Students will be required to identify a qualified mentor (B.S.N. Corequisite: NURS4073 (for LNBN students only). 3 Hours. The course focuses on the implementation of concepts and principles of health assessment, preparing students to complete a holistic health assessment of the well person. are invited to attend the symposium and submit abstracts. 2 Hours. Final transcripts will need to be submitted for any non-University of Arkansas coursework by the end of the application semester. 2 Hours. NURS3634. Recognizing the financing of health care and the impact on quality through policy changes will be discussed. Prerequisite: Admission into the BSN professional program of studies, BIOL2443, BIOL2441L, BIOL2213 and BIOL2211L. Exceptions to this policy will be considered by the Student Affairs Committee in nursing on an individual basis. Aug 8, 2022 | Eleanor Mann School of Nursing, Health, Human Performance and Recreation Jessie Casida, Ph.D., an internationally known nurse scientist, has been named the new executive director of the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing and the George M. and Boyce W. Billingsley Endowed Chair in Nursing at the U of A. (University of Missouri-Columbia), B.S.N. The complex relationships that exist among culture, family, community, and health are explored. Students who make less than a "C" may not progress into courses for which that course is a prerequisite until the course is repeated and the required minimum grade attained. May be taken with any 3500-level nursing course or above. (University of Arkansas), Clinical Instructor, 2013.Miller, BettieGale, M.S.N. This is a Level II course. employment status including the following: R.N.s with 12-months or greater since nursing program completion: Documentation from current and/or recent employer(s) where applicant is hired as an R.N. (University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences), Associate Professor, 2010, 2021.Peterson, Katelyn, M.S.N., B.S.N. The course describes how nursing informatics is currently being used by healthcare professionals, and speculates about future applications. A positive background check may impede or halt the student's progression in the program and may impact clinical placement and eligibility for licensure. Prerequisite: NURS3313, NURS3314, NURS3321L, NURS3402, NURS3422, and NURS3424. High-tech labs. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Our programs prepare tomorrow's nurse leaders. Students interested in nursing will be admitted to the University of Arkansas as pre-nursing majors. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer)May be repeated for up to 3 hours of degree credit. nursing and for continued personal and professional development. Prerequisite: NURS3313, NURS3314, NURS3321L, NURS3402, NURS3422, and NURS3424. . Students admitted to the program will be required to maintain this active, unencumbered status for the duration of their enrollment in the program. Emphasis is on teaching role of the nurse. Focuses on the adult population experiencing chronic problems in the health-illness continuum. This is a Level I course. (Southwestern Oklahoma State University), Instructor, 2018.Young, Kelly, D.N.P. Candidates are ranked in order of total score. Jessie Casida About + Welcome Scholarships + Loans Directories Bachelor of Science in Nursing students varies but students must complete their degrees within six consecutive calendar Population and Community Health Practicum. Nursing students enrolled in the final semester of an accredited nursing program may apply and be eligible for conditional program admission upon successful completion of their current nursing program. Corequisite: NURS3321L. Profressional Nursing Program (57 hours), Links to important University of Arkansas pages, Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences, Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design, College of Education and Health Professions, Communication Sciences and Disorders (CDIS), Health, Human Performance and Recreation (HHPR), Human Resource and Workforce Development Education (HRWD), Rehabilitation, Human Resources, and Communication Disorders (RHRC), Teaching K-12 Physical Education and Health (PHED), CollegeofEducationandHealthProfessions, Requirements for L.P.N./L.P.T.N. Space in Didactic courses are limited to space available. Students must complete theState Minimum Core requirementsas outlined in the Catalog of Studies. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). The course presents an overview of theories, principles and concepts essential to professional nursing practice. (Typically offered: Irregular)May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit. to B.S.N. For licensed nurses, the school of nursing is mandated to report positive drug screens to the board of nursing. Students are encouraged to consult with their academic adviser when making course selections. Final transcripts (official) to the University and a copy (can be unofficial) to the nursing department upon completion of current nursing education program. Prerequisite: For pre-nursing and nursing majors only. 1 Hour. full-time, part-time, per diem). NURS4242. 2 Hours. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring), The course focuses on underlying concepts common to pathophysiologic processes across the life span. The nursing major is exempt from the eight-semester degree plan since the program is admission-based. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer). Corequisite: NURS3424. NURS4252H. 2 Hours. Prerequisite: NURS3111, NURS4323, NURS4313, and admission to the Online Undergraduate BSN Professional Program or permission by the instructor or department head. (University of Arkansas), Clinical Instructor, 2021.Patton, SusanKane, PhD., M.S.N. If a student earns a "D" or "F" in a second course, the student will be dismissed from the program and may not be eligible for re-admission. A student who needs to repeat a course inwhich theywere unsuccessful must make a petition to the Student Affairs Committee in nursing and are encouraged to do so as soon as they are aware of the need to repeat a course. If the student does not earn a grade of at least "C" upon repeating the nursing courses, the student may not enroll in any nursing courses or continue in the School of Nursing or be eligible for re-admission. Prerequisite: NURS3332, NURS3302, NURS4313, and admission to the Online Undergraduate BSN Professional Program or permission by the instructor or department head. Nursing Concepts: Adult Health and Illness II. Prerequisite: Admission to BSN professional program. requirements, L.P.N. Professional Role Implementation VIII: Role Synthesis. Spaces in clinical practicum courses are limited and tightly controlled by accreditation, the State Boards of Nursing, and clinical agency policies. Completion of an accredited and state board approved R.N. Pre- or Corequisite: NURS4124. 1 Hour. to B.S.N. to B.S.N. 2 Hours. Full instructions on how to access this test can be found on the School of Nursing website. Honors Professional Role Implementation VII: Role Synthesis. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). advance their training. Application to the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing completed. If the student does not earn a grade of at least "C" upon repeating the nursing course, the student may not enroll in any nursing courses, continue in the school of nursing, or be eligible for re-admission. 1-6 Hour. to B.S.N. The role of documentation of assessment findings to third-party reimbursement is also explored. NURS491V. If a student withdraws from a didactic course, the course may be repeated. Requires a total of 75 clinical hours. (University of Oklahoma), B.S.N. Admission is competitive, not all applicants who meet the minimum requirements will be admitted to the program. Pre- or Corequisite: NURS4323. Special Topics in Nursing. (Harding University), Assistant Professor, 2017, 2018.Kippenbrock, ThomasA., Ed.D. This is a Level I course. This is a Level I course. Students acquire basic competencies in evaluating, interpreting, and applying evidence-based knowledge for use in professional nursing practice. Professional nursing begins with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) Prerequisite: NURS4701 and admission to an online undergraduate BSN professional program or permission by the instructor or department head. 2 Hours. Prerequisite: Completion of Level I and NURS4112, NURS4154, NURS4164, NURS4242, NURS4252, and NURS4262. The Eleanor Mann School of Nursing now offers a plan for students to work toward two degrees at the same time: Doctor of Nursing Practice in Family or Acute Care Practice and the Master of Science in Nursing in Nurse Educator. Prerequisite: Admission into the BSN Professional Program of Studies. The course focuses on theories and concepts in community health nursing. Pre- or Corequisite: NURS4242 and NURS4262. does require What is the Benefit of Earning a BSN? (Indiana University at Bloomington), M.S. Prerequisite: NURS4323 and NURS3111 and admission to the Online Undergraduate BSN Professional Program or permission by the instructor or department head. Prerequisite: Admission to the Online Undergraduate BSN Professional Program or permission by the instructor or department head, and students must have completed all University core and program prerequisites. (University of Arkansas at Little Rock), B.S.N. Get Started Today. Must have sophomore standing or above and a GPA of 3.0 and above. Professional nursing courses for R.N. This is a Level I course. Pre-L.P.N. Professional Role Implementation VI: Role Synthesis. The course focuses on the experience of acute problems across the health-illness continuum. This clinical practicum provides the licensed nursing student with an opportunity to synthesize and apply knowledge of concepts developed throughout the nursing program. Because this program requires admission to progress, it does not qualify for the university's Eight-Semester Degree Program; however, students who qualify to finish a degree in four years can follow the suggested order of classes below. For progression in the nursing program, only grades of "C" or above will be accepted. Prerequisite: Admission to an online undergraduate BSN professional program, or instructor or departmental consent. Not all state boards of nursing will accept outside-of-state education. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Prerequisite: NURS3313, NURS3314, NURS3321L, NURS3402, and NURS3422. in Nursing (NURS) Doctor of Nursing Practice (NURS) Population and Community Health Nursing. Upon completing the above courses, the academic adviser will initiate a review for program admission eligibility in conjunction with the department of nursing (see step two). This course introduces theories and principles of management and leadership and the professional nurse's role within the health care system. or L.P.N. The student learns to use nursing diagnoses and care plans in case studies. support from professors. First Priority Continuing students in good academic standing ranked by admission cohort. Students explore socio-cultural context of gerontologic nursing, professional standards of practice, common health concerns, and future considerations. Prerequisite: Admission to an online undergraduate BSN professional program or permission by the instructor or department head. BIOL1543/BIOL1541Lis a prerequisite for BIOL2013/BIOL2011Land BIOL2443/BIOL2441L and may be used as part of the elective hours. Theoretical, methodological, and analytical approaches are explored. NURS3752. Scientific Foundation for Professional Nursing Practice. (Vanderbilt University), Assistant Professor, 2018.Owen, Megan, M.S.N. Nursing Concepts: Adult Health and Illness I. A student re-enrolling in a Clinical Practicum Course (whether due to illness, course failure, or other reasons) will not be assured a clinical placement space in subsequent courses. From pre-licensure degree options to graduate degrees, Professional Nursing Synthesis. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) Prerequisite: NURS3111, NURS3332, NURS4102, NURS4323, NURS4124, NURS4143, NURS3302, and NURS4313 and admission to the Online Undergraduate BSN Professional Program or permission by the instructor or department head. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer). The Eleanor Romper- Embroidered Baby Sweatshirt Romper, Bubble Romper, Name Bubble EnrightEmbroidery (39) $38.00 FREE shipping ELL Teacher Shirt, English Language Learners Teacher, EL Teacher, ELL Teacher Shirts, English Language Teacher Shirt OliveandElmDesigns (103) $17.84 $20.99 (15% off) (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Corequisite: NURS4613. Professional Role Implementation III: Caregiver. major excludes it from ACT 1014 eight-semester degree-completion program requirements. Honors Professional Role Implementation II: Caregiver. If at any point in the duration of the program, the student's nursing license becomes encumbered or inactive the student must notify the school of nursing and will be dismissed from the program. This course supports educational mobility building on a core of common knowledge and skill from previous nursing education. Ballentine, Hope, D.N.P. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). with a clinical focus. This course introduces general principles of population and community health nursing to provide a theoretical base for the care of families, aggregates, communities, and populations. Objectives and experiences are designed on an individual basis with a faculty adviser. (University of Arkansas), M.N.Sc. NURS3424. The nature of the R.N. Pre- or Corequisite: NURS3772. If not passed in the third attempt, the student will be dismissed from the program. Prerequisite: Completion of Level I courses and NURS4112, NURS4154, NURS4164, NURS4242, NURS4252, NURS4262. The holistic admission process for the professional program of study is as follows: Primary Academic Factors (50% of total score), Non-academic Factors (50% of total score). Child and Family Nursing. This course builds on previous nursing knowledge by focusing on gerontologic theories, concepts, and principles as they relate to nursing care of older adults. 1 Hour. The academic advisor will assist each student in developing an individualized course progression plan to meet the requirements of the program. 74 among ranked institutions nationally. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). (The most current clinical requirements can be located in the student handbook.). If the student's license becomes encumbered or inactive at any point in the program's duration, the student must notify the school of nursing and will be dismissed from the program. is a practice-focused doctorate for nurses who desire a terminal degree Prerequisite: Admission to an online undergraduate BSN professional program, or instructor or departmental consent. for success in graduate schools and specialty certification. 479-575-2000. Students admitted to the program may request up to 3 credit hours of previously completed B.S.N.-level course credit in substitution for a core R.N. (University of Kansas Medical Center), M.S., B.S.N. provides students with extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in a wide variety including institution or organization name, address, supervisor contact information, area or unit of service, position title, and employment status (e.g. A variety of health education and health promotion strategies are presented and evaluated. Completion of a state board of nursing approved R.N.-refresher courses within 12-24 months of beginning the program. Nursing Education Is All We Do. Prerequisite: NURS4313, NURS3111, and NURS4323 and admission to the Online Undergraduate BSN Professional Program or permission by the instructor or department head. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Prerequisite: Admission to an online undergraduate BSN professional program or permission by the instructor or department head. Admission criteria verified by the nursing department includes: Once admitted an academic advisor will evaluate the general education requirements (state minimum core and nursing program prerequisites). Enrollment in didactic courses are limited to space availability. NURS4092. Students should note that a flagrant or established pattern of disregard to Eleanor Mann School of Nursing policies can result in failure of the course and/or dismissal from the program without prior warnings(see Forms page on nursing program website for performance improvement plan guidelines). NURS4313. In line withinitiatives of the university and the College of Education and Health Professions, as well as the philosophy of the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing, a holistic admission process is utilized to enhance a diverse academic experience for all students and results in additional expertise in providing care to an increasingly diverse patient population. Complete the University admission application and associatedrequirements. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer), This course focuses on concepts and principles of health assessment in a well person. Corequisite: NURS3644. Prerequisite: Admission to the BSN program. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) This is a Level II course. Completion of an accredited and state board approved L.P.N., L.V.N., or L.P.T.N. Students explore socio-cultural context of gerontologic nursing, professional standards of practice, common health concerns, and future considerations. earning potential as well as career advancement opportunities. program. (University of Arkansas), B.S.N. The nature of the L.P.N. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) This course presents basic concepts and theories of mental health and illness. R.N. 2 Hours. Please refer to the College of Education and Health Professions website for specific information related to the admission criteria. This course introduces theories and concepts of teaching and learning, health and wellness, and health behavior in the context of health promotion in nursing. b. Adult Health I for Nurses. The D.N.P. Personalized attention. Pre- or Corequisite: NURS4112. Nursing Informatics. Nursing Concepts: Foundations of Professional Practice. Evidence based practice will guide development of a quality improvement project in an area of student's interest. All prerequisite coursework for a fall admission into the Professional Program of Study in Nursing must be completed by the end of the spring semester. (Typically offered: Irregular) The mission of Eleanor Mann School of Nursing is to transform lives through nursing education and inspire leadership in nursing practice and academics to improve the health and well-being of society. and Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory (ACTS Equivalency = CHEM 1214 Lab), and General Microbiology Laboratory (ACTS Equivalency = BIOL 2004 Lab), and Human Physiology Laboratory (ACTS Equivalency = BIOL 2414 Lab), and Human Anatomy Laboratory (ACTS Equivalency = BIOL 2404 Lab). NURS4203. Full Admission to the Pre-Licensure B.S.N. (University of Arkansas), M.S. to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. 2 Hours. 2 Hours. to B.S.N. 479-575-3904 Fax: 479-575-3218, Licensed Practical Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Links to important University of Arkansas pages, College of Education and Health Professions. Pre- or Corequisite: NURS3742. 3 Hours. Nursing Concepts: Older Adult. This is a Level I course. 2 Hours. Social issues, economic policy, and regulatory requirements are used to explore healthcare delivery systems and access, quality improvement, and patient safety. 3 Hours. Upon receipt of all required application material, the University determines applicant qualification for general university admission. (Southwestern Oklahoma State University), B.A. Health Promotion Across the Lifespan. Prerequisite: For pre-nursing and nursing majors only. Health Assessment and Clinical Reasoning. (Walden University), B.S.N. This course provides an overview of health care policy orienting students to the political and social processes impacting the current health care environment. our accredited programs help prepare you for a wide range of career pathways in nursing. Informatics for the Professional Nurse. Mental Health Practicum. Family Nurse Practitioner. Focuses on the adult population experiencing chronic problems in the health-illness continuum. also establishes a foundation for graduate education in nursing and for continued Students who do not complete all required compliance documents as specified in the Student and Clinical Handbooks by the due date will not be enrolled into the clinical course and have to defer to the next available semester upon completion of pending compliance requirements. years from the first semester of enrollment in the program. Prerequisite: NURS3313, NURS3314, NURS3321L, NURS3402, NURS3422, and NURS3424. Introduces principles of leadership and the professional nurse's roles in the health care system. Emphasizes the role of caregiver in acute care settings. Focuses on the adult population experiencing chronic problems in the health-illness continuum. Maintain at least a C or higher in all coursework. 2 Hours. In the study of professional nursing, the student builds on a planned general education for the academic disciplines and acquires theoretical and specific knowledge to meet health care needs of diverse clients in various settings. Content varies. students are delivered online through University of Arkansas Global Campus. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). (Indiana State University), Professor, 2003.Lee, PeggyB., Ed.D. NURS4552. The nursing major is exempt from the eight-semester degree plan since the program is admission-based. This is a Level I course. Delivery Outcomes through Nursing Discovery, Research and Scholarship." (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). If a student withdraws from a practicum course, the course may be repeated once. Option, Fundamentals of Chemistry (ACTS Equivalency = CHEM 1214 Lecture), General Microbiology (ACTS Equivalency = BIOL 2004 Lecture), Human Physiology (ACTS Equivalency = BIOL 2414 Lecture), Human Anatomy (ACTS Equivalency = BIOL 2404 Lecture), Composition I (ACTS Equivalency = ENGL 1013), Composition II (ACTS Equivalency = ENGL 1023), College Algebra (ACTS Equivalency = MATH 1103), Introduction to Philosophy (ACTS Equivalency = PHIL 1103), Introduction to Ethics (ACTS Equivalency = PHIL 1003), Introduction to Statistics for Psychologists, Principles of Statistics (ACTS Equivalency = MATH 2103), Therapeutic and Interprofessional Communication, Nursing Concepts: Foundations of Professional Practice, Professional Role Implementation I: Caregiver, Nursing Concepts: Adult Health and Illness I, Professional Role Implementation II: Caregiver, Nursing Concepts: Mental Health and Illness, Professional Role Implementation III: Caregiver, Foundations of Scientific Evidence in Nursing Practice, Nursing Concepts: Teaching and Health Promotion,Professional Role Implementation III: Caregiver, Professional Role Implementation IV: Teacher, Professional Role Implementation V: Manager, Nursing Concepts: Adult Health and Illness II, Professional Role Implementation VI: Role Synthesis, Professional Role Implementation VII: Role Synthesis, Professional Role Implementation VIII: Role Synthesis, Any Chemistry 1073/1071L or higher with lab (Satisfies General Education Outcome 3.4), Social Sciences State Minimum Core elective (Satisfies General Education Outcome 3.3), U.S. History or Government State Minimum Core elective (Satisfies General Education Outcome 4.2), Fine Arts State Minimum Core elective (Satisfies General Education Outcome 3.1), Technical Composition II (ACTS Equivalency = ENGL 1023), College Algebra (ACTS Equivalency = MATH 1103) (or any higher MATH course with MATH 1203 as a prerequisite), History of the American People to 1877 (ACTS Equivalency = HIST 2113), History of the American People, 1877 to Present (ACTS Equivalency = HIST 2123), American National Government (ACTS Equivalency = PLSC 2003), Transition to Professional Nursing Practice, Scientific Foundation for Professional Nursing Practice, Professional Nursing Synthesis (All core and program prerequisites must be met prior to enrollment), Professional Role Practicum (NURS 4092 should be the last course taken and should come after 4701), College Algebra (ACTS Equivalency = MATH 1103) (or higher), Population and Community Health Practicum. 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