To avoid feeling guilty for cheating on you and betraying you in the way she did, she can focus on all the mistakes that you made in the relationship and blame you the break up. She has a new guy, but her ex is also pursuing her, so she feels twice as valuable. While an ex may be lying about having a new woman because they have hidden motives, it may also just be because they care about how you feel. You feel like a failure. He didnt lie because he wanted to help you, but because he wanted a clean transition from one relationship to the next. They might be hurtful but get some perspective on whats being said. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You need to re-attract her, seduce her into kissing you and having sex with you and then make her want to get back with you. Finding out why your ex lied about seeing someone else could help you discover your exs true nature. Dont need that toxicity in my life. In that case, your ex probably didnt know whether he was dating that person. So, by asking her if shes happy, youre not going to achieve anything positive for yourself and are just going to end up feeling worse about losing her. And this also means that you are no longer entitled to certain aspects of their life. Instead, hell support you when you need him and give you space when youre doing fine. It happened to me just 4 days ago. Debunk untruths with the facts then move on. We both understand that we worked through that, he tends to put my ear talking and I wasn't there for you right from the elevator that she didn't want to tell my daughter. I can unsubscribe at anytime with a click. More on that later How long do rebound relationships last? If this doesnt work, talk to your friends and explain what is going on. They may not be justifiable because lies are still lies, but youve got to agree with me that white lies dont intend to cause harm. Like he was embarrassed to not be promiscuous. Your exs new girl is insecure. Always has been, always will be for as long as the sun rises and sets on us. Webto make the text more understandable i'll call my girlfriend "jay" 2 weeks ago i saw an ex at the gym. Wimpy and easily bossed around by her and other people. Eventually he pulled away from me The thing I hated the most is she would have the audacity to get mad at me for accusing her and assuming that she was with someone all the time when in fact she was. If you unleash your anger on your ex and guilt-trip your ex, know that your negative behavior wont stop your ex from dating another person. I just dont understand what type of girl would do this move on after a 5yr relationship within just a month or less of being broken up, yet still have me around to get intimate, hang out and be there for her. Trying to make a woman feel guilty for not wanting to tell you the truth about her personal life (i.e. You said you shouldn't be thinking about him though. By handling the breakup delicately, a caring ex will prove time after time that the breakup is not all about him and that your health and well-being are his biggest concerns. If you then maintain the power in the relationship, she wont ever want to cheat on you again. I do stress, however, that this is extremely difficult to do and usually only possible when you are given a last, final push. Are you wondering why your ex would lie to you about seeing someone else? But maybe I just dont know him at all anymore maybe freedom turned him into a scumbag . i never told my girlfriend that i saw my ex at the gym. (Side note he was not visiting for sex that day. I have my reasons for lying to him anyway. OR. They will pop up in places they know you frequent. disapproves of such behavior (see partners disapproval). Did he actually do it? He can then sweep her off her feet and they can get back together again. shes soft spoken and polite, while he likes to talk loudly and tends swear a lot and get into fights). So, based on that, you at least owe me the courtesy of being honest with me now. There are better ways to get your lost power back. There is also the off-chance that your ex is testing you. The hardest part was he actually said he wants to get back together, so weve been seeing and talking for a month in hopes that we can somehow rebuild our relationship, and then, four days ago, he posted a girl in his IG story (we unfollowed each other when we broke up, and havent followed each other back again when we decided to start over, so I guess he might have forgotten that although we dont follow each other, his IG story is in public view setting) I saw the girl and he even put some hearts and all. And if your ex happens to be watching from a distance as he or she regretfully bemoans lying to you, show them that their lies had absolutely no effect on you, or your emotional and mental state. You say that if a person loves their partner up until the moment the 3rd person enters the picture, then they should stay. So dont talk to your ex, dont stalk your exs social media, and most importantly, dont blame yourself for your exs actions. Also forgot to mention that he was having problems with E.D. You feel betrayed and disrespected. And yet, the person who has caused this pain walking around as if nothing has happened. Your ex may have found the new person attractive, but that doesnt mean he knew where the new person stood with him. That doesnt mean you should be soppy and pour your heart out to her. It might no be longer your business to know such information, 5. He is also very obsessed with being clean (diseases and germs) and hated going out with the guys to strip clubs because they were gross and demeaning. Why Are My Exs Friends Contacting Me And Being So Nice To Me? An ex is supposed to be someone you are no longer involved with. Sadly at the expense of someone else. Not if he lied. Copyright The Modern Man. Sometimes, you are even tempted to cyber-stalk, and check in on them to see if they are doing great without you. But it doesnt seem right. I dont want a coward or a lair back. It may not be noble of your ex to pursue a new relationship if the breakup just transpired, but thats a part of life you cant control. As a result, you may discover that my ex is lying, but theyre doing it to keep you out of their business so that you dont track their every move. (Where did that number even come from?) When they get separated, its like getting a license that allows them to either have sex with someone else, or even just enjoy the company of another woman. Your post has been removed because this is a sub for seeking advice. Bullies want to know their victim is reacting. However, I would take a third person along as mediator and for safety. Did she? If you have adequately prepared for the future and have set the gears in motion for whatever plans you have made, then you can just set it and forget it. You might be feeling a range of emotions about how your ex girlfriend has been lying to you (e.g. You didn't know that this "stand-up guy" had a girlfriend until you did some serious online sleuthing. WebFirst, partners and spouses generally lie about issues that concern us the most. Share your experience below the article. WebWhy is my ex lying about having a girlfriend . I dont buy it that she was innocent in her mind. Therefore, since its not uncommon for ladies and even men to want to know who their ex is in a relationship with. Let them know how their actions are affecting you. Idk. I will do anything to make things right between us and show you that no other guy can love you the way I do! Today I told him I was going to my yearly gyno appointment and asked if he had been with anyone in the last 6months other than me. And some of them were pretty nasty. Im perfectly aware that fears and insecurities are not a good reason to lie, but sometimes I dont want to answer personal questions. this, he protested. Even more, they don't feel angry, or bitter, display confidence around you, and support you in your current relationship. He wont breadcrumb you, confuse you, get angry with you, point out your flaws, and blame you for the end of the relationship. Some lies are white lies, meaning that they have good intentions. (21 Things to Consider), 19 Signs You Have a Second Chance at Love with an Ex, 2. When people are dating, they dont always agree that theyre dating. But if he didnt help you get over the breakup and instead made things much worse, then its safe to say that your ex didnt have your best interests at heart. He may have only a few friends and tend to keep things almost invincible. React. Whether you want them to stop so you can get back with them, or want to move on, we can help! Here are the signs of a liar I wish I had known before dating one: 1. Advertisement. Before you act on your emotions and get back at your ex for hiding his or her relationship from you, try to understand that your ex is allowed to date other people. He would confide in me about it and even when we were intimate he said I was the only one he could get ___ with and even still had some problems with me. Are they hurt or angry? WebAnother possible reason why your ex girlfriend moved on after two weeks is. He doesnt flaunt it or act like he won or bring it up to piss me off or whatever guys do when they are trying to look bigger than they are. But you are thinking about him. Take a deep breath and a step back. (11 Possible Reasons). Did this happen, because she cheated on me for a month, or did she not love me even before that? WebWhen my ex-boyfriend lied to me about his new girlfriend, he admitted later that it was because he was still slowly pulling away from me AND he was unsure about how he felt about the new girl. Saying goodbye, moving on, and the whole process that comes with calling things off with someone you once shared emotional ties with. | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. Anyone but pathological liars, of course. People take lies very seriously and consider them to be ultimate deal-breakers. I was casually seeing this guy for a few months. While it doesn't mean you both now hate each other, it could mean you no longer have to know full details about each others' lives. If we are over why continue - Answered by a verified Counselor. Web1. He's probably afraid you'll mess up his parade with his new woman. If this is the case and your ex is indeed testing you, the gravity of these lies wont be as bad as you think and they might be small, white lies. He actually doesnt know how to talk to girls and was never the aggressor even with me. He may then pretend to be over her and act as though hes not interested in getting her back. So let your ex get away with lies and keep moving on. People go out to have a few drinks trying to have a good time and the next thing they know they are calling their ex and making a fool out of themselves. The guy basically betrayed her trust by telling me. While it works for some people as a comfort zone in helping them quickly get out there, rebounding sometimes has negative effects since they did not leave room for proper healing from their past relationship.. Remember that these are not true and that your family and friends will know that. The awful part is, they consciously know the kind of person they are. My Ex Lied To Me About Seeing Someone Else. 1. Many people have a civil, non-romantic relationship with their exes as they never stopped communicating. Perhaps they see you getting on with your life. It just doesnt add up. He was ashamed and embarrassed to even be open about that. Anger is part of the journey to acceptance and moving on, so if they're still holding anger, resentment, or bitterness, they haven't totally healed. after a few months we talked about how we both like each other more then friends but he said he was not ready for a relationship because we still did not know a lot abt each other. My Ex Jumped Into Another Relationship: Why. Most of the time, dating is self-explanatory, so they just naturally get closer over time and much later, agree to be exclusive. He didnt talk to me at all and then after three days he just said that shes just a friend. When she can see that her feelings for her new boyfriend pale in comparison to what she feels for you now, she will want to dump him and come back to you. we had a short conversation but for the most part left each other alone. I get that talking to your ex about his dating life could somehow help you process his deceitful behavior and help you deal with overwhelming anxiety. WebWhy lie about having a girlfriend? how has school been? The break up becomes her fault and she doesnt want that to happen because at the moment, she has been able to break up with you and walk away as though she did nothing wrong. Are the rumors damaging enough to ruin your reputation and cause you serious harm? When I asked him that day, He said he did (proudly) and really quick. Apparently she didnt. Your ex isnt being honest with you or herself. Well my ex and I kept evaluating our relationship every once in a while and she kept saying she was happier in our last year than the previous ones. They feel the need for a fresh relationship and being wanted. I didnt say I was over you! It literally broke my heart. You may discover that, my ex is lying to our family and that they are ok with lying in order to protect themselves and make sure they are not perceived as the bad guy. Let your ex know that unless they stop youll be forced to call appropriate authorities. Its not a guarantee, but its your best bet. Focus on yourself and try to be understanding of your ex. 00:47. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Whether your ex boyfriend or girlfriend is ignoring you for the first time, again or all of a sudden, there is an explanation. Your ex lied out of self-protection because he thought youd get angry or sadand feared youd do something impulsive. Advice Column: How To Move On From A Lying Ex. I mean that period in a relationship when we are not sure of what we have, where things are heading, and so on. So, telling you he has someone else might destroy his chances of getting back with you. As such, your ex can exert further control by spreading rumors. When we got back together she immediataly told me she kissed another guy, but did not like him in the end. And even still 3 years later when I bring it up or ask (because we still occasionally have sex still and I want to be safe) he will immediately answer that he has NOT been with anyone since we have been intimate again (last 6 months) but he still wont give me an clear answer about the ones he claims he DID sleep with. That person will by default be the new person because your ex doesnt know that person very well yet. Web today we are going to tackle the question of why your ex girlfriend might be You may even have tried to patch things up and may still be hoping things work out between you both. Imagine it this way, if you've been on only a first date with a guy, can you say for sure, you are dating? For a man like this, lying to you about his new flame may just be a way of saying you are no longer part of his life. He has already helped countless men from all over the world to get their ex woman back and he can help you too. Heres where other guys mess up when in a situation like yours. I know its hard, but you have to look after yourself now. 2. Best to move on and improve me. WebFor example, if you threaten to end a relationship because your boyfriend or girlfriend talks to an ex (very costly punishmentthere is a lot to lose), then the odds greatly increase that your boyfriend or girlfriend is going to lie to you about this issue (see when people lie). You have to calm down first though. I can never understand why he did this to me. In real life, when a guy asks his ex if she loves her new boyfriend more than him, she will usually feel turned off by what she perceives as his emotional neediness and insecurity. She knew what she was doing, but she liked it and didnt want to do the right thing. Even if nothing is going on between you both, a manipulative and selfish ex may just choose to lie because he wants to give you the impression that he's still in love with you. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. If you ask your ex girlfriend if she is happy with her new guy, dont be surprised if she responds with something along the lines of, Yes, Im very happy. Your ex was probably happier in the last year than in the years before. we had a short conversation but for the most part left each other alone. Hanging Out With An Ex While In A Relationship. This happens more often than people realize and if you want your ex back, youre actually in luck. I keep wondering if she only fell out of love with me, because we couldnt meet while that bastard met her. Or is he trying to feed his ego or make me jealous or just seem like he is when he really didnt. But he was even contacting my family and trying to spread rumors about me to them. You might catch them staring at you when you are out. Its as if my mind wants the most vulnerable parts of my life to remain a secret. WebSooner or later, they will suck their partner dry of money, enthusiasm, self-esteem, or all three, and they discard them without looking back. Legal or medical advice is not permitted, and neither is advice on ways to get your partner to do something sexual that they're not interested in. Get Your Ex Back Super System: The best, easiest, fastest and most effective way to get your ex back. Let the ex go and move on with your life. Instead, the main reason why women cheat on their men is this: Emotional unfulfillment. He felt he had to do the honorable thing and marry her. WebSkip to content Home; About Us; Specials; Contact Us; Blog; Schedule Appointment; why is my ex lying about having a girlfriend He responded immediately with a No I have not but when I asked about the other two his reply was dont worry Im ok. Why go to the trouble to be dishonest and risk getting caught lying? In the previous chapter, we mentioned that your ex lied to you for you, for himself/herself, or for both. Her emotional needs are not being met. She will then have to deal with him falling apart in front of her, or on a phone call. Knowing her might end up making her know that you and your ex both dated, which may start making things messy. Ive just binge read this and should I leave my gf for another girl. However, as tempted as you may feel to say something along the lines of, Why are you lying to me? 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