tldr news biastldr news bias
13 April 2022 13 April 2022. If the wealthy whine about it, so be it. Texas Metal Dually Owned By Mike Snead Siknic 2019 Ekstensive Metal Works Youtube Texas Metal Official Site. And I find that incredibly funny. Everything we dislike about them is baked into who they are as a party. In England we have Ofwat, and I assume shareholders in private companies have an interest in serving the consumer also. "for an american" aren't americans generally one of the most progressive? If that is not their primary aim then you would again end up with a system of rewarding people with assets that someone else worked for. Across all crypto markets, we help startups and corporates build the strategy needed to drive their ecosystem forward. Why or why not? You must be woke, because you wont accept the result of a democratic referendum either here or in Crimea, and that is classic woke behaviour. This all started with Reganomics. But of course, you have to reject any facts that make your ideology untenable. But housing for all is more important than the power and luxury of the wealthy. Log In. It's more dependent on cultural factors. The other thing worth mentioning is the effect this lack of affordability in housing has had on communities too. I talked about wanting not much but like the same securities and living standards as my father did in my age. People are able to specialize and draw on local knowledge., Aggregation. Well jokes on you and humanity, change is an utter crippling slowpoke. Are totally out of my reach atleast. "Eat the rich" just means giving away enough that the people around you (nationally or internationally) can live a decent live including yourself. They just pretend to be actual conservatives, presumably as a political pressure valve. And quit acting like the only two solutions are to do nothing or to enact soviet era communism. The Blindspotter by Ground News See what Page updated. Regardless of your feelings on identity politics, people generally vote in their interests.Now come along millennials. Younger people have grown up in a world where job security is a fantasy and where wages rarely keep pace with inflation. Blair (I use him as an example as he's the only successful Labour Leader in decades) even cosied up to Rupert Murdoch - not because he liked him, or because it's some conspiracy nonsense, but because Murdoch was a key to power. Inheritance needs to be abolished, anyway. This country has a lot of catching up to do. the political news industry has become increasingly consolidated in Washington and New York, The share of total exposure for the top five news sources climbed from roughly 25% a decade ago to around 35% last year, and has spiked to above 40% so far in 2017 the digital age hasnt necessarily democratized the news media [after] the decline of independent blogs#consolidation, Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away #NIA #DYODD, Diversity of opinion: Each person should have private information, even if its just an eccentric interpretation of the known facts., Independence. Small towns are emptying for a reason. Complex and dynamic news landscape petition was rejected why was this petition rejected I rarely leave ratings but all can. by Paul Cardei 01/09/2021. Understanding the popular internet shorthand that refers to private messaging, TLDR is an acronym that stands for "Too Long Didn't Read.". You just described more than half of the Democratic party. "Why do you believe that this is the case?What prevents a worker negotiating for a higher wage?Under free market capitalism, both parties must consent. I've yet to be satisfied that they are capable of doing what needs to be done. You should look into trickle down economics, neoliberalism, and how Reagan pretty much began the destruction of the middle class even to this day. We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision. Sure, we're always warned to not believe everything posted online, however it's not too hard to find truths out there. This again is not fault of the government, than it actually is the fault of corporations, who abused the principle of government intervention, which is to stop one part of society from using the "might makes right" philosophy against everyone else. Sunak's New Plan to Ban Protests: The Public Order Bill, Why Are Houses Unaffordable in Britain? @Bikuch Crashed and then recovered in every case to the value it was bought for and then some. It's pretty much because of Thatcher/Reagan and other 70's/80's era Neoliberals [with hints of other far-right strains like Segregationists or Enoch Powell] that the system is as it is. Or if we want to argue facts not feelings we can look at the research and recognize that changes in voting behaviour have absolutely nothing to do with changes in political position but that it is simply the overton window shifting over time. Hence why millenials are voting as they are. The village I grew up in is full of rich retirees. Sure its not easy to switch the world from horribly polluting to sustainable, but besides some left parties, its not even attempted. The only - THE ONLY - advantage we have over boomers is education. Travel has been shown to encourage progressivism, as it helps humanize your fellow man and combat the shortsighted selfishness and cultural fearmongering modern conservatism is rooted in. 12 years of mismanagement can't be anymore proof. I know what I see here. Your grandparents and parents may have very well seen horrific warfare and demanded a better deal - The NHS, the welfare system, social housing.Now come along the boomers, squandering it all and then bringing in neoliberalism as they hit the workforce. @BlueDotInc I'm can't speak for Illinois. Japanese home prices have gone down because they don't do this nor do they allow overseas consortiums to hoover up their houses to rent them out and overseas the profits.They aren't libertarianThey aren't going reduce immigrationThey aren't fiscal conservativesThey aren't for small governmentLiterally just continuity from where Blair and Brown left off. Yet do the costumer, the people that buy the products that Apple creates care about that? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. TLDR News focuses primarily on the production of animated content for YouTube, having established a number of dedicated channels; each focusing on a specific geographical location. It was founded in 2017 and states that its core principals are being "an independent and unbiased organisation" that "aims to make news and politics easier to understand". r/WatchRedditDie is not a life raft for your banned community or censored views. These Republican thugs care more about money than people. I try to keep an objective view on things, but it seems like in the past couple of years at least, conservative political parties are embracing anti intellectualism and general stupidity. @Makhno the Cossack " classical liberalism what it was before and was replaced with Keynesian economics""which has made people to think we're still wild animals who can't do anything else but to fight and compete about everything, and cooperation and solidarity are great evils"If anything, I think that governments using taxation, regulations, laws etc, to force people to 'cooperate' is what's causing the problem.The free market works so well because it lets people voluntarily cooperate, not because the government told them to, but because they're incentivized to.Keynesian economics is what draws out busts. Could there be an Election in 2022 or 2023? When laboring no longer allows one to build assets, people vote for the labor class rather than for the asset owning class even after laboring a long time. I grew up very conservative but once I got to university I started to lean left. The reason is simple. If the company declines, they can leave.If enough employees feel they are being paid too little, the company will spend lots of money on hiring new people to replace them. And you victimise yourself by calling you the poorer of landlords, while landlords are already some of the richest in society. 2:12 This graphic tells a story by itself. Nowadays news audiences are experiencing an "echo chamber" due to news biased coverage, which causes individuals to shape views with only one side of the story in mind. It's their fault for making bad decisions.". TLDR: /news subreddit is clearly biased and will ban anyone with an opposing opinion despite presenting articles and facts. You aren't going to buy a home or start a family. I'm on the younger end of millennials and feel like I've slipped through the cracks somehow. Answer (1 of 12): I don't know about "impartial," but TL;DR at least tries to fairly present multiple sides. I've always said that you judge ploticians on what they do, not what they say. Bro, if you're an engineer and 38 and you don't own a home or have a family then YOU fucked up. How can it be right that we pay more a month in rent then a mortgage costs but can't get a mortgage! What is AFK's meaning? TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. This creates a lot of unused space. Also there is a significant group of those that go to my very left wing university who only barely have a bit more faith in Labour than the Tories, and they see the two parties as the same thing. We aren't that bloody stupid. Conservative parties tend not to champion those but must move slowly accepting the change in due time or simply not mentioning them again. As a millenial in germany I was way more conservative in my teens than I am now. I'm not British but I'm a Millennial in my mid-30s. @PhysicsGamer So what is your solution to the grooming of young white British people by asian men, calling them white slags, the boats coming from France, the preservation of English heritage, the rise of broken homes, decreasing house prices, getting the number of murders committed by minorities under control?It seems that a lot of major issues are not being addressed by many of the main parties. Qanon is the most well known one, but there's so many more of them- all of them encouraging hate, fear and paranoiaBe careful with what you're reading folks. Didnt realize wealth redistribution meant not selling off every public service imaginable to your Oxbridge mates. TLDR is a super small company, run few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. Insight and viewpoint for readers about current events news source in the UK /a Their ecosystem forward natural, but hidden media bias misleads, manipulates and divides us the bias! Find out who actually funds TLDR News and stay up. This is so correct and if people just understood this they'd have a much better understanding of so much else that happens in society. Reasons can be inferred just from this, as people (including conservatives if Trump & Brexit were any indication) aren't happy with maintaining the status quo, millennials aren't getting married & starting families as often, and this generation has less wealth than its parents.I haven't watched the rest of the video yet, but if these are the points made, this graphic does an excellent job of communicating all of it. Some mechanism exists for turning private judgments into a collective decision.. Mixed with a gut reaction of "well back in the good ol days I was special for being a white man American and now I don't feel as special anymore so I wanna break all my toys and trow them out of the pram" petty entitlement about equality not feeling as good as being on the top of a pyramid.Yall feel like it's the end of history because you all stopped paying attention to history the moment conservatives stopped being the center of the universe.Wake the hell up.And quit acting like there's no point in doing anything dummy. As an aging Millennial who once voted for the conservatives, I wish them only the very best of fading into oblivion for their future endeavours. Yeah, cold war propaganda really scrambled the minds of boomers and gen x'ers. Yall think ceos and upper management of big farming corporations actually know anything about farming beyond line on the chart go up or down? Bias Chart | AllSides < /a > this has just become a big week for regulation ; because we rate news by analyzing the with the news media it interacts with understand role. I think there may be some confounding variables not being accounted for. Now that I'm almost 40 I would be considered extremely progressive (for an American) and I don't foresee myself sliding back into conservativism any time soon. With Boomers in charge, the private market will only get worse. It does it is good as a millennial to see a baby boomer acknowledge this- thanks. . Should the West Give Putin Security Guarantees? Who couldve guessed that the generation most screwed by the system have turned against it? So despite being financially stable and on paper a model conservative voter, she sees the right wing destroying that which she would want, well, conserved every day, and would never in a million years vote for them. They have failed to deliver impartiality and political independence in executing there videos. Worker co-ops. Ad Fontes is Latin for "to the source," because we rate news by analyzing the . I do lean more Conservative, but the way the past generations of Conservatives have ran things, we definitely need a change. The other factor I would include is the effect that social media has had. But yes I agree a percentage of potential inheritable wealth will be used up in healthcare or just SKIed through. Needed to drive their ecosystem forward by their channel names make complex topics understandable and to help you engage with For government pushback on the videos is run by a few people with the help some! Report abuse . Rated the media bias misleads, manipulates and divides us have more teeth service broad. I'm now in my 30s and I am even more progressive that I was in my 20s. In the US, there were some studies exploring prevalent conservatism and exposure to leaded gasoline. I'm a non British millennial and I see this in my peers. They have failed to deliver impartiality and political independence in executing there videos. @stevebbuk That would demand quite an amount of good will to think that way. The post Take It Down: a tool for teens to remove [], Can Americans be jailed for making fun of the government? But that's not even a real issue. @briandamy Full-time minimum wage folks who never went to college "earn five figures", as well as people who went into the trades. you can get in touch with me on twitter ( @_dron_h ) or email me at . 2022 was the final nail in the conservative's coffin for me. @D P I'm from Germany and I know very well that I'm fortunate to live here. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site. The half that went to uni are generally complainers, moaners and self righteous. I've been a professional engineer since I left school, still no home or family of my own at 38. Capitalisim. Byte sized news for busy techies. If the Tories stay in power my kid will struggle worse than me. And now such basic things like starting a family are too damn expensive for some. Even in the Tory Leadership Race, notice how the candidate promising tax cuts for the big private interests got the more favourable media coverage than the one stressing tax hikes to balance the books. You either work for the employer or you starve, that is the romanticized freedom in classical liberalism. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwisestated. @PhysicsGamer Did you go outside during lockdown? Ted Heath sacked Enoch Powell in 1968 for saying pretty much what Suella Braverman said in parliament in December. . But that can certainly be mitigated by the many other factors you outline and I would agree have been. But people (again, in general) get more wealthy as they get older. interesting, do you still have sources for that, Im glad that we are being heard after years of making noise and being called snowflakes. (Lot of those previous analogies were actually simplifications for your benefit, as most conservatives can't put two and two together that being rich and powerful does not automatically make you deserving of that wealth and power, and if you don't hold them accountable you're just encouraging them to abuse it even further)You can't even imagine a reason to be hopeful. Great news app. We just gonna ignore all the money laundering through Ukraine dont by our Democrat government? @Mateo Rebolledo the conservatives couldnt grow a lettuce never mind the economy, @blankthey lowered the threshold for what it means to be in poverty, Check out the WEF.. world economic forum.. the great reset youll own nothing and be happy. This article "TLDR News" is from Wikipedia. I think the internet has changed our generation as well. Therefore the company is incentivized to raise pay, lest they loose workers.Something that works against you as an employee bargaining for a higher wage is if other potential workers are willing to work for less than you. Kiss your culture goodbye. I was born here and raised here. An employer can't force you to work, no can you force an employer to pay. TLDR: /news subreddit is clearly biased and will ban anyone with an opposing opinion despite presenting articles and facts. To give credit to Labour though, they put a lot of money into health and education, and GDP rose substantially during their tenure. What we need is making smaller towns and cities more attractive for people to live. TLDR News is a British independent news organisation which predominately researches, creates and publishes informative videos for YouTube and other social media sites. big spring high school prom. Ready to buy a house in 2020, and prices spiked. @Bernard Edwards of course kid. COVID knocked off a large chunk of their voters, time will finish their movement and they know it, hence why these conservatives support Putin, they hope his war of aggression and nuclear threats can embolden them to fight to wield similar power, Jan 6 was the American fascist Kristallnacht, but now we see this 4th reich in its fetal stage and the abortion is coming. On the point of personal experience influencing politics: my mom is a boomer and has ticked all the boxes that should turn her conservative with age. Someone on reddit said it best, 'can't get more Conservative if you have nothing to conserve.'. Let's give people who don't know the difference between trade protectionism and liberalism an opportunity to tear up the status quo and ruin our relations with our nearest trading partners - That surely couldn't make things worse.Then comes COVID and the Russo-Ukrainian war. Fundamentalism used to be something comon, but nowadays in Western countries (unlike in the Eastern ones) most follow a more liberalal form of religion (or are simply atheists) which basically means each may have their own interpretation and cherry pick things instead of taking it whole as a code of laws. > Fresh Perspective: is Johnson Politically Un-killable to help you engage with!, I & # x27 ; s why AllSides has rated the media bias MAp such thing as news What political leaning overall a profile has by its measure of the Omaha world Herald this. I'm 29 and only managed to get a house as we lived with her parents for a while. The "left" throughout most of the Western world have become increasingly more left-wing than they were in the 1990s and I'm not 100% sure why, but I think the Great Recession of 2008/09 may have something to do with it.TLDR it would be a mistake to think Starmer isn't left-wing enough. - TLDR News. @hamad so to be financial stable you not only have to work but you have to sacrifice your payment to gamble in investment to hopeful get some extra dollar while company earn record breaking profit every fucking year. Ten years in the workforce as a mechanical engineer and with a family on the way, I'm basically an anarchist. And making every historian in a 5 mile radius cringe.Half remembered news stories that were breaking news in 1976 and immediately refuted in 1977 but yall didn't have the refutation enter your conservative culture popular consciousness because it wasn't as bombastic as the first misleading news story that your paranoid satanic panic family members latched on to.You conservatives decrying the end of history and saying that all ya can do is hold onto what's left of the world culture by your fingernails.B*tch please. Finding jobs in tough competition environment. But sometime in my late 30s I realized the other meaning of the quote:If you're capable of living for 20 years without changing a single idea, then, regardless of how "conservative" or "liberal" your ideas themselves may be, you yourself have the brain of a Conservative. We always get people commenting to ask who funds us and speculating which organizations must be funding us. Empty Shelves & HGV Driver Shortages: Brexit 8 Months On - TLDR News | brexit by Paul Cardei 01/09/2021. Millennial's haven't lived under a Labour government yet. I think it has a little more to do with the capturing of time when you're young you have plenty, when you're old you want things to be the same as when you're young. Quit being part of the problem and start being more creative and goal oriented and comprehensive both about history and the situation of the modern day.Sh;t has to change, and it has to change in ways that aren't just world War 2 again because that's the only part of history yall were taught in school that seemed vaugly relevant and the only comparison yall can think to make.So here's a bright idea. This page was last edited on 9 December 2022, at 07:44. TLDR is a super small company, run by a few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. Fact Check, Factual News, Least Biased, Original, Media Bias Fact Check selects and publishes fact checks from around the world. We pay our dues and we bust our arse - that's how you get on in life - you're handed NOTHING. @ErikratKhandnalie so who pays for it? We aim to give you the information you need, quickly and simply so that you can make your own decision. A common answer I see from younger people and millennials as to why they won't start a family are three things:- affordability- suitable housing- not enough time to settle downHow can people start a family if they can't even find a "nest"? I'm gen-x but I have followed your mother's direction of travel. In this video, we explain the DCEP, the pros and cons and why China want to implement it so badly. As a gen Z person who was born in the year 2000, I never witnessed the economic booms of the 90s. Workplace democracy. Now have a 2 year old and child care is ridiculous. There is a generational shift possibly but there are also a mixture young and older Conservatives just as much as there are in the other parties too, I was raised to see both sides and I made my mind up even as a child I thought the left were a bunch of anarchic thugs and I still think that way. 308 Suppressed Db, A super small company, run few people with the help of amazing See the headlines and stories coming out of the most interesting stories in startups, tech and. I've lived thru both, and my opinion is that both are equally mediocre. Boomers: "Kids, house, money - it's just a matter of time"Millenials: "Kids, house, money - pick just one. I mean hell I already can see a massive problem coming in there with ai coming in to destroy jobs. And I don't just mean wealth when I say accomplished. Get Smarter About Tech in 5 min. Then, assuming their wealth isn't eaten up with some kind of medical expenses, any inheritance is likely going to a generation that's retiring or retired. We need balance between knowledge and change. State-wide help should be available for everyone, no less than the one's who live, work and die for it. TLDR is a completely independent & privately owned media company that's not afraid to tackle the issues we think are most important. Yes it's a truism that "people get more conservative as they get older," but there's even more problems with that idea than the ones you mentioned.538 reported on a few studies a while back that there's a fair amount of evidence to suggest that people's politics in certain areas tend not to change at all as they age, but rather what counts as the median slowly shifts over time.If true, this would mean that a sudden leftward shift in any demographic is anomalous, and actually a much bigger deal. Sacked Enoch Powell in 1968 for saying pretty much what Suella Braverman said parliament... Things, we help startups and corporates build the strategy needed to drive their ecosystem forward - advantage we over. 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