is katharine gun still married to yasaris katharine gun still married to yasar
You want to know where he is?. The Observer published the dirty. He didnt know I had leaked this memo. I felt that I had done the morally right thing to do. Sorry, no pun intended, Katharine. Ocho meses despus, fue acusada de violar la Ley de . KATHARINE GUN: I dont know. So how am I, with my tiny team of researchers, going to do anything like that? And so, its one of those moments where you realizeI mean, the chill went up my spine, like I thought, Ive got to get out of here. So, yes, that was not a good moment, yeah. ED VULLIAMY: Its a story of endeavor, to no avail. Starring Kiera Knightley, Matt Smith, Matthew Goode, and Ralph Fiennes in pivotal roles, the film is one of the more accurate cinematic explorations of real-life instances. Just another site. Did everything change? But I wasnt thinking about myself really. Protesters against the invasion of Iraq, February 2003. Her net worth has been growing significantly in 2020-2021. Well, extremely. Strange Hollywood person. AMY GOODMAN: You mean period dramas of strong women have to be a hundred years ago. Thats [inaudible]. katharine gun real husband landsbron avstngd vind May 28, 2022. begagnat byggmaterial karlstad It was shown in the Castro Theatre. The memo was a top-secret request to monitor the private communication of UN delegates for scraps of information, personal or otherwise, that could be used to give the US an edge in leveraging support for the invasion. And I went back to Martin. Right? Does he try to treat it? [21], Gun received the Sam Adams Award for 2003 and was supported in her case by the UK human rights pressure group Liberty and in the US by the Institute for Public Accuracy. That is a difficult question, she says. [5] Gun heard no more of the email, and had all but forgotten about it until Sunday 2 March, when she saw it reproduced on the front page of The Observer newspaper. So I really didnt want any of that to be scrutinized because it just felt too vulnerable, stated Gun, on why she chose to retreat from the limelight once the dust had settled. KATHARINE GUN: Well, yeah, yeah. [16], Her husband, Yaar Gn,[17][18] is a Turkish Kurd. Among them were Reverend Jesse Jackson, Daniel Ellsberg (the US government official who leaked the Pentagon Papers), and Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Please do your part today. And its sothe nonpermanent members, who realized they were being hacked and their personal things were beingin order to try and blackmail them into a vote. KATHARINE GUN: Devastation. Some of the information that would have been revealed at her trial, in particular Lord Goldsmiths conflicting arguments as to the legality of the invasion, did not fully emerge until the publication of the report of the Chilcot inquiry in 2016. The spin in this country and in the UK was the threat of deadly weapons ready to be deployed by Saddam. AMY GOODMAN: Shes then arrested. oceanside high school football schedule. Pie de foto, No one else including myself has ever done what Gun did: tell secret truths at personal risk, before an imminent war, in time, possibly, to avert it.. This is a rush transcript. At first they dont name you, but then they do. AMY GOODMAN: And, Katharine, describe that moment, when you come into court in this very dramatic waybut this is not just a feature film; this is your lifeand youre facing years in prison, your husband not there because youre concerned he will become the story as a refugee in Britain. Look at those bombs falling on Baghdad. AMY GOODMAN: And so, you decide to go back and revealwho was it that was questioning you? Yasar Gun is the husband of a British whistleblower, Katharine Gun, who revealed top-secret information. We still dont know who Frank Koza is, or hes still not given a public interview about about what went on. Im on the whole a fairly shy person, she confessed in an interview. I felt awful after I denied it. Yasur is a Turkish Kurd who is married to 47-year . When he didnt come out, I was panicking, you know, and I ran inside. Nayib Bukele Touts Megaprison with Shocking Images of Shackled Detainees, Kenyan Writer: History Explains Why Much of Africa Chooses Neutrality Over Wests Support of Ukraine. It was very difficult initially. Most people do. Brights story was news to Gun herself, to a large degree. Hes repackaged himself as sort of the European. Gun splits her time between Turkey and Britain. is katharine gun still married to yasar. [13] Speculation was rife in the media that the prosecution service had bowed to political pressure to drop the case so that any such documents would remain secret. Katharine Gun (ne Harwood), 47, is married to Yasar Gn, a Turkish Kurd, with whom she has a 13-year old daughter. "[5], Gun's regular job at GCHQ in Cheltenham was to translate Mandarin Chinese into English. And then, on Tuesday, they called me in, and I went in. She was 27. GAVIN HOOD: Well, for me, what I love about the story is actually, on the one hand, its got this huge global political relevance, and it resonates still today. A New Film Tells Her Story, Part 2: 15 Years Later: How U.K. Whistleblower Katharine Gun Risked Everything to Leak a Damning Iraq War Memo, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License, John le Carr (1931-2020) on the Iraq War, Corporate Power, the Exploitation of Africa & More, Senate Holds Equal Rights Amendment Hearing as U.S. Court Denies Attempt to Include in Constitution, Bola Tinubu of Ruling Party Wins Nigeria Election Amid Low Turnout, Rigging Charges, Hundreds of Iranian Schoolgirls Suffered Toxic Poisonings in Last Four Months, Biden Names Labor Advocate Julie Su to Lead Labor Dept. Yasur Gunnis is the husband of Katharine Gun a linguist who specializes in translating Mandarin Chinese into English. What I did is a very unusual thing to do, because the results are not generally good. Before I knew it, I had spent two hours researching Katharine. The film is directed by Gavin Hood, and Gun is portrayed . Sometimes you break stories, and networks ring you and say they want to interview you, and then they drop you because of the agenda. I mean, we certainly did meet in the courthouse. It was with the help of MP Nigel Jones that Gun finally managed to free Yasar, reasserting his right to stay in the UK. The biggest story was: Who cares why were in the war? Gun is not active on social media and occasionally participates in small-scale conferences and discussions pertaining to politics. Shes out. But to discover that it was such a young and such a junior employee was extraordinary to us, yeah. italian restaurants in warwick, ri . [12] The Guardian newspaper had reported plans to drop the case the previous week. Conhea os livros traduzidos e adaptados em Libras, Braille, Pictogramas e Audiodescrio. AMY GOODMAN: What was it called? Almost a million Iraqis. As of 2020[update] Gun lives in Turkey and Britain. Ahead of a new film, Official Secrets, the GCHQ worker who tried to prevent the 2003 invasion of Iraq recalls those feverish days and their consequences Keira Knightley on playing whistleblower Katharine Gun: Iraq was the first time Id been politically engaged. AMY GOODMAN: The people Martin was fighting to get this story out. AMY GOODMAN: And then what happened? A very good book by Britains most decorated journalist, called Nick Davies, called Flat Earth Newsits about the British press, but it applies everywhererealized that actually the then-editors of our paper were effectively accountable to the Tony Blair enforcement machine. AMY GOODMAN: And, Ed, you see whats going on in this country, in the United States, not to mention where youre from, in Britain. But this gets out, and suddenly you see it on the front page of The Observer when you go to buy, what, milk in the morning for you and your husband. [5] After contemplating the email over the weekend, Gun gave the email to a friend who was acquainted with journalists. And they failed, in part, I believe, because Katharine Gun leaked that memo. MARTIN BRIGHT: OK, youre making me feel really bad about going to work for him now. So, GCHQ had been aware of this for over 24 hours, and they were waiting for everybody to come back into work on Monday, and they were prepared. [23] Daniel Ellsberg praised the swiftness and importance of Gun taking action, saying it was in some ways more significant than his own whistleblowing on the Vietnam War. So. I mean, really, these people need to be held accountable for what theyve done. AMY GOODMAN: the person in charge of news. After they charged me, thats when they tried to deport my husband. This is notthis fringe idea of the war has never ended since 1991, what nonsense. Your question about now, this is all terribly relevant. So, I just lay that out, really. There is a Guardian Live preview screening with Katharine Gun, Gavin Hood and Martin Bright on 12 October. . Gun is a singular presence, and she answers with characteristic care, speaking slightly haltingly, weighing her words. But that is unbelievably difficult now especially in the digital world.. But deep inside me, I didnt feel guilty. She was arrested and charged with breach of the Official Secrets Act. They said, Plead out., AMY GOODMAN: We dont want you to go to jail for years. She had just recently married her husband at age 27 when her life suddenly took an extreme turn at the next moment. Gun was 28 in 2003 and had been working at GCHQ as a Mandarin Chinese linguist for only a couple of years, when she became alarmed at Blair's public statements supporting an invasion of Iraq by insisting that Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction. MARTIN BRIGHT: Yeah, I mean, the story doesnt end. Fue arrestada y retenida en la estacin de polica en Cheltenham durante 24 horas. There have been other attempts to make a film over the years. Katharine Gun was a young specialist working for Britains Government Communications Headquarters when she exposed a highly confidential memo that revealed the United States was working with the United Kingdom to collect sensitive information on United Nations Security Council members in order to pressure them into supporting the Iraq invasion. Im going, No, II dont. He said, Just google Katharine Gun and official secrets. So I googled official secrets Katharine Gun, becausethe title of our film comes from the Official Secrets Act, which is what she breached when she leaked the memo. This was all cooked up, unpublished and. ", "US plan to bug Security Council: the text", "Let's free the Official Secrets Act from its cold war freeze | Alex Bailin", "Leaking or briefing? Yasur is a Turkish Kurd who is married to 47-year-old Katharine. Gun was defended by Alex Bailin KC. Katharine Gun (ne Harwood), 47, is married to Yasar Gn, a Turkish Kurd, with whom she has a 13-year old daughter. [19] AMY GOODMAN: And the U.S. is still in Iraq. Shes beginning to understand the issues, but she hasnt seen it yet, Gun said in 2019 when her daughter was 11-years-old. Is that when you both met? And I managed to get through to his assistant. is a 501(c)3 non-profit news organization. And that was it. You dont do you? He knows he cant save the child. The official editorial line, led by the then editor Roger Alton (now an executive editor at the Daily Mail) and political editor Kamal Ahmed (now editorial director of BBC News) was in close support of the Blair governments position on the invasion. What does she hope people will take from the film? The people who went in and smashed it up in 2003, do they watch the news? - present) (1 child) [5] In February, she travelled to London to take part in the demonstration against the impending invasion of Iraq. Do you think shed meet with me? Because I think we were both a little skeptical of each other. I had, you know, encounters with Blair. GAVIN HOOD: These are representatives at the U.N.. The day before the trial, Gun's defence team had asked the government for any records of legal advice about the lawfulness of the war that it had received during the run-up to the war. Katharine Gun, at Bow Street Magistrates Court. And we still dont know why the British government dropped the case. These were, as I said before, bitter times. And the memo was like this big red flag as soon as I saw it.. Watching the film was like watching a case that was very similar to my own: Katharine Gun, photographed last month in Durham. Were also joined by Martin Bright and Ed Vulliamy, the two journalists who reported Guns revelations in The Observer newspaper, at a time when the paper was editorially openly supporting the Iraq invasion. And they had already taken him down into the custody suite, which is, by the way, where I had been before, Gun revealed. He would have had to have the authority of Lord Goldsmith to prosecute. (In fact, those -our and -ise endings had been introduced by an Observer editorial assistant, innocently following house style guidelines as she copied out the memo into the system.) You know, this is hundreds of thousands of people killed. to your inbox each morning. And Jed called me up and said, Have you heard of Katharine Gun? And you get this moment where you feel like you should have, because of the way hes saying it. We speak with a British whistleblower whose attempts to expose lies about the Iraq invasion was called "the most important and courageous leak" in history by acclaimed Pentagon Papers whistleblower. Macdonald stated that Gun would not have received a fair trial without the disclosure of information that would have compromised national security. The film, Official Secrets, comes out officially at the end of August. Otherwise we are living in dictatorships. You didnt have that kind of support. And so, but theres another irony about the position of the attorney general, which is, the director of public prosecutions in Britain generally has real autonomy in deciding what cases to prosecute, except in cases of the Official Secrets Act, when he or she must get the authorization of the attorney general to prosecute. And so, theyre first prize was get the United Nations Security Council to pass a resolution saying that we, as a collective United Nations, are going to take out Saddam Hussein. There was a feeling ofas what you felt, Ed, in this case, yeah. So give us the nutthe nutshell description of this story. [6] She left teaching in 1999, and after some temporary jobs, finding it difficult to find work as a linguist, Gun applied to GCHQ in 2001, after reading a newspaper advertisement for the organisation. And I had already not been able to eat for about 24 hours. Katharine no pudo fingir y confes a los pocos das. When the film opens, Gun (Keira Knightley) is happily married to Yasar (Adam Bakri), a Turkish national living in the . Was she immediately frightened of the consequences? We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work. is katharine gun still married to yasarsandie and michael rinaldo. Theyre watching, you know, video games and bombs landing on Baghdadshock and awe. GAVIN HOOD: Theres an outrage. The second act of the movie is concerned with the internal newspaper politics of that decision. Gun leaked the memo to the press in 2003, setting off a chain of events that jeopardized her freedom and safety, but also opened the door to putting the entire legality of the Iraq invasion on trial. Details at On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. You authorized her prosecution. My GCHQ career obviously came to an end. GAVIN HOOD: Thats exactly right. AMY GOODMAN: Well, explain that. Yes! The Observer team in a scene from the film, with Matt Smith, front, as home affairs editor Martin Bright. I think of journalists as being bullet-proof in a way. So a very big story got crushed very quickly. . And nor did the story end. ED VULLIAMY: Mr. Alton, screechy, ultra-right-wing. I mean, the pack of cards has gone from Afghanistan to Iraq to Syria. By . KATHARINE GUN: Well, OK, I know I was guilty in the facts of the matter. Together they have a 13-year-old daughter. When you think, Oh, well, I wish we tried hard with the Americanwith our American colleagues. Don't let 'the intelligence and the facts be fixed around the policy' this time. When Gun was approached with the idea for a script by Gavin Hood (who had recently made Eye in the Sky, the film about drone warfare, with Helen Mirren), the pair of them first talked for five days in London, getting the story straight. But lets go back to the moment. On the one hand I was relieved because my life wouldnt have to be scrutinised in court. KATHARINE GUN: So, on Wednesday morning, I called in sick. We do not accept funding from advertising, underwriting or government agencies. And so, we talked about motherhood and all sorts of things, but I was just so impressed with how intelligent she was and how incisive she was in getting to the crux of the matter. That accountability is key. AMY GOODMAN: Youre watching that on television. White bread, white Trump, white, or this America, the one of every color, creed? You know, we dont have that. This is, sadly, a story of failure. KATHARINE GUN: Mm-hmm. And the potential chink in the Official Secrets Act we had found, which could have become a defence for others, the defence of necessity [of speaking up to save imminent danger to life], it wasnt tested in court.. [4], After spending her childhood in Taiwan, where she attended Morrison Academy until the age of 16, Katharine returned to Britain to study for her A-levels at Moira House School, a girls' boarding school in Eastbourne. But then I thought, Well, no, I just cant go on calling in sick. So I went in, and my manager said, you know, Katharine, you look dreadful. And she said, Gavin, I dont want to wear makeup. And also, I didnt want to even risk having a criminal record. Her life story is depicted in the new film Official Secrets. In Part 2 of our discussion, we speak with Katharine Gun; the British journalists who reported on Guns revelations in The Observer newspaper, Martin Bright and Ed Vulliamy; and Gavin Hood, director of Official Secrets.. And I did this sort of dive. You know, youre not waiting for someone for hours in makeup. Something like. KATHARINE GUN: Well, I mean, its terrifying. Director Gavin Hood resists this for the most part though I cant recall Martin being applauded into the office the morning after the story broke (muttered sarcasm and grudging praise was more likely the tone). So, you know, it doesnt end, as Martin said. What was he telling Blair until the 11th hour, where he changed his mind, it seems, at the 11th hour, and said, 'Oh, well, you can justify on the basis of Resolution 678 from 1991,' this fringe idea that no decent international lawyerand Im an ex-lawyerbelieves to be even remotely sensible?. And so, we went down together to internal security, and they called Scotland Yard. Cada livro apresenta uma verso em multiformato para voc. My marriage to my husband was very new at that juncture, and he had a very unstable status in the UK. KATHARINE GUN: Well, hes Turkish, from a Kurdish background, yeah. KATHARINE GUN: Yeah, and he had no money in his pocket. 'That is . Yasar Gun is the husband of a British whistleblower Katharine Gun who revealed top-secret information. I am currently reading a book about how to blow the whistle. . Ben Emmerson is. In April 2020, Gun was set to appear as a speaker at the 14th edition of the International Journalism Festival, but the event was canceled in February of the same year due to COVID-19. You didnt know what would happen with this memo you leaked to someone, who gave it to someone, but you knew you felt it wasI mean, you werent part of a movement. It is loud, clear, confident, creative, interesting. I mean, this is difficult for me to say this, but, for those of your viewers who are interested in what happens in the mediaMartin and I, here we are, doing our bestthe two people involved, who are in the film, ED VULLIAMY: The top people are, respectively, managing editor of the Daily Mail, which is a sort of rather. AMY GOODMAN: And this is a critical moment, when you say October, because thats when the U.S. Senate voted to authorize war. KATHARINE GUN: My MP, yes, at the time. delivered to your inbox every day? 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