops. feetfetish Disgusting. Then work your ass off, you rather get dirty money fast you are a fool. It says this is from cdg so you never mess with them, this is so you tell ur friends El terco and the ones u know.Guys tells some one to cut his neck and tells him can you do it?? I'll try to help out where I can. anyways how is the u.s not progressing in life?isnt the us on planet earth, where are we supposed to progress to? Forty been.keeping to low profile lately. What is it going to take for our government to get their heads out of their asses and bring some "shock & awe" to these very disturbed individuals committing acts of savagery on a escalating, daily basis? In Nam but later in life is when all the B.S talking shit about other countries fuckin whites Mexicans! Good citizens to break unjust laws help at time from cartel los zetas execution us on planet earth, where we... '' or `` macho '' horrific Execution video going out in the early 70 's it in. If anyone wants to take a stab at it as presented obligated good... 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