certified spiritual directorcertified spiritual director
400 W. Roosevelt Road, Suite 100 To see people be transformed into the image of Christ for the sake of others has got to be the most thrilling thing on the planet. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Learn More For Those Seeking Connection Considering Life's Biggest Questions Learn More Ascending The Mountain Use the "Find a Spiritual Director" tool at Spiritual Directors . We provide you with a Certificate Completion Planner that makes it easy for you to track your progress and earn your certificate. I have received direct in-person training in the Enneagram of Personality from Fr. Her hearts desire is to help others understand how God brings the extraordinary to their ordinary daily life. Toronto, Ontario M1P 1R9 Canada, Western Canada Office Ext. This fileshould contain copies of all of the following documents: the completed application; allpast and current training-related transcripts, diplomas, and certificates; and a record of hours worked both in education and training and in work experience. CCPC has set the following standards for the Experience part of the certification process. I am also a Board Certified Clinical Chaplain with the Center for Spiritual Care and Pastoral Formation where I did most of my training with hospice care and grief. Confused, I was led to the Transforming Center experience (TC4) which was life-transforming to my very "dark" soul. I am married with four children, six grandchildren and English Springer Spaniel "Tucker", which bring me great love, laughter, and joy. She has worked extensively with homeless populations and with congregational leadership. Once we receive your application, we schedule a live interview in a virtual format. 1 While I was in TC12, I also enrolled in certification for Spiritual Direction at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. The Transforming Center is pleased to offer a listing of spiritual directors* who have completed one or more of our two-year Transforming Community experiences and have also completed a recognized training program in spiritual direction. Areas of Interest or Specialty:Doubt, church woes, enneagram, trauma informed care, Ignatian spirituality. I have been serving the Transforming Center as the Coordinator of Spiritual Direction Ministries since that time. To develop and understand the skills within the work. She was a Christian counselor for 18 years and served as Associate Pastor at Woodcrest Chapel for six years. She has joyfully participated in UU Wellspring since 2013 and finds it a necessary anchor in her life. Marriage brought me back to Saskatoon where I continued campus ministry. Please note: The six-credit Introduction to Spiritual Direction Practicum is an option within the Christian Spirituality Certificate and the Certificate in Ignatian and Jesuit Studies. This mentoring is a kind of holistic coaching that engages body, mind, and spirit. I seek to create and hold sacred space for others; helping them to awaken to God's presence, nurture their inner wisdom for the sake of their fruitful life and work in the world. And because it is interfaith, it gives you a sense of confidence and a sense of know-how and knowledge about the direction to go, and it just connects you with a platform from where to start. I am an honorably retired pastor with PC (USA), previously serving as Solo Pastor at First Presbyterian in Gordon, NE, and as Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Education at United Presbyterian in Peoria, IL. Areas of interest or specialty:Who pastors the pastor? I love to share about pursuing freedom and SOULWELLness. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Enneagram integration. Do you feel called to a private practice providing personal, one-on-one spiritual direction or companionship? Formal education may NOT be substituted for the experience requirement. Liturgical Calendar I also completed spiritual direction training in 2017 through the ACNA plus training to facilitate the Ignatian 19th Annotation retreat in 2018. Students provide spiritual direction sessions to real-world clients to develop and hone their spiritual direction skills. The process requires two years because of the need to go slow and steadily in the germination of ideas and concepts that may have been hidden in life for self-protection. Two letters of reference are required from qualified professionals indicating the applicants personal integrity and suitability. Podcast It was so very helpful for me to read your book "Journey of the Soul" and to realize that everything I was feeling (and doubting!) My spiritual direction style is marked by my ecumenical, inquisitive, and nonjudgemental nature. Lucinda Clark, a spiritual director in Charlotte, N.C., said that in her experience, more Black clients, including clergy members, are seeking spiritual direction after George Floyd's death. Now, after going through the Institute and certificate program, I get to serve as a Spiritual Director for others!. has been my question from the time I was being raised as a pastors kid in a conservative religious environment. Learn more about what a spiritual director does. Helping people in their transformative journey. I also served as a reflection paper reader and a spiritual director for several Transforming Communities. I love dogs, spikeball, downhill skiing, hiking, and books. It happens when one competent guide journeys with another person, listening to that persons life story with an ear for the movement of God., Everyone who helps guide the spiritual lives of others needs to have someone in their own lives doing the same for them.. Blog Spiritual Directors are hired independently of the school and are compensated for their services directly by the student. By Roman Catholic Spiritual Direction Subscribe to CE In 2018-2020 I trained as a spiritual director with Sustainable Faith. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". I am a graduate of University of Dubuque Theological Seminary and find delight serving on discernment committees for seminarians. The SDC Program is made up of six online classes which include two four-day, on-site residences, practicum, and supervision. Further background: Healing ministries have been the focus of my vocational life. Applications for the 2023 Fall Spiritual Direction Cohort are due September 15th 2023. The phrase "listening people to life" was a signature saying for Sister Del Rey . Matt provides oversight on visual communications, art and illustration, and is host of the weekly podcast SDI Encounters which engages in conversations around spiritual direction, contemplative practice, and spiritual care. I wish every pastor and ministry leader could benefit from Bill and Kristi's ministry! Let's take a look at why people enroll, what people can expect from the program, and how it has worked for students. Though I stayed connected to church as I grew older, I so longed to experience more of God. Those who are on staff have a short bio in the FSC Staff* section: Phone: 610-558-7725 Email: cdauria@osfphila.org Phone: 610-558-7665 Email: hbudzik@osfphila.org My experience includes 35 years in the corporate world and leading small groups and coaching small group leaders in the church. I am a spiritual director, coach and retreat leader and also serve part time at East Liberty Presbyterian Church, as Director of Spiritual Life Ministries and Taize Minister. My professional expertise lies in the areas of worship and the arts and for fifteen years, I had the privilege of leading worship in the Transforming Center after completing, Training: Center Quest School of Spiritual Direction, Training: Tending the Holy - Christos Center for Spiritual Formation, Training: Listening People to Life - Sioux Falls Seminary, Training: Selah Program through Leadership Transformations, Training: Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, Training: Institute of Spiritual Companionship, Training: Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation, who have completed/are in the process of completing a, Training: Tending the Holy Christos Center for Spiritual Formation, Training: Christos Center for Spiritual Formation: "Tending the Holy" program, Training: Sacred Journey Spiritual Companioning, Training: Chiara Center Spiritual Direction Training Program and Loyola University Seminars in Ignatian Formation 1, Training: Christos Center for Spiritual Formation, Lino Lakes, MN, I have served as the spiritual development pastor at a church in Maple Grove, Minnesota, until recently. Wheaton, IL 60187 Concurrently I taught Bible classes in local churches, which I still do so to this day, fulfilling my distinct divine calling to teach science and Scripture. If you are interested in applying for this certification please go to the manuals page and download a copy of the CSD manual or simplyCLICK HEREand follow the steps. I have had over 50 years of experience with extended household and pastoral leadership in a Presbyterian Church and at Willow Creek and had 30 years of leadership in Christian Camping. Two-Year Spiritual Direction Formation Program: This two year certification program for the formation of Spiritual Directors in the Christian tradition and for our time includes six intensives, evaluated assignments to facilitate distance learning, and regularly recurring peer group check-ins via Zoom or similar. Areas of interest or specialty: Grief and loss; people who serve the disabled; people in the arts; survivors of spiritual abusive leadership. Enter the directees life with compassion and respect. I am the founding co-lead pastor of Crossroads Church (Marshall, MI) since 1991. Applicants must have a minimum of 12 months internship for responsibilities in spiritual direction working at the outlined core functions. it out? One of the great joys in my life is walking alongside others in their journey to intimacy with God; a second is welcoming strangers (immigrants and refugees) to my community. ACTION: Having explored different options a way forward is chosen. (416) 724-5339 I have walked with Christ since I was a young teenager. I appreciated having someone to share my heart or insights with or to help me see things from a different angle., Opened a whole new world of joys and also of pain, My experience is that when we are able to quiet our nervous systems, clear our minds by sharing our joys and challenges and questions, and come to a place of center, wisdom and guidance come., Every time I offer spiritual direction I feel that I am standing on sacred ground. CCPC Global is responding to both social expectation and professional need. Show how honesty is a part of the applicants personal/professional conduct. Each student is required to have had a minimum of 3 spiritual direction sessions prior to beginning the program. Youll learn how to bring spiritual direction into your current ministry role or beequippedto begin a new ministry as a spiritual director. My participation inTransforming Community#13 was a life and leadership altering season, growing me in the knowledge and benefit of Spiritual Direction. I am a trained spiritual director and also a trainer of spiritual directors through Sustainable Faith. "Certified" spiritual directors don't exist. Connie has many years of experience as a nurse, counselor, pastor and as a Spiritual Director for the past 5 years. Love good conversation, good coffee, nature, and a good round of golf. I have facilitated Listen to my Life groups, have led retreats and serve as a Deacon in my local church. Will completing this program enable me to work as a spiritual director? Who are our Spiritual Directors? I study the Enneagram and Myers-Briggs, though am not certified in either. I am willing to meet with men or women. Many of our spiritual directors have completed seminary course work and hold Professional Certification in Spiritual Formation . Professionals, paraprofessionals and technicians have each taken up this challenge and responsibility. Above all, directees feel heard and loved. LinkedIn. However it is conceived of, some acknowledgement and engagement with this Divine reality is essential. All references are for the purpose of assisting the Examining Board make fair and complete evaluation of the competency of the applicant. You can get taste of the training program by being in the classroom with Bill, Kristi, and other spiritual direction training instructors through these recorded class video trainings. Areas of specialty or interest:No specialty. It is recommended that all applicants maintain a personal file for their records. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Inner Healing Prayer, Enneagram, Pastoral ministry, Ministry to serving and transitioning missionaries, Supervision of Spiritual Directors. I was a busy and driven registered nurse and director of a non-profit organization for many years when one day, I awakened enough to realize my soul was crying out for something more. Spiritual directors can provide that spiritual support for pastors or for any Christian seeking greater spiritual direction. Areas of interest or specialty: I'm interested in Ignatian spirituality and in pursuing additional training there. Ignatian spirituality, spiritual but not religious, those hurt by the church (Includes pastors and families). SDI is working on initiatives in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice spaces. I have been involved with a Japanese ministry called JCFN (Japanese Christian Fellowship Network) for over 30 years. My desire to respond to Gods unfolding within my everyday experiences has prompted lifelong learning, leading to a Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation, studies of the Enneagram with Jerome Wagner, and a cohort study of Spirituality for the Wisdom Years with Father Ron Rolheiser. It is not counseling, life coaching, or consulting. Areas of interest or specialty: Personal spiritual transformation and wholeness (embracing who God has made us to be); companioning pastors and ministry leaders; liminal spaces and transitional experiences in life (grief etc. Before we dive in, however, here's a little bit on how the program came into being. After almost 30 years in campus ministry and church planting, I'm slowing down to invest in the interior lives of Christian leaders. Supervisors must be approved by the Program Director. Please ask the admissions manager for a financial aid application. Im now retired after serving three churches as senior pastor over a period of 40 years. . You will call it God, or Brahman, Buddha Nature, or many other names. He has served as editor for such publications as Creation Spirituality magazine and Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction. I am not sure if I want to commit to the whole program. Comment on the communication skills of the applicant. In addition, to receiving a DM in from Trinity International University, my ministry has been informed by study at the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center, where I studied principles of peace making, family systems and healthy congregational life. Her journey inspires me!, I do enjoy this ministry. A minimum of two years of CSD registration by CCPC. Ignatian Discernment practices. I also conducted scientific research on living systems using improvised mathematical tools in nonlinear dynamics. Marie Grace Brook, PhD (c), LCSW, C-SD. In January 2020, Connie retired after serving on the staff of First United Methodist Church for 26 1/2 years. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The Purpose of Certification for the Spiritual Director Supervisor is to recognize, by way of the certification process, those who have acquired an acceptable standard of training, skills, and effectiveness as a Spiritual Director Supervisor. In exceptional cases individuals with a baccalaureate degree in spirituality may be considered provided they meet all the other requirements. To provide the public with the confidence that Spiritual Directors have attained an acceptable level of competency. My passion is to help people break free from strongholds and defeated living. However, he or she must be able to meet the Standards Criteria set by the CCPC Examining Board. This advanced certificate is offered only in the summers and is completed over three summers. Grounded in the tradition of Christian spirituality, the Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction prepares individuals to serve as spiritual directors. (1-877) 727-9218 Fax, CCPC Head Office Ext. I am a spiritual director, facilitator of contemplative retreats, and centering prayer workshop presenter for Contemplative Outreach. Nothing brings me more joy than helping others experience God as available and accessible in fresh and unexpected ways, whether in the midst of change or growth or unwelcome darkness. My offering of spiritual guidance is based on decades of spiritual experience, receiving monthly spiritual direction since 1992, and participating in peer supervision with other . Cultivating the Practices of Deep Listening and Spiritual Presence Across All Faith Traditions and Spiritual Orientations. About 10 years ago, I started to feel something was missing; my soul was tired and bored. If youre interested in receiving spiritual direction, please reach out to any of the spiritual directors listed here. I'm passionate about helping you listen to your inner voice and wisdom. Comment on the applicants ethical (professional/spiritual) conduct. I love living in the light of Psalm 139, which promises that we are wonderfully made. Areas of interest or specialty: I have found myself working primarily with women who are questioning long held spiritual beliefs which are no longer clear or relevant to them. It is a process as life-giving as breaththe breath of God at work in, among, and through us. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Most spiritual directors come to training in one of three ways: They notice that as they draw closer to God, people in their life come to them for a listening ear. In listening to your story, we are listening . How you may experiences and names this sacred presence will be quite diverse. My primary role with Altar is caring for pastors before, during, and after our retreats--spiritual direction is a piece of that care. She is active in Contemplative Outreach International and serves on the Board of Directors of the Eastern Iowa Alzheimer's Association. SDI's desire is to provide an easy, inviting way for seekers to find a spiritual director or spiritual companion, to find a training program, and/or a retreat center. If you are interested in applying for this certification, please go to the manuals page and download a copy of the CSDS manual or simplyCLICK HEREand follow the steps. As much as we tout prayer, my hunch is that most of us dontat least not as often and as deeply and as satisfyingly as Scripture promises possible. These days I companion those who find that their inner and outer life dont match. You are invited to apply for financial aid at the time you apply to the program. It is recommended that all applicants maintain a personal file for their records. family and community. Very few moments give me greater joy than to discover together the ongoing mysterious presence of a loving God in one's life. Drs Bill & Kristi Gaultiere lead students on a two-year journey of following Jesus that culminates in a certificate in spiritual direction. I have served as a pastor for 37+ years, concluding my pastoral ministry at First Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, NC. Intake Form CEDAR RIDGE They are not in crisis but find they are seeking something that seems out of reach. I made a shift from an evangelical church to an Episcopa Church 10 years ago and have been moved and excited by a community that desires to know God and experience more. (1-877) 727-9217 Toll Free Calendar, Transforming Community The pillars of the program include: integration of theological and human sciences as they relate to spiritual development; learning the art and skills of interpersonal relationships; and the fruitful experience of supervision. I began receiving spiritual direction in 1998 and knew this could be the next right thing for me after leaving the parish. They should be addressed to the CCPC Global, included with the application under confidential cover and addressed to the attention of: 3377 Bayview Ave, Toronto, ON Canada M2M 3S4. Sources of joy also include my canine companion, learning and empowering, creative expression, the outdoors and nature. Feedback is encouraged to discover what was difficult and what needs to be changed. Mail | Web | More Posts (539) This article is reprinted with permission from our friends at Roman Catholic Spiritual Direction. I have gratefully completed TC9, TC14, and spiritual director training. Professionals, paraprofessionals and technicians have each taken up this challenge and responsibility. I served in full-time ministry at a megachurch for 11 years--an experience that heightened my sense of the value and necessity of spiritual direction for pastors and Christian leaders. Working alongside my husband in a large parachurch ministry for 35 years, I understand the complexities of being married to a ministry leader while juggling my own ministry and other responsibilities. Class content in the modules flows between didactic and experiential artistic and reflective modalities. My formation as a spiritual director has taken a lifetime (really!). I attended several communities at the Transforming Center, beginning with TC3, and worked as a Retreat Coordinator. Richard Rohr, Russ Hudson, and Christopher Heurtz, among others, as well as certification in the iEnneagram, an International Enneagram Association accredited training program by Clare and Scott Loughrige. Participants will meet regularly with a small group of other students and a certified spiritual director to study materials, deepen their understanding of the practices and principles of spiritual direction, and develop the skills . At Altar it is our passion to bring faith and fly fishing together into a common stream which we do by offering retreats focused on soul care around the country. Spiritual direction is for beginners who do not know where they are on the journey, for spiritually mature people who have reached a crisis point and need to refocus their lives, and for people who have grown weary in their obedience and seek renewal of faith and love., Spiritual direction can best be summed up as encouraging the nurture of a listening heart. My passion for serving God's people is renewed! Areas of Interest or Specialty:Creatives in ministry;visio divina; honoring the body. Three themesprayer and discernment, the art of spiritual direction, and working within faith communitieshighlight the program. My wife, Jane, and I love the local church, have a passion for unity in the Body of Christ and to help pastors, leaders and academics walk in humility and grace. What is Spiritual Direction? Spiritual Directors are those who have received specific training in Bible, Theology, and Spiritual Formation, who assist individuals (called directees) in their spiritual journey. Barrie, Ontario L4N 8H3, Business Hours I have two adult children with my wife, Kelly, who is also a TC alumna and spiritual director. Areas of Interest or Specialty: The Ignatian Exercises; the Enneagram; Myers-Briggs assessments and spirituality; exploring imagination and creativity as ways of approaching God; listening and dialoguing with God; rest-Sabbath-prayer; communication and appreciation between generations; "giving your life away," aging, and "giving your death away" (Ronald Rolheiser's words); and experimenting with life, with ways of seeking and avoiding God. Each student is required to have had a minimum of two years of CSD registration CCPC. Give me greater joy than to discover together the ongoing mysterious Presence of a God. 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Paul Brown Stadium Restrictions, Artificial Palm Tree Clearance, Articles C