"A week or two before Recruitment begins, have your daughter organize her outfits in individual garment bags. Will you do a segment on spring rush outfits? Wear your nicest heels, and, a nice necklace if you have them, a strand of pearls adds a polished touch. Wardrobe stylist Tracy James of ChicMadeSimple has served the style needs of clients for over 18 years. Each university does the rush process differently if your university has something other than the four-day schedule, the general rule of thumb is still that as the days go on, your outfits generally get fancier. Auburns anti-hazing policy can be found in the Tiger Cub Student Handbook. Please research updated legacy information by contacting the sorority headquarters. The best sorority is the one you feel fits best with what you are looking for. A sun dress, slim pants and a flowy top, gladiators or flats, and a stack of bangles will do the trick. I love wardrobe styling with clientele of all ages (my oldest is 96 and lives in a retirement community), but helping younger individuals is especially rewarding. Hair accessories are a great way to add personality to a basic t-shirt outfit. This round is more casual and you really get to see more of the personality of the sorority and what they are passionate about. Most universities will give PNMs (you) a t-shirt to wear. Sorority recruitment is one of the most confusing events ever, especially when it comes to what to wear. A sundress, jeans, and a cute top, or something along those lines will do the trick! For that exact reason, heres a guide of outfit ideas for each day of sorority rush. PRIVACY POLICY TERMS OF SERVICE, Copyright 2007-2023 College Fashion LLC |, 17 Sorority Rush Essentials Every Girl Needs for Recruitment, what to wear for virtual sorority recruitment, Tips For Dressing for Sorority Recruitment. This is where you will get to meet every single house for a short amount of time. Fancy/cocktail dresses and heels are appropriate. When picking a dress for your ultimate rush outfit, imagine dressing like you are a guest at a wedding, as the sorority sisters on the other side will probably be wearing floor-length gowns. As your schedule of parties shrinks from round to round, so does the number of people each chapter is allowed to invite back each round. This is sometimes called the sundress round and most PNMs wear a sundress and sandals. With timed rounds, invitation lists, and limits to the number of sororities a potential member might meet each round- its very structured, but its a great way to get a fresh look at all of our sororities before school begins. If you are involved in two groups, it only makes sense that you have much more time committed than those students only participating in one group, but if you commit yourself to managing your time well, active participation in both can be accomplished. (Ex: not too short of a skirt/shorts, no cleavage, no midriff showing, etc) if you have to question if something is too revealing then prob don't wear it Comment Report #3 by: Alum May 21, 2021 8:40:52 AM Check out Pinterest. Not quite a cocktail dress, not quite what youd wear to church on Sunday, but somewhere in between. A sundress is a great idea with a pair of wedges and a statement necklace. But, with all that Panhellenic does to help make recruitment easier on potential members, recruitment tends to be especially hard on those women trying to balance two large commitments during that week. Gushing about a frat guy that youre seeing when it turns out the girl who is rushing you used to date him will certainly hurt your chances at being invited back to her house, and bragging about all the shots you downed the night before doesnt exactly showcase your poise and class to a group of women. While during every other round the girls dance, cheer, and generally try to emphasize the fun aspects of their sororities. So avoid no-no topics, come prepared and, most importantly, be yourself. This will be another day of touring the houses, except this time you will learn about each sororitys philanthropy. Is there anything I should know? Through your conversations, you can convince girls that you would fit in at their house. Dress or skirt with a blouse or top if you are not given a t-shirt. Tip:Stay away from jeans or shorts. Julie is a Parisian living in Boston. In the preference round, you should dress formally. You can wear jeans or pants and a t-shirt or tank. Often, women find the stress of the week to be too much and decide to drop out of one thing or the other. *Do your best to be in town by August 5 to meet with your recruitment counselor and pick up your Philanthropy Round shirts. Stay away from flashy accessories, glitter, false eyelashes, or anything too distracting. Consider wearing long hair in a polished pony to get it off the neck. Although a tee may not be the height of style, it can still pair nicely with solid shorts, flattering jeans and wedges, or with a high-waisted skirt and flats. While there is a dress code to abide by during sorority recruitment, dont try to fit into a mold if it doesnt feel like yourself. What to Wear: Shorts or pants and a shirt. Sisterhood is obviously an important part of any sorority, but each one has different values so make sure youre paying attention to them, and if theyre something you can get behind. I paired the dress with some lace-up gold sandals. Wear shoes that you are comfortable walking in, but not sneakers. Registrants should be prepared to dedicate their week to Panhellenic Recruitment. Best Sororities at Auburn. This will be more breathable and lightweight on your body. By this round, you have probably cut some houses, and some houses have cut you, so you go to fewer houses throughout the day and each round is longer, about 40 minutes. 3. Embrace the opportunity to wear flats today! Grant, a former Auburn University sorority girl, founded Rushbiddies in 2009 after helping see her own daughter through a successful recruitment week at Auburn. Take this time to really get to know the girls and look at how they interact with each other, could you see yourself being a part of this group? As for religion and politics, these are way too controversial topics for recruitment leave those conversations for when these strangers become your sisters. ROUND 2: The Philanthropy Round of Recruitment is much more casual than all of the others as you will be wearing your Panhellenic Recruitment t-shirt provided for you. Auburn University Panhellenic recruitment is open to all enrolled Auburn University women regardless of race, religion, color, age, national origin, disability, or veteran status. Beyond confused about what to wear for each day of recruitment? Go for pastels, neutrals, or deep dark hues. If legacy status and perceived socio-economic . In 2014 and 2015, 93 percent of the women who participated in recruitment week at Auburn joined a sorority. Choose your colors, have fun with your design and go digital today! Most likely you will continue to chat with sisters but also watch a short video they create about their sisterhood and members or perform a skit. Dont try to be someone youre not (this includes dressing in a way thats totally not your style). But do NOT wear something that will make you stand out so much in a bad way. AuBURN. I would steer clear of Converse sneakers or flip flops at this stage in recruitment. Get notified about exclusive offers every week! Clemson Panhellenic consists of 13 National Panhellenic Conference chapters consisting of over 3,000+ women! Morning rounds begin at 8:00 am, whether a half day or full day. A dress with statement heels will be perfect for today. (It seems superficial, but how else do you describe a person to your friends if they dont remember who you are talking about? Joining a sorority, therefore, should be an individual decision, one which you make for yourself, not for your mother or your sister or best friend. You want to look and feel your best, and that starts with being polished and looking like you have your life together. Dress Code: Casual The dress attire for bid day is casual. You might be able to get away with Converse style sneakers and nice flip flops for this round, but I wouldnt always risk it. There are five topics that are absolutely off-limits for rush: boys, booze, Bible, ballot, and bids. Perhaps one of the most important steps in the path to adulthood is the transition from high school to college, when teens leave the nest in their first attempt at spreading their wings of independence. Finally, the last day of rounds! Try for belts that are a solid brown, black, or even a soft gold. The chances of a potential new member getting a bid from a sorority at Auburn University are high. An example would be something you may wear to a graduation ceremony or a daytime wedding. Every round gets a little dressier. A lot of girls will be wearing wedges, but flats are still totally fine. Pro Tip: It is primarily on these days that my Emergency Kit item suggestions below are going to come in handy. Our faculty experts continue to tackle issues and provide solutions to real world problems, our classrooms are open once again for world-class instruction, and our students are returning to campus for a student experience unlike any other. If you think you can make it through an entire day of sorority rush in heels, well then props to you. For more information, click here to view the 2018 Recruitment Booklet. Youll want to wear sandals as you may be participating in a backyard barbeque/pool party, ice-skating event, or another activity that involves you being out and about and meeting your new sorority and pledge class. School. If you have an older sister or friend in a sorority, dont hesitate to ask them for help understanding what is expected of you at each event. Customize and personalize your packet online with no fancy software required. During recruitment, each sorority sets a cutoff and tries to invite only women whose grades are above that cutoff. Recruitment is a process that starts from informal (but always nice) to more dressy attire as the days progress. For Round 3, dress like you would for a dinner date. You may have never experienced the same kind of excitement, relief, and happiness that you will when you open your bid day invitation from your sorority of choice! Wear a blue or pink dress or any color you want because it is not required to be black! Day 1 might be. We urge you to think very carefully before turning down a bid. Most sororities will have a theme for their bid day celebration so make sure youre wearing something comfortable and adaptable. It makes you look desperate, catty, and underhanded. Ask yourself a few questions as you participate in recruitment: Are the members people you can truly see as your sisters? Youll definitely appreciate the sorority houses that offer you seats! If you allow someone elses perception to influence you, you will not be satisfied with your choices in recruitment. Bring up something interesting you did over the summer, or a club youre involved in on campus; its an easy way to distinguish yourself and get noticed. Keep in mind, every school does recruitment a little differently, so this may not exactly reflect your own experience. For this round my freshman year, I did fun things with my hair for each day. How do I handle this information? Sororities today are far more than just social organizations; they facilitate growth and development of their members and contribute much to the community. The dress code for this round is semiformal, but again, most girls dress a little nicer. 15 Of The Best Frat Party Outfit Ideas You Need To Try, 10 Unique First Date Ideas That Dont Include Eating Out, 10 Things To Do To Prepare For Your First Date, 5 Things You Can Do to Prepare for Rush Week, The Most Adorable Sorority Paddles You Should Make For Your Big, 10 Things to Know if Youre Rushing a Sorority from a Sorority Girl, 10 Things Youll Only Understand If Youre In A Sorority, Great Ways to Find Your Place in College (That Dont Involve Rushing). This is when you learn all about the sororities individual philanthropies that they participate in. Also, show the girls why youd be an asset to their house by speaking intelligently and displaying your depth they wont want to give a bid to anyone who doesnt seem like they would add a lot to the chapter. She has a particular passion for working with kids, tweens and teens, including preparing girls for college sorority recruitment. Perhaps the trickiest of the weeks ensembles, Pref is dressier than church but not quite cocktail. For shoes, I added these clear and nude sandals that have a little platform for some extra height and comfortability. CBSN's Anne-Marie Gre. But in a good way. Pref round isall about the traditions, principles and values of each chapter. Pack these items in a Recruitment Emergency Kit bag like this Street Level canvas tote from Annabelles: On these two days, Panhellenic provides T-shirts to all participants to wear with shorts (read: not cutoffs). That means, (you guessed it) the dress codes for sorority recruitment are different for every school as well. Sorority rush is a time when first impressions really count. NOW AVAILABLE: OUR SORORITY RECRUITMENT EBOOK! Wir freuen uns, Ihnen das brandneue Lego 41027 einfhren zu drfen! If there is a skit, you will talk to two or three girls before watching some of the most talented members of each chapter put on a hilarious performance, often involving pop culture references and songs. She has interned for Cornell Alumni Magazine, Harper's Bazaar, and Parents through ASME's internship program. P.O. It's that time of yearlet's talk sorority recruitment fashion and what to wear during sorority recruitment! If you feel more comfortable wearing heels, go with wedges or a low heel. Never cared much for preppy? If your school is in a hot climate like mine, try to find dresses that are flowy and wont stick to your skin. For Alabama, we were provided with two t-shirts to wear for each day. Members of the Auburn University Marching Band, an athletic team, or other university-sponsored activity will be in their own special recruitment group with an experienced Pi Chi to help you through the week as a group, which will also help acquaint you with the others in your activity who are participating in recruitment. Follow the same guidelines you followed on the first day of rush, I would recommend wearing cute jeans or shorts so that no matter what shirt youre given, youre still looking cute! Your Pi Chi will be of great help in sorting out what works best for you. Only those letters from Auburns Office of Accessibility will be forwarded by Auburn Panhellenic. I am a legacy to a sorority. Girls often opt for a heel or wedge in this round. For this outfit set, I chose these high-waisted hot pink shorts that are super flattering and bright. Pro Tip: Always make sure you have the proper undergarments for each outfit, whether a racerback bra or nude seamless panty. The second day of sorority recruitment is all about philanthropy. A monochromatic dress with statement heels or a dress with an understated pattern will work well. The Office of Career Success at Auburn University offers a wide range of recruiting opportunities including job and internship posting, career fairs, on-campus interviews, information sessions, and tabling events. Preference Round is the last day of sorority recruitment and the day before Bid Day. Wear a pretty dress, something that you would wear out to a nice dinner or a bridal shower. The color white is associated with purity, innocence, and new beginnings. We love this article by Society 19it includes lots of additional outfit inspiration! PS: If you love wearing heels, dont be afraid to rock them during recruitment! Regardless of these rules, your general rule of thumb should be to look as put-together as possible. This cute tennis skirt is trendy right now and goes so well with a casual look. So keep interview dress code in mind. To spare you stress and confusion, I am going to break down whats hot and whats not for each day of sorority recruitment, with an outfit idea for each! A sorority girl will grab your arm and lead you to a chair. Auburn University Panhellenic recruitment is open to all enrolled Auburn University women regardless of race, religion, color, age, national origin, disability, or veteran status. First appearances matter, so I would recommend staying away from plunging necklines and super short bottoms or dresses. You also dont have to wear a dress! I selected hot pink beaded statement earrings to add some color to this look. Youll be doing a lot of walking, and you dont want to be in pain by the end of the day. Avoid ultra-formal wear (full-length dresses or anything with too many sequins, feathers, sparkles, etc which could be distracting). Youll talk for about five minutes, and then another girl will come over, so you can talk to her instead. A sun dress, slim pants and a flowy top, gladiators or flats, and a stack of bangles will do the trick. It is a great way to meet all eighteen of our member groups. Here are some tips to help youbreeze through this superficial entry point for sororities so that you can join the right organization for you. The rule of thumb when it comes to dressing for recruitment is to always overdress a little. VERY IMPORTANT. Auburn University Panhellenic sororities welcome members who are part of the Marching Band, an athletic team, or other university-sponsored activity. All of our Panhellenic sororities are outstanding and are committed to providing opportunities for their members to help them develop their greatest potential as students and as women. If you can manage it, try to have a more interesting conversation the girls will remember you and keep you around if your conversation was more interesting than everyone elses. Stick to interesting looks and brighter colors and patterns that will help you stand out in a crowd. 6. With so many wonderful women making up our Clemson Panhellenic, each chapter is unique and special in their own way. Choosing clothes that are too revealing or flashy could distract from the things youre saying and make it difficult for the sorority members to get to know the real you. New members are given letters when they arrive at the sorority. The dress code set out by our sorority's Recruitment Chair for this day is a white dress with nude heels. 13 National Panhellenic Conference chapters consisting of over 3,000+ women interesting looks and brighter and... For college sorority recruitment, jeans, and Parents through ASME 's internship program guessed it ) the dress for... Rounds begin at 8:00 am, auburn sorority recruitment dress code a racerback bra or nude seamless panty dress formally that have little. 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