He is a chemistry major, a 2022 Goldwater Scholarship winner, and a Trident Scholar in the Naval Academy's Class of 2023. How do i convert that to the actual in game speed? If you are strong in communication, critical thinking and have the . The price of goods and ships in this game can seem arbitrary to many new players - and it takes time to understand whats being produced at the port versus an item recently sold there, or sold by a player via contract. Crafting in the current stage of Naval Actions involves gathering resources to construct ships. Correct tacking, boxhauling, clubhauling and other elements of the age of sail sailing are possible. Use shallow waters at your advantage to escape from larger ships. Ships recipes randomly drop either when crafting ships, or when breaking up a ship (which can also give crafting resources). I guess that info is better provided in-game, but still would be useful info on where to use outposts etc. Damaged ship fittings and modules will change behavior of the ship. Fort and land batteries provide support during port battles. Shipbuilding woods comparator, http://naction.info/index.php?title=Crafting&oldid=5393, Iron Ingots, Silver Ingots, Copper Ingots, Canvas Rolls, Wooden Fittings, Iron Fittings, Copper Ingots, Iron Fittings, Wooden Fittings, Planks, Iron Fittings,Cordage and Oakum, Wooden Fittings, Iron Fittings, Cordage and Oakum, Planks, Crafting Notes, Red Wood Log, American Cotton, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Ingots, Silver Ingots,Red Wood Log, Cases, Crafting Notes, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Fittings, Wooden Fittings, Precise Parts, Copper Ingots, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Fittings, Lignum Vitae Log, Wooden Fittings, Crafting Notes, Iron Fittings, Live Oak Log, Wooden Fittings, Red Wood Log, Copper Ingots, Iron Fittings, Wooden Fittings, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Fittings, Coal, Cases, Crafting Notes, Stone Block, Iron Ingots, Cordage And Oakum, Iron Fittings, Crafting Notes. I have not gone through checking what other changes there are, but there are plenty. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. 6.1 Wood 6.2 Inbuilt modules 7 Useful crafting tools Ships Crafting in the current stage of Naval Actions involves gathering resources to construct ships. These are per one, not per blueprint quantity. Frame and Planking: It's been a while since I've played Naval Action, I'm on the PvP server but will be doing a mix of PvP and AI battles. These are for the blueprint quantity, exactly as you see in game and also comes straight from the API. Navy Guns - Elite, dropped by elite NPCs. Valve Corporation. I wouldnt recommend selling cannons/reps at the capital because the market is likely oversaturated already. As with the Calculator sheet, permits are not given any value. The pickle and im wondering what wood type i should use. Speed was increased across for all vessels to get Endymion to their target speed. This is an extremely profitable way to level up and a good use of your time. It seems that for this specific data the API isn't much use in reducing the amount of work of datamining Looks like it needs to be doen by hand. Apply for full-time jobs, part-time jobs, student jobs, internships and temp jobs. Ports held by players can be upgraded to add specific boni to any ship crafted there. Constitution very valuable, but they can usually 1v1 any pirate ship. XP gained: 539 Craft XP (539 from ship) Labor Hours: 0 Labor Hours (0 from ship) Class: 4. To make sure you information is uptodate, use. Parallell - Use for sail damage/demasting. As per the patch notes, weights decrease significantly, but the spreadsheet doesn't calculate hauling weights, merely lists them in the Items sheet. The ship speed is the base speed without any modifiers through woods or modules. Open trading outposts and levy taxes in the ports governed by your clan. Yes - you have heard it right: there is a special server that calculates and replicates waves to all users in battle. Speed Woods for Speed builds. The game features 50+ shipsfrom small cutters to large 100+ gun 1st rates allowing the player to experience every possible role of that era. Ships also require certain crafting levels and the more Crafting Notes that are put into a ship, the higher the crafting level is needed to complete that ship. This will show you basic information about the largest/most active clans in your Nation. Only claim shipwrecks when server pop is low or you know there are never enemies in that area. I DO build boats and only know about 1/2 of those values lol. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Naval Action Gameplay Discussions ; Guides - development forum ; Wood Thickness and Characteristics Guide Wood Thickness and Characteristics Guide. thats where im wondering if there are hidden traits to each woodtype. However after my post i did find out some very useful crowd-sourced work for the speed. For new players or players focused on trading your perk order should be: Sextant, Fleet Control 1. Christian - The best second rate still, but rare permit-wise. So keep that in mind. As a purely naval-combat game, Naval Action already has a lot going for it. Can you all please advise me on the best wood to use for the frame and planking. Start early with cheap basic resources you know you will need down the road and use all your labor hours each day starting to build up your stockpile. The Ship Craft Helper helps you to organize your shopping and crafting ships and modules for Naval Action. Expect to see a lot more teak endys/trincos. For awhile after getting your final exam promo you will be stuck in 5th rates, which is a fun class even if slightly disadvantaged in the meta right now. Labour Hours you know all about. [Currently using data from the NA database] (P) Planking Characteristic Only. When you open the map, hover your mouse cursor over an enemy port - a circle will show up around that port. The ship armor is for a ship of oak wood type and no armor related modules, to see the armor of the ship you have to go into the ship page itself. Naval Action Basics: Ship Crafting Guide Michael Sharp 2.62K subscribers Subscribe 23K views 3 years ago 1:00 Shipyard Cost 2:38 Building a Ship Naval Action Basics: Ship Crafting Guide - A. At this point you have enough to buy 2 Traders brigs which makes the time investment more worthwhile. Board ships and sell them and their cargo at nearby ports. I recommend keeping the upgrades you typically use or plan to use in this chest so that you don't have to waste doubloons teleported back to the place where you store them. If you're not crafting them, labor contracts usually go for about 100-250k per on the market - So just this ship in labor could cost you over 25million reals just for the labor contracts. Battle rating is a fixed value for each ship type. Ship characteristics can be changed by using different types of wood for production. Also, which ships do you think are able to handle themselves while being outclassed? Which ships do you think are the best for 1v1 battles in PvE? If you ask in Nation chat you may be able to get some advice on where enemy elites seem to spawn or sail more regularly. Calculator for building ships in Naval Action. Find out by talking to other players which faction ports tend to have 7th and 6th rate gold chest spawns and make an outpost there. Remarque: ce formulaire n'est utiliser QUE pour signaler du spam, de la publicit et des messages problmatiques (harclement, agressivit, grossirets). This is the defended circle wherein HDFs will spawn and hunt. Then you can work in the others like determined defender and prepared. The current level determine the maximum crew size and a bigger crew size is needed to handle bigger ships properly. So im lvl 6 at crafting and can finally build a ship i will use. Outposts can be placed in any faction or free port on the map. Depower your sails with [T] to aid in slowing yourself down. Your previous content has been restored. In fact, in the beginning the only missions you should ever try and hold onto are gold chest missions which you think you can do by yourself. If you buy a DLC out of the gate, it will only be good as a way to get a few resources from breaking it down and hoping for good rolls you can save for later. Map is enormous - you cannot see another shore of lake Maracaibo. Share . Combat and Sailing Combat and gunnery Realistic ballistics and cannon performance of the period. Apply for SECURITY SPECIALIST (COMSEC) - Fast Hire at Naval Sea Systems Command today! It will cost you some reals based on the distance teleported (usually less than 10k). Sailing to distant locations and the like will only provide very marginal xp gains. You can probably then factor in the wood and trim enhancements to work out what the base multiplication constant is. The longer the duration of the boost, the wider the circle where it can be grabbed. The fact that the facility has been standing unrepaired and idle for four years has been an issue tabled by Saimena before the To turn through the wind with the wind at your bow (front) you will want to manually point your sails in a V shape with the legs spread to the wind (direction you're going). Carpenter Slot (2) - i.e. So that very latest spreadsheet could be used by multiple users changing field values. Ty i read that also but you know how you select what wood it is built with? The ship structure is for a ship of teak wood type and no structure related modules, to see the structure of the ship you have to go into the ship page itself. Overall notes. Perhaps there is another value in the API you need to multiply by, which is different for each ship. Naval warfare is the competition of sea-going power between nations at war. Usually shorter boosts you have to sail right underneath have faster boosts. In addition to unlocking all of the Tanaan Jungle content, the Garrison Shipyard allows players to build Ships and run Naval Missions which offer various rewards like the Iron Fleet Treasure Chests and much more. Many new players will try to explicitly go fishing to earn a profit and theyll base this on outdated guides that say how valuable certain items like bull sharks are. To maximize xp, drop the basic cutter for a privateer (ideal) or pickle (still works) - and continue farming 6th rates. Wood and Trim Multipliers. Once you know the name of some clans you're interested in, look for players in that clan and start up a conversation (can do this by pressing info at sea, or by right clicking on player names in chat and selecting info). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If you use an old version of Excel and want a .xls copy, just ask. Ship characteristics can be changed by using different types of wood for production. The quality of the built-in upgrades of ships depends on how many crafting notes you include in the recipe. These are from the API. link. Find the closest ports to your shipyard with these woods. Ships can be built from more than one wood type, for example Constitution with live oak frames and white oak planking, or ships with english oak frames and fir planking (quite common arrangement). This page was last edited on 18 January 2023, at 17:42. To loot enemies with the new mechanics while a battle is ongoing you need to be nearly on top of them before the x will appear, and you need to be going below 2.5kn (still testing, could still be 3.5 but have seen mixed results - 2.5 will guarantee you are slow enough). You cannot separate the shipwreck cargo up until after it has been claimed. Read MIDN 1/C Anders Gulbrandson's Story. Use with care. For Indiaman, try and use ones with at least 11.46kn which is a fir/fir build. Yard angles, ship angle to wind, cargo, fittings and ship condition affects speeds and turning rates. Apparently there is a tradeoff in speed versus durability. You can only pop 1 at a time. To the right you can also see the Naval Action Crafting tree, the blue ones are default and the red ones are non default ones, so those you need to acquire the blue print for. A good rough guide for new players may simply be to view the BR of the ships within the same Rate. Apparently there is a tradeoff in speed versus durability. I am sure you could while away hours trying out various combinations of units to get to a conversion factor to knots that matches the multiplication constant you've calculated. For combat ships, the most important consideration will always be the wood used for the frame and planking; IMO this is followed by its craft tier, then its port bonusses. This isnt as great a bonus as it sounds, since good breakdown rolls are very very rare. >> Removed the seemingly unused 'Ship Material' values. They will have a skull next to their name identifying them as Elite. Crafting level is improved through the experience attained while crafting parts, modules, and ships. There are never enough and they usually go for a ton. more easy, and in some cases mandatory, since you won't be able to join certain battles unless you are on a clans friends list (port battles, for instance). teak/teak or teak/bermuda for speed armor combo. More than 365 historical ports based on their real locations are scattered across the map. If you want Hold Optimization, that should come next but its optional if your main ship is going to be an escort. When looted from enemy ships, they cannot be moved from your ship hold to your money chest until you return to port. Produced resources are kept in the buildings storage until you decide to extract them . Pirate Danmark-Norge France In the Calculation sheet, the Blueprint Quantities table did not divide ingredient quantities by the blueprint quantity. Use the Items sheet for weights and to get an idea of shop purchase prices, but I suggest you ignore it for anything else. Upload or insert images from URL. Cannot be produced. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. It's quite basic; the only calculations are on the first 'Calculator' sheet; the rest is just data. The laReq can be used the entire time you play and is unique. If you want to apply other markups use the yellow boxes at the top. They also provide destinations for "Tows" (aka Ship Teleporting), which you can do once per day. Germany will pursue a $5.2 billion deal with India to jointly build six conventional submarines in the country during Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Feb. 25-26 visit, two Indian and two German sources . Crafting Notes are typically made from acquiring gold and combining it with coal to create gold ingots. By Ned Loe, September 7, 2016 in Guides - development forum. If you want to update your own copy, the changes are: Thank you - returning to the game after about a year this is very useful. Taxes have been added in build 11. Doing 5th rate missions against 4th rates is usually not my advice during this period unless you really know what you're doing; theyre better ships and can't be camped easily. DLC ships have the same RNG as when you craft a ship. Fight for thedomination of the West Indies, recreated based on 18th Century maps and navigational charts. Wood and Trim Ingredients. Naval Action - Full Release - Upgrading Ships Guide and Tactics vs Multiple Opponents GrunfWorks 12K subscribers Subscribe 317 20K views 3 years ago #navalaction In today's beginner guide for. Northern Masters Carpenters (NMCs), Navy Planking (NP). Obusiers - Elite, dropped by elite NPCs. Perhaps the in game stats sheet is wrong (have people checked?). To maximize your time, do this in a port that spawns gold chest 6th and 7th rate missions - ask in Nation Chat if anyone knows of any in your faction. Keeping hardwoods viable without nerfing slower builds, this was obviously needed if they wanted to keep the hardwoods viable after the pen update without making them obsolete. Doing the missions is perfect for this if you want a set amount of dbls and upgrades, You can sometimes get better drops if you hit NPCs on the map. Misc - II - DLC Guide: To DLC or not to DLC, Nope cannon balls only work on hull chain can dismast but do not expect to get any more then one ship for the chain aboard. This does not pertain to HDFs, discussed elsewhere. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Ty i read that also but you know how you select what wood it is built with? First off just wanted to say great info in this thread to all who have contributed. This is by far the most time/cost efficient way to obtain seasoned woods (or the permits themselves). You may also need various permits along the way. About Chesapeake Shipbuilding With over thirty years of direct industry experience, we have become a leading designer and builder of a notable array of commercial ships up to 450 feet in length. Blueprint for Trincomalee now requires a permit, There are changes to Marks exchanges which I have not attempted to identify. No game has come closer to the replication of the Age of Sail sailing mechanics and combat. There are a couple methods of obtaining seasoned woods for your shipbuilding operations. You need to first acquire resources to make the module, and then by applying crafting notes to the recipe you can improve their overall quality. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). At the moment all calculated values use level 1 building outputs. This will be your standard firing mode. Invest in clan controlled ports to turn them into ship building centers, fortified harbors or industrial hubs. Can be produced by players. But then, Naval Action aims to be a lot more than just "World of Sailing Ships." Game-Labs is building Naval . Privacy Policy. If both numbers are the same then you're off to a good start. As Trincos will likely be your bread and butter ship here, my advice is to. Ships cannot be towed with items in the hold, however, all items equipped on your ship are towed with it - cannons, upgrades, etc. Seeferkel, Expert Carp, Combat Carp. But many upgrades can be sold for 500k or more so its a good way of earning money when you need it. Battle rating (or in short: BR) is a value describing the combat power of a ship type. Calle Goya, 23, 4 Dcha. The 6.2 patch added Tanaan Jungle to the game and in order to get the most out of this new area, players need to build a Shipyard to their Garrison. 6-7th rate ships are usually better off with carros. https://support.google.com/docs/answer/3540681?visit_id=1-636450616344000105-1253821607&hl=en&rd=1 Before you even enter the game, you will have to decide what your name will be and what Nation you want to play for. It looks like it's meant to match the crafing cost, and for most items it does, but there are quite a number - mostly recent changes - which dont. Fir, Mahogany, Teak. It does now. The horizontal components of the water pressures on unit areas of . Perks can be reset by purchasing a perk reset permit, which usually run about 400k. Seeferkels, Gunnery Encycopedia, Instructions au Cannoneers, Speed (2-4) - i.e. Having a player or alt logged off nearby with an indiaman can be very useful for storing these chests. Most of the major clans will be on each others friends lists, so basically this just means if you want to craft your own ships, youll want the port bonusses that being in a clan brings. This is a solid safe way to build up. The exotic perfume aroma of the wood is heavier and more complex . With the layout I am using it would be a major change to add values for marks and I doubt I will change it now (I have specifically excluded Permit costs so far as the Crafting Costs and Calculator sheets are concerned, even though they have a base price in the Items sheet).. Removing any other accounts or computers that were authorized in steam sharing even though steam sharing is off. I haven't incorporated this into the spreadsheet. As for thicknesses, I don't think these are in the API at all. 10 is best, all values compared to the best performing in category IE oak's resistance to decay is 8, fir (pine) is 4 so fir will decay twice as fast. Below can be seen how choosing different types of frame parts affects the built ship. These ships are currently not craftable and not available via DLC. When logged into CADE, go to Data & Analytics and do a key word search for "JIC" in the DTM hub. Certain ports appear to have "gold chest" days more regularly than others (some appear not to have them at all). The best way to level up crafting is by crafting ships. To put your sails back on auto press [F]. I'd like a good mix of movability and take some hits at the same time if possible, thanks in advance fellow naval officers o7. [Remus] are you and [BLACK SPAWN] in a "Top God" off competition? Every battle action is calculated on the servers, even water and wave shapes. I've got a semi-automatic way of updating this sheet from the API - it's too convoluted to share, but it does mean I should be able to keep up with patches and hottfixes as they are released. The best port to begin developing might change based on the clan you join or its likelihood of being lost, and doesn't matter at all if you're playing solo (I suppose you could make your own clan, and get added to another's friend list but I'm not sure about the mechanics of it). Begin by boarding NPCs, but beware - they are now doing last minute switches as well, although usually only in response to your own actions. Wow thank you so much for this info! All vessels to get Endymion to their name identifying them as Elite off just wanted to great... Extract them need to multiply by, which you can work in the others like determined defender prepared! Aka ship Teleporting ), navy Planking ( NP ) better provided in-game, but there are never enough they... Is built with to apply other markups use the yellow boxes at the all! Exactly as you see in game and also comes straight from the community because violates! Sextant, Fleet Control 1 at 17:42 by rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use cookies. And gunnery Realistic ballistics and cannon performance of the age of sail are! Permits themselves ) ship type the others like determined defender and prepared you strong. Information is uptodate, use edited on 18 January 2023, at 17:42 cargo... 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