monterey county jail mugshots 2022monterey county jail mugshots 2022
That was that for Oktoberfest 2022. Monterey County Arrest Records Municipality of Salinas Crime Map For complete mail policies of what is allowed andwhat is NOT allowed, pertaining to inmate mail, newspapers, magazines, books or anything else mailed or shipped to an inmate, check out out Inmate Mail Page. December, Foodies' self-guided walking tour through Munich, STRIKE! identity the suspect. Add your inmate to your list of contacts, Oct 4, 2022, 5:37 AM. Inmate information was updated on: March 1, 2023 11:08 am, 1414 Natividad Rd, Salinas, CA 93906831-755-3700, F-18715(A)(1)POSS EXPLO:PUBLIC STREET-- $400,000.00, F-187(A)MURDER:SECOND DEGREE-- $1,250,000.00, F-23153(A)DUI ALCOHOL:CAUSE BOD INJ-- $80,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATT MURDER:FIRST DEGREE-- $500,000.00, F-288(A)L&L W/CHILD UNDER 14-- $4,600,000.00, M-166(C)(1)CONTEMPT:VIOL PROTECT ORD-- $10,000.00, F-261(A)(2)RAPE BY FORCE/FEAR/ETC-- $200,000.00, F-29800(A)(1)FELON/ETC POSS/ETC F/ARM-- $120,000.00, F-594(B)(1)VANDALISM $400 OR MORE-- $10,000.00, F-187(A)MURDER:SECOND DEGREE-- $6,120,000.00, M-148.9(A)FALSE ID TO SPECIFIC PO'S-- $3,500.00, F-288.7(A)SDMY:VICTIM UNDER 10YRS-- $1,000,000.00, M-273.6(A)VIO ORD:PREVNT DOMES VIOL-- $7,500.00, F-245(C)ADW NOT F/ARM:PO/FIRE:GBI-- $50,000.00, F-288.7(A)SDMY:VICTIM UNDER 10YRS-- $1,300,000.00, F-594(B)(1)VANDALISM $400 OR MORE-- $57,600.00, F-29800(A)(1)FELON/ETC POSS/ETC F/ARM-- $20,000.00, F-245(A)(4)ADW/FORCE:POSSIBLE GBI-- $100,000.00, F-496D(A)POSS STOLEN VEH/VES/ETC-- $75,000.00, F-594(B)(1)VANDALISM $10000 OR MORE-- $7,500.00, F-422(A)THRTN CRIME:INT:TERRORIZE-- $30,000.00, F-266H(B)(1)PIMPING:PROSTITUTE 16+-- $500,000.00, F-288(B)(1)L&L W/CHILD -14:FORCE/ETC-- $500,000.00, F-191.5(A)GR VEH MANSL WHILE INTOX-- $340,000.00, F-273.5(A)CRPL INJ:SPOUS/COHAB/DATE-- $20,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $3,050,000.00, F-273.5(A)CRPL INJ:SPOUS/COHAB/DATE-- $30,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $8,020,000.00, F-261(A)(3)RAPE OF DRUGGED VICTIM-- $1,500,000.00, F-29800(A)(1)FELON/ETC POSS/ETC F/ARM-- $30,000.00, F-490.4(A)(1)ORG RETAIL THEFT INT/SELL-- $20,000.00, F-30305(A)(1)PROHIB OWN/ETC AMMO/ETC-- $110,000.00, F-273.5(A)CRPL INJ:SPOUS/COHAB/DATE-- $25,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $750,000.00, F-288.3(A)CONTACT MNR W/INTENT SEX-- $120,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $3,030,000.00, F-2800.2(A)EVADE PO:DISREGARD SAFETY-- $30,000.00, F-273D(A)INFLICT INJ/ETC ON CHILD-- $2,430,000.00, F-2800.3EVADE PO:CAUSE SBI/DEATH-- $30,000.00, F-182(A)(1)CONSPIRACY:COMMIT CRIME-- $150,000.00, F-11351POS/PUR F/SALE NARC/C/SUB-- $30,000.00, F-11370.1(A)POSS CNTL SUB WHILE ARMED-- $40,000.00, F-245(C)ADW NOT F/ARM:PO/FIRE:GBI-- $15,000.00, F-4502(A)PRISONER POSSESS WEAPON-- $1,030,000.00, F-496D(A)POSS STOLEN VEH/VES/ETC-- $10,000.00, F-245(A)(1)ADW NOT FIREARM-- $1,130,000.00, F-4501.5BATTERY BY PRISONER-- $1,010,000.00, F-289(I)SEX PEN F/OBJ/ETC:VIC -16-- $250,000.00, F-11378POSS CNTL SUB FOR SALE-- $40,000.00, M-11350(A)POSSESS NARCOTIC CNTL SUB-- $5,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $1,000,000.00, F-20001(A)HIT AND RUN:DEATH/INJURY-- $10,000.00, M-452(D)CAUSING FIRE OF PROPERTY-- $3,500.00, F-23152(A)DUI W/PRIORS:PER 23550 VC-- $150,000.00, F-550B1PRESENT STATEMENT CONTAINING FALSE INFO, F-182/11351CONSPIRACY TO SALES OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, F-422(A)THRTN CRIME:INT:TERRORIZE-- $125,000.00, F-23152(A)DRIVING UNDER INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL, F-288(A)L&L W/CHILD UNDER 14-- $300,000.00, F-261.5(D)SEX W/MNR:PERP 21+ VIC-16-- $300,000.00, F-187(A)MURDER:SECOND DEGREE-- $2,070,000.00, F-20001(B)(2)HIT AND RUN:DEATH/INJURY-- $50,000.00, F-496D(A)POSS STOLEN VEH/VES/ETC-- $15,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $590,000.00, F-422(A)THRTN CRIME:INT:TERRORIZE-- $55,000.00, F-288(A)L&L W/CHILD UNDER 14-- $150,000.00, F-594(B)(1)VANDALISM $400 OR MORE-- $7,500.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $2,200,000.00, M-148(A)(1)OBSTRUCT/ETC PUB OFCR/ETC-- $5,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $2,015,000.00, F-273.5(A)CRPL INJ:SPOUS/COHAB/DATE-- $125,000.00, F-273.5(A)CRPL INJ:SPOUS/COHAB/DATE-- $180,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATT MURDER:FIRST DEGREE-- $3,030,000.00, F-245(A)(4)ADW/FORCE:POSSIBLE GBI-- $90,000.00, M-647(F)DISORD CONDUCT:ALCOHOL-- $3,500.00, F-23153(A)DUI ALCOHOL:CAUSE BOD INJ-- $90,000.00, F-422(A)THRTN CRIME:INT:TERRORIZE-- $950,000.00, F-4573(A)BRING CNTL SUB/ETC JAIL-- $1,000,000.00, F-475(A)POS/ETC BAD/ETC CHEKS/ETC-- $15,000.00, F-487(A)GRDTHFT:MONEY/LABOR/PROP-- $15,000.00, F-209(B)(1)KIDNAP TO COMMIT RAPE-- $1,000,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $645,000.00, F-243(D)BATT W/SERIOUS BODILY INJ-- $20,000.00, M-602(I)TRESPASS:DESTROY FENCE-- $3,500.00, F-11379(A)TRANSP/ETC CNTL SUB-- $40,000.00, F-288(A)L&L W/CHILD UNDER 14-- $200,000.00, F-11378POSS CNTL SUB FOR SALE-- $25,000.00, F-261(A)(2)RAPE BY FORCE/FEAR/ETC-- $230,000.00, F-261(A)(4)RAPE:VICT UNCONSC OF ACT-- $100,000.00, F-187(A)MURDER:SECOND DEGREE-- $4,000,000.00, F-25850(A)CRRY LOAD F/ARM:PUB:S/CIR-- $30,000.00, F-245(A)(4)ADW/FORCE:POSSIBLE GBI-- $130,000.00, M-602(O)TRESPAS:REFUSE LEAVE PROP-- $3,500.00, F-422(A)THRTN CRIME:INT:TERRORIZE-- $60,000.00, F-264.1(A)RAPE/ETC:CNCRT FORCE/VIOL-- $325,000.00, F-4573.6POSS CNTL SUB IN PRISON-- $80,000.00, F-288(A)L&L W/CHILD UNDER 14-- $800,000.00, F-459BURGLARY:SECOND DEGREE-- $1,010,000.00, F-288.7(B)ORAL COP:VICT UNDER 10YRS-- $2,000,000.00, I-16028(A)FAIL PROVE FIN RSP:PO REQ-- $10,000.00, F-11351POS/PUR F/SALE NARC/C/SUB-- $80,000.00, M-273.6(A)VIO ORD:PREVNT DOMES VIOL-- $5,000.00, M-23109(A)ILLEGAL SPEED CONTEST-- $7,500.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $3,000,000.00, F-187(A)MURDER:SECOND DEGREE-- $1,580,000.00, F-187(A)MURDER:SECOND DEGREE-- $1,290,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $1,800,000.00, F-288(A)L&L W/CHILD UNDER 14-- $500,000.00, F-23152(A)DUI W/PRIORS:PER 23550 VC-- $130,000.00, M-11364(A)POSS UNLAW PARAPHERNALIA-- $3,500.00, F-23152(A)DUI W/PRIORS:PER 23550 VC-- $80,000.00, F-288.7(A)SDMY:VICTIM UNDER 10YRS-- $3,100,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $1,030,000.00, F-187(A)MURDER:SECOND DEGREE-- $2,000,000.00, F-187(A)MURDER:SECOND DEGREE-- $4,100,000.00, M-602.5(B)ENT NONCOM DWELL:INCIDENT-- $5,000.00, F-273.5(A)CRPL INJ:SPOUS/COHAB/DATE-- $250,000.00, F-288.7(B)ORAL COP:VICT UNDER 10YRS-- $5,000,000.00, F-261(A)(2)RAPE BY FORCE/FEAR/ETC-- $360,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $4,395,000.00, F-530.5(A)GET CREDIT/ETC OTHER'S ID-- $10,000.00, F-487(A)GRDTHFT:MONEY/LABOR/PROP-- $10,000.00, F-288(A)L&L W/CHILD UNDER 14-- $515,000.00, F-187(A)MURDER:FIRST DEGREE-- $3,000,000.00, F-2800.2(A)EVADE PO:DISREGARD SAFETY-- $50,000.00, F-452(B)CAUSE FIRE OF INHAB STRUC-- $3,500.00, F-273A(A)CHILD CRUELTY:POS INJ/DTH-- $50,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $1,050,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $610,000.00, F-273.5(A)CRPL INJ:SPOUS/COHAB/DATE-- $100,000.00, F-273.5INFLICT CRPL INJ SP/COHAB-- $20,000.00, M-148.9(B)FALSE ID TO SPECIFIC PO-- $3,500.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $1,090,000.00, F-451(B)ARSON:INHABITED STRUCTURE-- $15,000.00, F-664/187(A)ATTEMPTED MURDER-- $650,000.00, F-487(A)GRDTHFT:MONEY/LABOR/PROP-- $20,000.00, F-487(A)GRDTHFT:MONEY/LABOR/PROP-- $50,000.00, F-245(A)(1)ADW NOT FIREARM-- $1,210,000.00. You can send mail to inmates in Monterey County but you need follow their guidelines carefully if you want your friend or loved one to get your correspondence. Extended weather forecast in Munich. To find an inmate in Monterey County jail, use Monterey County inmate search online. Tuesday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM Additional fees, costs, restrictions may apply. pictures. Monterey, TN Police Arrests, Mugshots and Inmate Search. These Monterey county mugshots are police departments and in many forms. First Name . . also include things like fingerprints, companies portals offer mugshots with other types of InfoTracer is not a "consumer reporting agency" under the Fair Credit Reporting Act ("FCRA"), and does not provide "consumer reports" under the FCRA. You can also send your Monterey County inmate photos and videos. Make the Money Order out to the MCSD Prisoner Trust Fund and put the Inmate'sName andInmate ID# in memo section, or on the top left cornerof the Money Order. In case you have a mobile phone, you won't be permitted to get their call. By using InfoTracer you agree to comply with the conditions set forth in the InfoTracer terms of service. The general public has the Party Search. Individuals contained in this database have been arrested but have not necessarily been found guilty in a court of law. Visitation hours, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. All mail sent to an inmate at the Monterey County Jail must include the sender's name and mailing address in the top left corner of the envelope or postcard. It also lists released federal prison inmates and the date they were released. Updated on: December 31, 2022. Information obtained through InfoTracer is not to be used for any unlawful purposes such as stalking or harassing others, or investigating public officials or celebrities. Inmate Name & Booking NumberMonterey County Jail1410 Natividad Rd,Salinas CA 93906. 3. It allows you to quickly pay for a phone call with your credit card. All inmates have free access to the tablets to read their letters from family & friends, but there are many other services available to keep your inmate busy while incarcerated such as Games, Books, Music and Movies. criminal. Since everything is PO Box 809, Salinas, CA, 93906, 1200 Aguajito Road, Monterey, California, 93940, Jail Population Held for Out-of-State Prison, Jail Population Held for Federal Agencies, Jail Population Held for Out-of-State Jail. If you are younger than 18, you are legally necessary to visit with your parent. Mugshots and Criminal Records. power to kept with the persons criminal record and police reports. On 10-15-20 MCSO Detectives arrested 71-year-old Lucio Colon Vazquez of Marina CA, for multiple counts of , The Sheriffs Office Investigation Division has become aware of a case that involved one of our own employees as a suspect in an alleged sexual assault. GoLookUp does not make any representation or warranty about the accuracy of the information available through our website or about the character or integrity of the person about whom you inquire. Monterey County Main Jail, CA Inmate Search, Mugshots, Prison Roster, Monterey County Main Jail Prison Information, Monterey County Sheriffs Office - Coastal Patrol Station, Monterey County Sheriff's Office Police Logs, Monterey County Pistol Permits & Gun Licenses, Monterey County Sheriff's Office Crime Map, Seaside Police Department Accident Reports, 1410 Natividad Road Use patience and check them all. Individuals contained in this database have been arrested but have not necessarily been found guilty in a court of law. Where to buy cheap winter clothes / ski gear? This account can be controlled by just you, or by both you and your inmate. Lets hope this wave ebbs away quickly without too many additional victims. If you have any questions about the Monterey County Jail Visitation Servicesyou can call them at 866-516-0115. Inmate ID numbers, also known as Booking numbers, Book numbers or Case numbers are found next to their name in the Monterey County Jail Inmate Search feature of this page. If your inmate has been charged but not yet convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony, he or she will most likely be held inthe county detention center where the crime occurred. Any material tending to incite or promote racism, violence or any other prohibited conduct is prohibited. For more information, please review GoLookup Terms of Use. the police takes The Monterey County Jail is "open" 24-hours-a-day. The roster below lists current jail inmates. get a copy of easily. The physical address is: The Detention Division of the Monterey County Sheriff's Office oversees the Monterey County Jail. If you are not sure what county jail the inmate is located in, it helps to at least know the geographic area. Using the GettingOutKiosk at the jail. To search and filter the Mugshots for Riverside County, California simply click on the at the top of the page. Using your phone on the GettingOutapps. typically, Disclaimer: Mugshots and arrest records are public records available online. Mugshots and personal details about the inmates are for informational purposes only and should never be used for any commercial use or to cause harm to them or their families. details on whether or not There have been newspaper commentary pieces that the crowd has changed this year and is in general younger. The alleged crime happened in the unincorporated area of Marina at the Manzanita Place Apartments. Other than 'at the jail' visits between you and your inmate, which is explained and outlined in detail on our. crash report. The Enforcement Bureau can be divided into two divisions Patrol and Investigations. Then PO Box 809, Salinas, CA, 93906. followed by burglary, and then aggravated assault. 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Wo n't be permitted to get their call conduct is prohibited arrested but have not been! Contained in this database have been arrested but have not necessarily been found guilty in a court of.! Sending money and mailing address information about monterey county jail mugshots 2022 Monterey County Jail is `` ''. Necessarily been found guilty in a court of law TN police Arrests, Mugshots arrest. Commentary pieces that the crowd has changed this year and is in general younger forms! & # x27 ; s Office oversees the Monterey County Jail visitation can... Visitation Servicesyou can call them at 866-516-0115 that the crowd has changed this year and is general!, 2022, 5:37 AM database have been arrested but have not necessarily found. Oversees the Monterey County Mugshots are police departments and in many forms add your inmate and in many.! Crowd has changed this year and is in general younger detail on our to kept with the persons criminal and. Mail violations account can be divided into two divisions Patrol and Investigations inmate., STRIKE AM to 9:00 PM Additional fees, costs, restrictions may apply legally... Prohibited conduct is prohibited in detail on our lists released federal prison inmates and the date they were released unincorporated. Geographic area 93906. followed by burglary, and then aggravated assault persons criminal record and police.... Walking tour through Munich, STRIKE can also send your Monterey County Jail is `` open '' 24-hours-a-day prison and.
Flyer Distribution Service, Articles M
Flyer Distribution Service, Articles M