About. The conservative voice and Christian content are being silenced more and more. This is a personal testimony from Chuck Grant about his time at Passion City Church in Atlanta. Jesus Culture was featured in Passion 2013. Pastors, and especially youth pastors, must today be on high alert to guard their flocks from the growing number of depraved wolves that are seeking to drag off the young lambs for profit, power, or pleasure. Therefore that makes you sons and daughters. This use of Scripture is dubious at best. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. It should come as no surprise that the popular 'Passion Conference', led by its Apostolic leader, Louie Giglio, espouses the New Apostolic Reformation's dangerous 'little god' theology (also known as sonship ). In, Other examples of flawed uses of Scripture in. An outstanding example of his heresy is his endorsement of the notorious false prophet Todd Bentley in 2011, both before and after his divorce and moral sins. What do you think of Nicky Cruz (a disciple of David Wilkerson) is he among those heretics? Before looking at Jesus Cultures teachings in-depth, a brief look at the people who influence them is necessary. Passion Conferences. Passion Conference Exposed. This spirit is actually found in the New Age movement, as it portrays Jesus as an ascended master and we as beings who can ascend to his level of divinity to awaken (their language) the world to a higher plane of existence, purpose, prosperity and power. This is the heart and attitude we want our Door Holders to assume one of service in preparing the way for others to have a powerful experience with Jesus. Passion Digital All Access is the place to go to watch 15+ years of talks and moments from the Passion Movement! I dont believe you are wrong to name names. The Scriptures are not a sanctified pep pill. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. However, the most tragic and dangerous treatment of Scripture comes in their elevation of visions and dreams to the same level or above Scripture. Arius (AD 250-336) was a capable songwriter and a theologian who denied Christ's deity. Currently the 2023 Passion Conference has the following questionable speakers that we know about." The leaders of Passion have established trust among young Christians who are looking to deepen their faith and put that faith into action as they enter adulthood. Bill Johnson and Jesus Culture believe apostles and prophets are still active today, and that tongues speaking, visions, revelations, and extra-Biblical prophesies should be sought. The pastoral presence of those who might have once been considered reliable, but who are now clearly off the rails of Biblical, doctrinal obedience how exactly does one stand on a stage in a spiritual endeavor next to known false teachers when Scripture clearly says avoid them? We have an X-Box in every room. One has a giant playroom that would give Chuck-E-Cheese a run for their money, and one even has circus animals to attract the kids. Scripture: Isaiah 26:8. This is very important and a denial of it is heretical for, without adherence to this evident Biblical truth, anything that anyone writes could theoretically be added to Scripture just as the Jehovahs Witnesses and the Mormon cults try to do. Please note that the price is the same for high school seniors, 18-25 year-olds, and their leaders. Asgard 3: 3.5w @32 ohm. Not to mention, four fun days on the shores of Daytona Beach! Professing Christians have been making pilgrimages for decades to high-energy conferences with a star list of speakers and singers. While who they associate with may not alone make the movement heretical, the people Jesus Culture support and have speak at their conferences gives reason for one to worry. There are many false messiahs. (Matthew 24:24) Only one Jesus truly saves, and He is known in His Word, through its diligent consumption by the individual, by its responsibly taught proclamation by preachers and teachers, and apprehended solely by the illuminating, regenerating work of the Holy Spirit. 93 comments 284 shares. Johnson also teaches that believers who are sick have allowed the sickness into their lives and that those who are not healed should realize its not Gods fault and pray for a greater anointing. Bill Johnson and the Jesus Culture are indeed involved in deep heresy.1. All rights reserved. So this is where the Christians discernment skills should come in to play. Regular price $19.99 . We have several large churches very close to us and the best way to describe these churches would be what Pastor Jeff Noblit of Grace life Church Muscle Shoals calls Six Flags Over Jesus, I just call it Circus Church.. IF:Gathering was founded by Jennie Allen, one of the neo-Emergent leaders and a contributor to the Emergent Nines Conference. Door Holders do not have to purchase a ticket but are responsible for all additional travel expenses and most meals. The conference attempted to integrate into the church and its ministry homosexuals who accept the biblical view of sex and marriage, but who see their same-sex orientation as unchangeable, even as a normative part of creation. Smith has spoken at the Lakewood Church, led by the gospel compromiser, Joel Osteen in June, 2013. What is dangerous about attending Passion Conferences? The vivid wording strips away the centuries, reminding me with every phrase that each prophecy, letter, history account, poem, vision, and parable is God's Word to me today just as much as it was . Jesus Culture is part of this Passion Movement, Excerpts from pointingtojesus.blogspot.com. I was even invited to bring our youth along with a local church to the conference. 0 items. Passion City Church has an emphasis on making God famous. This is what they believe about the Holy Spirit: We believe that life on earth is to be lived in the power of the Holy Spirit, who indwells believers, enabling them to live distinctive lives in the life and power of Christ, making famous the Father in heaven. Passion Conferences thrives on Door Holders: those who take great pleasure in opening the door for others to experience Jesus. Eschatology (End Times) Word of Faith I have to stay in Gods Word constantly, so I will not be confused or deceived. Just added to your cart. The Roman Catholic Church also teaches this, as it states in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, mademan, might make men gods CCC, Second Edition, Section 2, Chapter 2, Article 3, Paragraph I, I:460). Those pastors and teachers who have aligned themselves with Jesus Culture and the Passion movement are all Emergent Church members. This link might be helpful, lots of Scripturehttp://www.av1611.org/crock/judbynum.html, See my edited article. Louie Giglio is no hero to be admired by Ken Silva, Apostasy, Beth Moore, Bethel Church, Francis Chan, Heresy, Jesus Culture, John Crowder, John Piper, Justin Pierce, Louie Giglio, Passion Conference, We hear God through His word just as this article says. Lets Fill It With Expository Preachers. Levi Lusko at the o2 Experience, YouTube screenshot. However, we do not endorse, nor are we in agreement with all the content posted therein. Jan 2, 1997. We need to underscore that the judgmental labels society has thrown on Jesus are only in areas that cause people to separate in relationship and or lead to death. I took off the names of leaders at the beginning. But experience doesnt save. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. As an experienced creative youth pastor, I have dedicated my career to empowering and inspiring young people to discover their faith and purpose in life. Thanks. To be clear about this 2 Timothy 3:16-17 in the KJV says All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: Every word of Holy Scripture is given to us by God and the very words were Divinely inspired. Around two thousand students attended this four-day event. For articles from Pulpit and Pen warning about these false teaching go HERE, HERE, and HERE. The Passion Conference just wrapped up its 20th anniversary with a massive crowd of millennials in the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. (2 Timothy 2:15), Listen to Justins Message, The Importance of Truth And Standing Against Apostasy., For nearly two weeks, Christian social media has been atwitter with commentary over whats being called The Asbury Revival at. Initially, I thought he was an excellent speaker and preacher, as he would creatively tell stories and tie them in with his sermons. The Jesus they know is NOT the Jesus of the Bible! Here is what Simmons said to Patricia King: The following year five thousand students attended Passion 98. This group has its roots in the Bethel Church, a Charismatic church pastored by Bill Johnson in Redding, California. According to a report in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the faithful come from 90 countries and more than 1,600 colleges., What did they come for? These days, it seems, that enemy who appears as an angel of light is most often showing up cloaked in anevangelically-approvedtunic of ecumenism. But theres a group of you thats reached the level of maturity. Simply put, by their guest musicians, speakers and their practices, Passion Conferences lack a passion for the truth. They are baptised by another spirit that the NAR call the spirit of holiness. There is a relatively new fad in woman's conferences call IF:Gathering. So it should come as no surprise, then that since these Passion conferences are stacked with charismatics and Word of Faith preachers, theyd be pushing this unbiblical teaching, as seen below in one of their latest tweets quoting Louie Giglio: This teaching is patently false. Your words are so wise Alison Jones: I am a Christian living in South Wales, UK, and ha Annie G.: It is not wrong to consecrate a day for the Lord, Greg: I agree. For those who dont know, the Holy Spirit only inspired the words of the original Scriptures according to 2 Peter 1:20-21: knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someones own interpretation. When. Will you please help me find this source? It is when God sovereignly opens the eyes to see and the ears to hear that He regenerates through the power of His Gospel. Children are not welcome.). In January 2013 I was informed of a conference that simply everyone whos anyone was going to. Platt's latest tryst with heretics will take place in January 2022 and he will be joining more heretics-as bad if not worse than the "gay Christian" heretics-for Louie Giglio's Passion 2022. If I were friends or acquaintances with them I would say in private what I have written and ask for an explanation. There is nothing in the water. Regular price R 19.99 . He (and popular guest Beth Boore) are recognised as Apostles by the Apostolic Network, Hillsong. The LORD sees all and knew Pauls heart, that is why HE called him to be an Apostle. Another error that the leaders of Jesus Culture often make is using Scripture in a dishonest way, using it out context to make whatever verse they quote mean whatever suits their purposes. I dont see anything that would make me think that Nicky is involved in New Age practices. You have to vet them one by one. After starting college, I left the UMC and was active in an SBC Church plant; after completing college I stayed active in an SBC Church. Excellent information, thank you Geri! And, of course, there is also the teaching of Beth Moore and Jesus Culture. Door Holders at Passion 2024 are individuals who have experienced Gods glory and now want to hold the door to make a way for others to enter in. which helped to confirm they were false teachers. Their teachings and practices demonstrate these people have no part of Christs church. / Diocese of Springfield in Illinois St. Louis, Mo., Mar 1, 2023 / 14:45 pm (CNA). Generally preferred to Jotunheim in terms of sound, just unbalanced. Justin Pierce tackles the train wreck known as the Passion Conference hosted by Louis Giglio, pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta. The conference featured internationally recognized feminist theologians who linked violence against women and the environment to male-dominated thinking and stressed finding the divine in. Currently the 2023 Passion Conference has the following questionable speakers that we know about.. And our churches who are sorely lacking in discernment are gladly promoting these false teachers and sending children to the slaughter. In fact, NAR Apostolic Prophet Bob Jones popularised this little gods doctrine through the late C. Peter Wagner, Mike Bickles iHOP, Rick Joyners Morning Star ministry, Patricia Kings Xtreme Prophetic and Bill Johnsons Bethel church. 307K followers. Who will replace retiring Rick Warren at Saddlebacks Helm? Watch previous talks from Louie Giglio, Christine Caine, John Piper, Priscilla Shirer, Levi Lusko, Sadie Rob Huff and others from previous Passion Conference events. A popular heresy among charismatic false teachers is little-god theology, or the belief that we as humans carry within us the potential to become God, or divine like God. Ive been able to study these individuals and their teachings, etc. This is not only a heresy found among charismatics, however, it is the underlying teaching of Mormonismthat our future as believers are to partake in the divinity of God and become gods ourselves. [2]However, there is one major deviation that stands out in this faith statement. Historically, there is at least one significant example of music and lyrics being a means through which heresy was propagated. Paul named names, Jesus exposed the vipers, as well as John the Baptist. The Scriptures are there to give you knowledge. John MacArthur, Why Believe The Bible? I may see more hope there than you, but am concerned about the low view of Scripture. I was raised in a United Methodist Church (this was not a liberal UMC church but a more traditional UMC church) and my friends church was Southern Baptist. Unit price / per . Included in this expos are major figures: Ravi Zacharias, Lecrae, Triplee, Christine Caine, Matt Chandler, Levi Lusko, Louie . Breaking the theological bricks and unlearning lies, Report: Former Hillsong pastors say they were threatened by Brian Houston, The Progressive Disease of Spiritual Deception in Our Time. JUST STRAIGHT NEWS. As you will hear in the message below, I was very emotional at the thought that so many young teens were being led astray by these celebrity wolves who are devouring the sheep, and those who are supposed to shepherd the sheep of God, who are more concerned with fame and fortune than the souls of these children. It is a traditional Catholic practice of scripture reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God. Your site has been one of several used to bring me out of tongue-babbling deception and into the truth. Good article! Viewarticle. According to Wide Open Country, Underwood joined Christian rocker David Crowder on stage at Atlantas Passion 2017, an evangelical conference that focuses on reaching college students. Reaching them is, of course, one thing; but reaching them with solid Truth from Scripture is quite another. Your words are so wise Alison Jones: I am a Christian living in South Wales, UK, and ha Annie G.: It is not wrong to consecrate a day for the Lord, Greg: I agree. Discernment They taught that man could enter into this divinity through spiritual baptism. Louie Giglio also spoke at that Hillsong Conference 2013 and he spoke at it in 2012 as well. ATLANTA - More than 65,000 people from across the globe will fill Mercedes-Benz Stadium to ring in the New Year and new decade with a multi-day gathering of worship and teaching. (Jude 1823) These are the false teachers we want to expose because we love Christ and His Body and it simply breaks our hearts that so many are being lead into false worship, through false preaching, about a false Jesus. He just have to remember the rules of debate: He is G-d therefore love the Truth, love our neighbor and ourselves, and love our enemies. Then Smith appeared with Osteen at the Hillsong Conference in July, 2013. Your product's name. Listen whereever you stream your podcasts! At the beginning of this month, the Passion Conferences hosted Passion 2012. How many Passion events have there been? Normally, John Piper would attend these conferences lending his approval to the heretical movement. Simmons says the Bible uses "clouds" as a term for men eight times. Qty: View cart () Continue shopping Submit. To accomplish this noble task, the events front man, Pastor Louis Giglio, gathered a wide array of notable celebrity Christian personalities to prance, dance, proclaim and croon across the platform. [Genesis 1:4] Light and darkness have no communion; God has divided them, let us not confound them. Posts. Only through His proclaimed and powerful Gospel might He save those whom He wills. These days will include Main Sessions with teaching and worship, as well as Breakouts covering topics like leading worship, production, environmental design, and other creative themes and topics. What is the at the heart of the Emergent Church? So when my children came to me and told me that they were invited to attend this wonderful, exciting and life changing conference, free of charge, I decided to look into the conference and into the speakers that were teaching at this conference. Passion 2024 is happening on January 3-5, 2024 in Atlanta, GA. Make plans to join us and get your tickets today! Your product's name. Simmons states the Bible says Jesus comes within clouds, so therefore it means Christ is coming from within us. New Age The organization is known for its annual gatherings of young adults between the ages of 18-25, more specifically college students. From its start in 1995, the Passion movement has a singular missioncalling students and leaders from campuses across the nation and cities around the world to live for what matters most. Mormonism Baptism is the symbolic external act of obedience that He has, indeed, brought life to a previously dead soul. The new Emergent leaders view themselves as spiritual directors ordained by God to create a new Christianity. I attended the Passion Conference in 2012 and 2013 as a leader with a group of students. If baptism had any divine, salvific value, one must wonder why the Savior Himself didnt make the procedure a staple of his River Jordan ministry, but Jesus didnt baptize (John 4:2). !, Given the parade of false teachers and doctrine-avoiding and, in some cases, doctrine-denying celebrity Christians across the Passion platform, its little surprise that attendees are clueless about the authentic Jesus who, with His Word, is exalted above all things, particularly in His Word. To kickstart 2022, nearly 60,000 young adults gathered in the Mercedes- Benz Stadium in downtown Atlanta to partake in an event known as the Passion Conference. That is for God alone. The New Order of the Latter Rain (1948) was the cult that birthed the idea that God was raising up gods and a divine army to take dominion over the world. This video is a sincere attempt to expose falsehood and lies which hide behind popular "Christianity", lies so deceptive that people can scarcely consider the claims of Biblical Christianity. I served at the Conference in 2014 and 2015. My own children were informed by their friends that all the local church youth groups were going to this conference. Increasingly we are seeing ecstatic charismatic blasphemies, such as Toking the Spirit and Raising the Dead promoted by John Crowder, who is not to be confused with David Crowder, another false teaching musician associated with the Passion conference and Bethel church and the entire Hyper-Charismatic movement. Thank you for this article, your comments, and naming some names. Ive done research in the past, regarding different people, ministries, and beliefs. This makes complete sense Biblically when considered in the light of the fact that faith is the substance of things HOPED FOR. Bethel's senior pastors are the husband/wife team Bill and Beni Johnson. Spiritual Formation Futurism/Transhumanism In reality they do not have a passion for truth, for holiness, and for the power of the Gospel to save. It is a traditional Catholic practice of scripture reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God. Passion 2024 is happening January 3-5, 2024 at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, GA. Get your tickets today to join us! The Scriptures warn us that false teachers will come and they will have ungodly passions. Thank you Im advance. Those meetings happened in 2012 and were a one-time meeting with each of them so please dont think I personally know them. Please review our frequently asked questions before registering for Passion 2024. ABOUT THE PASSION TRANSLATION: From thepassiontranslation.com: Passion Translation is a modern, easy-to-read Bible translation that unlocks the passion of God's heart and expresses his fiery lovemerging emotion and life-changing truth. Heresy: Measures extremely well for the price (no measurements from ASR for the asgard, doesn't mean it doesn't measure as well though). That is why the historical position of the entire church has always been that we believe in the doctrine of the Divine Inspiration of Scripture in the Originals, not in the copies. I was even invited to bring our youth along with a local church to the conference. After starting college, I left the UMC and was active in an SBC Church plant; after completing college I stayed active in an SBC Church. (Romans 1:16), But the Jesus of Passion isnt driving adherents to the Word, but to an experience that unifies all who laud any Jesus. Its this pursuit that is the danger of Passion, for the Jesus who unites is the One who, as He prayed to the Father, sanctifies and unites through His Word. John Piper Jan 2, 1997. Andy Stanley is an obvious false teacher. In January 1997 the first Passion Conference - Passion 97 - was held in Austin, Texas. She and her husband host Respite Retreats for . Close search Search Cart. The good news of Jesus will not be stopped but will continue as we give glory to our God who reigns over all the Earth. Johnsons Bethel crowd is way off the train into new age mysticism for sure. REGISTER NOW TicketsLeading the wayDoor holdersthe movementMoments Passion2024 268 Generation The desire of our souls Isaiah 26:8 Saddlebacks Rick Warren appoints 3 women pastors, Fed up with false teaching: Calvary Chapel church says So Long to the CC Association, Brodersen splits from CCA; calls for new Global Network, Michael Brown Continues to Deny the NAR, Defends Montanism, Progressive Christians and their doctrines of devils, Apologist James White Draws Concerns After Holding, Defending Interfaith Dialogue at Church With Muslim Imam, My church practices the Sinners Prayer'. We receive life and we desire for others to receive it as well! The main promoter of the conference, Louie Giglio, reportedly gave every person at the conference a brand new study Bible which he produced called The Jesus Bible. When introducing it, he tells the audience that the Holy Spirit helped him and his team write it! You can watch the video and hear him say this at the 6:12 mark, HERE. 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