cern dimensional beingscern dimensional beings
Another way of revealing extra dimensions would be through the production of microscopic black holes. So I found a recent publication online of eerie-looking photos taken above CERN and theres some pretty odd, weird and terrifying even scary and apocalyptic scenes unfolding, right in the weather patterns crossing the skies. The psychedelic frequently causes you to leave your body and go to an extra-dimensional realm where you are "an essence of a soul." The experience is almost the same as accounts of near-death experiences. Researchers at CERN have been considerate of multi-verse theories and apprised of references to their facility in science fiction. just pointless to do so. CERN: Ghosts, Demons, 4th Dimensional Beings. Smashing particles at the speed of light (or near) is in my theory attacking God himself and as we know, without light there would be no life, Earth or the Moon possibly? Dont pray for you but for the others Its a sin to pray for himself, That be blessed, sanctified, consecrated, glorified with dignity the Master of the Universe and the time it is issued, preserved from evil, in all its forms as well as the ignorance of one of each other and their bad feelings, and that either purified, glorified his great divine names as well as all his faithful as well as all good creatures of creation, spirits, elements and entities, That be blessed, sanctified, consecrated, fortified, preserved their hearts, their bodies, their souls and their spirits as well as their divine possessions, and their divine objects by the grace of the Holy Spirit which is five times holy, and that it is made of the good and correct way and in the time allotted the will of the Master of the Universe and Time and this, whatever the Heavens, Places, Houses, Gardens, County, Countries, Worlds, Planets, Systems, Universe, Space, Time and Dimensions, and that good Christian guides, all the good divine protections of the Master of the Masters and Kings of the Kings as well as all good divine qualities, they are granted to the Masculine and the Feminine and the two sexes gathered in one to make the good and correct way, who is and this in divine joy and peaceful harmony, in respect of the divine commandments and divine laws for the eternity of centuries and in the consumption of centuries Amen, This prayer may help if you feel troubled by evil it works fine for me so it should do 2023 - They have agreed to help guide you from the other side for this life. Scientist Confirm: Aliens Created Our Species. Picture remain unexamined, and going to waste. NASA's Photos From Mars: Don't Tell Me the Red Planet Wasn't Once a Thriving World! This research being done and type of laboratory are NOT NEW. Italian Parachutist Comes In Contact With Huge Bright UFO Orb Incredible Footage! Some theorists suggest that a particle called the graviton is associated with gravity in the same way as the photon is associated with the electromagnetic force. These cookies do not store any personal information. These heavier versions of particles called Kaluza-Klein states would have exactly the same properties as standard particles (and so be visible to our detectors) but with a greater mass. One of the angels says HEY, let me tell you ALL the juicy GOSSIP about what all this means. For instance, legendary physicist Stephen Hawking has warned that the machine could create a black hole that ends all life as we know it, and even CERNs own Director for Research and Scientific Computing, physicist Sergio Bertolucci, has claimed that it is quite possible that a doorway between dimensions could possibly open, and has said that Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it. Whether the LHC can actually open rifts or doorways between parallel dimensions or not, some think that it could at the very least provide evidence that they exist. However, that may be just enough time . Harvard University theorist Lisa Randall has explained of this: There could be more to the universe than the three dimensions we are familiar with. Technically all living beings are made of (more or less compressed) energy and based on certain factors, therefore potentially have the ability to exist in or move between other dimensions. For instance, in December of 2015 footage was taken by some tourists of what seems to be an orb of some sort entering what appears to be some kind of portal or vortex, which vanishes as soon as the unidentified object enters it. To be fair itis very surprising that the FBI have shown such a vast amount of interest in the wholestudy of the UFO phenomena?! I dont know. Hi, I am Medeea Greere. CERN is attacking this planet by trying to bring in to reality the existence of Demons and possibly even the Devil (Satan) himself? Established in 1954 and based in Switzerland, CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research. They would decay into Standard Model or supersymmetric particles, creating events containing an exceptional number of tracks in our detectors, which we would easily spot. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Last October . The L.H.C. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane, 3. Power comes from energy. Every person is aware of the three dimensions of our universe length, width, and depth. Nobody knows where fundamental research will lead. Yes, a large percentage of the L.H.C. They are hidden from us in some way, perhaps because they're tiny or warped. Most scientists, in lacking an understanding of the supernatural entities that are going to confront them, are way beyond their ability to comprehend, let alone control, the forces of Pandoras box that will be released. This particular FBI special agent, who was a lieutenant colonel whose identity has remained anonymous because of national security had gathered numerous amounts ofdata on the UFO phenomena after interviewing and studying the phenomena for manyyears. The LHC facility on the Franco/Swiss border is changing weather patterns and even possibly attracting meteors with the huge magnetic force it puts out? What has happened at CERN the past few Years? It is fine for the American M.I.C. it is not a sin to do so. Strange Clouds Hover Above the LHC, was made by Freedom Fighter Times, a religious conspiracy theory channel on YouTube, and raises major concerns about what the LCH is being used for. All Hell has broken loose and demonic entities are escaping. The LHC is the largest machine in the world. I have been searching for truth in this world, all my life. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 2, 2023 Medeea Greere, an independent publisher,. 's Z-Stack Protocol and the NEW Z-DTOX, use code RVM for discount:, Get Stickers To Trigger A Lib: FJB, Ultra Maga, RVM and many more designs available. Pryme Minister weighs in on the news of the day. Is there a multiverse? to Muhammad but he has been fooled by a devil or a demon or maybe both and by his fellow Ali Are there other, possibly infinite parallel universes existing side by side and can the veil between them be broken through? The complex instruments developed for particle physics, at CERN and other similar facilities, have spawned numerous other . Managing energy responsibly: CERN is awarded ATLAS delivers most precise luminosity measur Civil-engineering work for the major upgrade E.G. CERN is ready to restart its Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on July 5th to mark the ten-year anniversary of the Higgs-boson particle's discovery. It has 22 member states/countries and has made hundreds of unique scientific discoveries, including the "God Particle," otherwise known as Higgs Boson. Researchers in New Zealand have captured three-dimensional color X-rays of the human body, using an innovative tool that may eventually help diagnose cancers and blood diseases without invasive . Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It was widely believed that the particle accelerator would mean the end of the world by creating a miniature black hole or unravelling reality somehow, despite assurances from scientists that there was nothing to worry about, and even when the first particle collisions were achieved in 2010 without the world ending CERN and its particle accelerator would go on to generate all manner of conspiracy theories on secret research and interdimensional portals, somehow punching through the curtain that seperates realities and even letting things from the other side bleed through. Jesus said only when you are alone in your closet with the door shut behind you should you pray It is an intimate conversation between YOU AND GOD, nobody else. The Swiss I know, are not fools with their money, and expect a return on this investment,. The European Council for Nuclear Research. This substance takes you to the dimension I believe objectively exist, supported by the notion that all organic life may contain DMT. >>>>The knowledge of course will be shared. Extra dimensions, gravitons, and tiny black holes. It definitely appears that way! president Putin as almost the same kind of installation and he use it for commemoration only one day by year because once you use it many bad thing can happend if you stop using it suddenly (that why the CIA is chemtrailing us the airplane they use have no gps transponder so you cant follow them on related website. Type above and press Enter to search. It was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) between 1998 and 2008 in collaboration with over 10,000 scientists and hundreds of universities and laboratories, as well as more than 100 countries. The European Organization for Nuclear Research, commonly known as CERN, is a research organization made up of 23 member states that was established in 1954 at Geneva, on the FrancoSwiss border for the purpose of pursuing research into atomic nuclei and high-energy physics, mainly the interactions between subatomic particles and their effects. This prayer may help if you feel troubled by evil it works fine for me so it should do The Sphere-Builders, who lived within the trans-dimensional disturbance in the Delphic Expanse, were an example of a trans-dimensional species. An elementary particle at ordinary energies exerts negligible gravitational force. It was built between 1998 and 2008 and allows physicists to test various theories. I have a feeling that our friends at CERN are in fact letting something pass through, whether it's just information and hidden knowledge at this point, or . THE CERN PROJECT STARTED OVER 30 YEARS AGO AND IS NOW THE LARGEST MAN MADE MACHINE IN THE WORLD. It DOES use symbolism in Chapter 13 (that you are referring to) for the 1st bigger Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns out of the sea. Mankind and its interstellar relatives reached a pivotal crossroads. For example, a hypercube is a higher dimensional artifact with each one of its sides being a three-dimensional cube. If you know where The Lords Prayer is located. The CERN theoreticians say this could give clear signs of dimensions beyond length, breadth, depth and time because at such high energy particles could be tracked disappearing -- presumably. It is directly over CERN, and the cloud formation is very interesting. Biology, nature, and cryptozoology still remain Brent Swancers first intellectual loves. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost! Others believe the LHC may in fact . There have been no checkpoints in Virginia. The internet has now taken over everything about life. Up-down, left-right, forward-back: these are the three dimensions in which we eat and breathe, make friends and grow old. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. "What if CERN really did open a portal to hell or . He said: How much energy did CERN pull into itself? In the 1930's Germany was advanced with atomic energy and rockets but was also involved with higher consciousness beings .T. liken to Babylon with Mystery written on her forehead and the golden cup that rules MANY MULTITUDES, PEOPLES, NATIONS, TONGUES and all ride the power of the beast (and by the way, the BEAST which IS SATAN HIMSELF!!!! Some believe it's CERN's mission to not only open portals, but to open a gateway for the Annunaki to return to Earth. If you want me to make more videos like this, then feel totally free to help me out. They are bad for old ways, old paradigms, and those who stand to lose control. Are the Rockefellers who finance CERN Muslim? A video claims two images showing cloud and light over the LHC at Geneva on the French/Swiss border were taken on June 24 the same day CERN scientists began a new Awake experiment to change the way it smashes particles together. Permission to use this article in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its source at American Media Group. CERN is attacking this planet by trying to bring in to reality the existence of Demons and possibly even the Devil (Satan) himself? This notion has unleashed all manner of debate and conspiracy theories on whether such portals have been opened, and one place where this has been claimed to have been done is of course a secret scientific facility located in a remote area of Switzerland. The energy that is being produced, you can actually see that minus the lightening strikes.. All rights reserved. I guess it could even be possible that there are a lot ofscience fictionmovies thatare actually based on real events, oras some may even call themleaks to the general public,given by the government in order to deliberately raise awareness among the population? Report: Toxin Released By Controlled Burn In Ohio Train Derailment Was Mustard Gas! There is a whore who sits atop the beast with a golden cup in her hand. Then . This is only now possible due to the new Black Liquid Goo technology contained in your set which is scientifically the blackest possible black of all substances in all of existence. The Creator Of your revolutionary new Hell-e-vision Set has also placed into each set an emergency back door which in the event that mankind ever suffers a world ending catastrophe then each Hell-e-vision set is programmed to release Golden Liquid Goo which is the substance out of which The Golden Spiritual Paradise Kingdom home realm of The Creator is made to which ALL MANKIND can safely return to live in abiding love happiness and contentment forever! CERN is opening portals into other dimensions, possibly even hell. magnificent isues altoethr, yo simply received a emblem new reader. On the surface, it looks horrifying: A human sacrifice taking place on the grounds of one of the world's most famous science labs. New science and technology are GOOD things they are never not bad. This is blatantly wrong, as energy, too is mass, is a scalar value. Most of you who have heard of CERN will have heard of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) the largest scientific instrument which exceeds 20 miles in diameter and travels under the sovereign territory of two countries (Switzerland, France). The project has been a work in progress for three years. The name means "horned one," and his stern image appears in various forms, usually wearing "stag's horns" upon his head, and he is oftentimes accompanied by a ram-headed serpent. The project is firmly in opposition in spirit to that of D.S. Particles could carry momentum into the extra dimension, and that could actually be observable. One possibility is that we dont feel the full effect of gravity because part of it spreads to extra dimensions. CERN is opening portals into other dimensions, possibly even hell. The goal of any collider is to accelerate particles at incredible speeds, smashing them together and detecting the results of those collisions. And gravity is extremely weak. According to CERN's web site for the AWAKE experiment, it is the first accelerator of its kind to test plasma wakefield acceleration: Advertisement: A plasma wakefield is a type of wave generated. Ten years! One author, researcher, and very vocal conspiracy theorist on the idea of the LHC creating doorways to strange realms is Stephen Quayle, who has claimed that everything from actual demons, to angels, to reptilian beasts and other things we cannot possibly fathom could be let in if such a gate were opened. These particle physicists are from Rockefeller University and are some of the top scientists in the world in their respective fields. Everything you are about to see is real. He asked viewers if they were concerned about CERN, and advised they should be. A New Collection Of Mind Blowing New Messages From Our Real 19th Vice President John F Kennedy Jr. Enjoy the Show! A small fridge magnet is enough to create an electromagnetic force greater than the gravitational pull exerted by planet Earth. ( ENT: " Azati Prime ", " Damage ", " Zero Hour ") As prisons go, it could be worse. CERN is preparing for a major announcement, that they have discovered something inside the collisions happening at the large hadron collider (LHC). It is Interesting to note that a lot of the anomalous events that have purportedly occurred at CERN seem to coincide with blackouts, such as an alleged ripple that was sent out from the facility in 2009 that purportedly disrupted the Earths magnetic field and distorted space and time, also right at the time of a blackout at the facility. Financially, and/or just keep this channel in your prayers it is well needed! Their mission is peaceful. One would hope that such an advanced scientific facility deep underground would be able to keep out all of the weasels, birds and bread thatve seemingly been jamming their equipment. And What are they up to, this will not be your typical video.Speakers: Chuck Missler and Charles LawsonHuman Sacrifice at Cern: Original Sermon:\u0026t=158s____________________________________________SHOP New Christian Clothes HERE am moving over to a Newly Created Channel Called @Moving MountainsFeel free to translate the video if you feel the need.Editing videos like this takes a lot of time, and there are some setbacks to spread the truth. Try "CERN is summoning the devil" on for size. IT LIES OVER 300 FEET BELOW THE SURFACE OF THE LAND WITH A DIAMETER OF OVER 20 KILOMETERS IN WIDTH. Giant translucent figures are visiting Planet Earth according to the FBI. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The bodies of the visitors, and the craft, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter, 7. ), >Edison: He was surely into witchcraft-and not to mention upset a lot Brice Watson continues our deep dive into . "On Tuesday evening, 8 December, CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), located in Switzerland, "smashed together subatomic particles at the highest energies ever reached by a human-made accelerator" which were then 'quantumly' transferred to the massive Partial Reflection Medium-Frequency (MF) Atmospheric Radar Facility located in Ramfjordmoen, Another Dead NASA Scientist, SEVENTY FOUR Scientists dead in 2 years! A video concurrently published to YouTube and the Facebook page . They are not excarnate Earth people, but come from their own world, 5. Ants living on a much smaller scale could move around the cable, in what would appear like an extra dimension to the tightrope-walker. Bombshell: FDA Has Never Approved A Drug Or Vaccine! No thanks, I don't want breaking news emailed to me, By subscribing, you agree to receive emails from Red Voice Media, occasional offers from our partners and that you've read and agree to our, CERN Scientists Admit Communicating With 'Entities' From Another Dimension - Anthony Patch [VIDEO],, A Globalist Takeover Of Hate And Lies | Reality Rants With Jason Bermas, Wuhan Leak Wouldnt Be An Issue If We Didnt Fund It Scientists Changed Tune For Additional Funds, KJP Whines About GOP Attacking The Joe Biden Crime Family, Claims Them As Political Stunts, The Devil Is At Americas Doorstep, Public Just Doesnt Realize How Much Mark Lamb & Chad Caton, Sean Penn Promotes WW3 & Killer Tacos While Creepy Joe Gets Weird With His Nurse- Jason Bermas [VIDEO], Joe Biden Laughs While Talking About Two Kids Dying From Fentanyl, Tucker Roasts Kamalas Husband Lack Of Toxic Masculinity [VIDEO], Tucker Credits The Qanon Army For Lori Lightfoots Election Loss [VIDEO], Senate Just Passed A Bill To Declassify All Federal Government Info On COVID Origins [VIDEO], Joe Biden Is Stealing From The Poor To Give To The Rich [VIDEO], Hunter Bidens Defense Attorney Just Quit [VIDEO]. One of the Strangest Mysteries in the History of NASA: Conspiracy or Complete Garbage? A leaked video depicts a human sacrifice conducted by researchers at the CERN nuclear research facility. "Anyways, @CERN is opening a multi-dimensional portal on July, 5 and will be using dark matter! The beast out of the SEA aka SPIRIT REALM in Revelation is Baal the demonic spirit king who was wound in the head the night Babylon fell whenever King Cyrus rode into Babylon. The Swiss are giving then a break. Where can I learn more about the evil entities in electronics?, all current are sects like the Jesuits, the Templar order, opus d, Scientology, KKK, Ahnanerbe, Ordo Templi Orientis, Wicca, are all attached to the Freemasons which get his planning from the bna brith. In fact, across the solar system, other alien races were experiencing similiar shifts. Ian Sample Science editor. If CMS were to find a Z-like particle (the Z boson being one of the carriers of the electroweak force) at 2 TeV for instance, this might suggest the presence of extra dimensions. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and highest-energy particle collider. Back in 2011 after there were some important documents whichhad beendeclassified a report written by a special agent of the FBI in 1947 reached the public. Only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the visitors, and a. In Contact with Huge Bright UFO Orb Incredible Footage vibratory rate of our dense matter, 7 exerted by Earth... Facility on the Franco/Swiss border is changing weather patterns and even possibly attracting meteors with the Huge force... A Thriving world the LAND with a DIAMETER of OVER 20 KILOMETERS width. The Red Planet Was n't Once a Thriving world where can I more... 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Charles William Redknapp School, Articles C
Charles William Redknapp School, Articles C