Discuss the different lengths of time for things such as brushing your teeth, a day at school, watching your favourite film. Activity Continents and Oceans Map Labelling. To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it. Could you record your own voice reading the story with lots of expression? In this category you will find recommendations written by authors and illustrators along with books that they have written and / or illustrated. Write a repeated addition sum for your array. Claire is a young girl who hurts her knee falling off the swing in the park who then pretends her injured knee is from a variety of other situations including; being carried away from a spaceship, grabbed by a dragon and fighting off a wolf. What sort of things do we use money for? In June, all Year 1 children usually undertake a statutory 'Phonics Screening Check'. What happens to the hands on the clock when the time shows oclock? the big, bad wolf, the woodcutter, gigantic giant. Write useful words and phrases down for them, for example: You could type these useful words into a program such as Wordle (wordle.net/create), print them out at a large size and display in the role-play area for the children to refer to. Can you write a letter from the mermaid to the ladybird, thanking her for his help? Claire has hurt her knee so she sets off home to tell her mom all about it. ), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KznvI5gnnvQ. Underneath each handprint, count up in 5s and write the correct number in the sequence. Therefore, the English tasks this week are: -Summer activity booklet - this booklet is full of fun and exciting English related activities for the children to complete at their leisure, they can pick and choose which activities they want to do on each day. A story of how Claire hurts her knee and uses her imagination to explain how it happened as she goes home. Help. But just how did it happen . Ask the children to think about the clothes space tourists would wear and what they would eat in space. After lots of discussion please allow children to cut out the images and dates from the resource below. Have a go at the comparing length worksheet. Science Task - In the story, Baby Bear goes on a journey to the moon. Can you think of other questions about the story? Put the 2 objects next to each other and see if you are correct. Objectives briefly covered in the last week: Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores children need to be able to identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores (meat eaters), herbivores (plant eaters) and omnivores (eat both meat and plants). Task 1 Can you find the names of the animals which the ladybird saw on her journey in the wordsearch? Group them into two groups by drawing 2 circles and drawing the sweets inside the circle. Have a go at learning the Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To song at, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka9zbPcqXBI, Gather some objects such as counters, cubes etc and give some to a partner. Use the template on the document and the instructions to help you. Ami ascoltare storie per bambini o stai cercando modi divertenti per imparare l'inglese? Try the additional worksheet. What was the plan and did it work? In this pack, you will find 2 x whole class lessons (an hour long for each - or you can split them), an editable PowerPoint presentation; vocabulary focus; the task sheets with scaffolding support, and the texts all ready to print. Task 1 In the story, the hermit crab shares his home with his friends. Make sure you use an analogue clock at home to help. Can you say what they are? Ask your child if they think they will ever be able to go on a space holiday. Additionally, you could act out the story with friends or family. Worksheets to go along side the planning. Weekly daily Phonics lessons will be updated at 10:30am. Stay up to date and receive our free email newsletter! What sort of noises might have been made in the story On The Way home? Draw your own pair of Greater Than Less Than symbols. On the Way Home - Jill Murphy 2019-02-07 Claire has hurt her knee so she sets o home to tell her mum all about it. Can you find out the names for other groups of animals and make a poster showing what the animals are and what their collective noun is? With permission and help from an adult, build an obstacle course either outside or somewhere in the house. Can you sort out the correct coins? To identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees by making and labelling plant pictures. We hope the ideas help to support your family to stay fit and healthy in the coming months. If you take a look on the website there is a wonderful array of information and activities related to toys from the past. Mathletics activities are focused around the Year 1 objectives. Can you think of different safety features to reduce the chance of children hurting themselves? Remember to use your five times table when finding the total. shiny, beautiful scales. What different combinations could you have? How would you travel to the seaside? What words can you think of which rhyme with them? PLUS! When they have created their toy, can they create a poster advertising their new toy and present their invention the family. Ask the children to draw pictures of the planets the tourists would orbit or might even be able to visit in the future. Use the reading questions above to support further discussion. Are there any 2D shapes that you cant split into quarters? Can you act out the story with your family? The minibeast description game Minibeast Game - What am I? In the story Claire said thatshe saw a UFO from another planet. In the 17th and 18th century children played with Dutch dolls called 'Flanders babies'. Draw, paint or create an underwater scene for Tiddler to live in. Can you think of items you would need when travelling to a hot or cold destination. Task 3- Can you write a book review for the story? Pan Macmillan, 2007 - Accidents - 36 pages. Task 4- Can you draw a picture of the rainbow fish and write lots of 2A phrases around it? Shut their eyes and try to picture the word in their head, See if the word reminds them of any others which they can spell, Compare their version with the correct spelling and, if theirs is wrong, concentrate on the bit they got wrong, If you and they havent got access to the correct spelling, write your version down and see if it looks right. After you have read the poem, could you write down any words you dont know and with some help from someone at home, maybe a parent or an older brother or sister, find out what they mean? Our holidays in the past were very different from holidays today. Challenge yourself to use a 2A (2 adjective) sentence. Try this again with 3 pieces of paper and make a 3-digit number. Anything and everything will do: cardboard rolls, coloured paper and card, sequins, beads, ribbons, fabric, glitter, polystyrene balls and cubes, straws, pipe cleaners, and so on. You could splat a different colour for each multiple. Task 4 This poem has lots of adjectives (describing words), nouns (places, people or objects) and even the occasional verb (action word). Write a set of instructions to teach someone how to make their own delicious sandwich. Class Secrets - Free Home Learning, Twinkl has an unlimited amount of resources for every subject. Can you remember how many minutes there were in an hour? Remember to punctuate your sentence using a question mark. Objectives: To identify and name a variety of common wild plants. Have a go at the measuring objects worksheet. Task 2 The story starts with the question Did you ever go to Silver Sands on a sunny summers day?. BBC Teach Primary Covers a variety of subjects and ideas for cross-curricular projects. e.g. One person says (bats) a number between 0 and 10 to a partner and the other person has to say (bat) the number back that goes with it to add up to 10. Jill Murphy 89 books 288 followers. You could draw, paint or create the shell using things you find around the house. Can you write a set of instructions for how to look after a fish? Count along using the square to help. Weather is the day to day or even hourly changes that we can see happen. The Owl and the Pussy Cat - KS1 -The Owl and the PussyCat Poem Differentiated. Please see the Homework Guide for Parents about how to access and use the website. Segui Claire mentre torna a casa e senti quali storie inventa per raccontarle ai suoi amici.Questo libro fantastico da leggere pi volte, scegli il tuo personaggio spaventoso preferito e vedi se puoi inventare le tue storie.Questo libro ottimo per bambini dai 4 anni in su.Se vi piaciuta questa storia e volete sostenere l'autore, andate nelle librerie indipendenti come la Libreria Piccoloblu - www.facebook.com/libreria.piccoloblu/ e chiedete una copia. Could you rewrite the poem changing some of the key aspects and add in at least one more verse? Is there another way we could show adding equal groups? World In Danger - Frankie Morland 2019-12-05 Discover the beauty of the world around us and why we must protect it, in this magical, sing-along picture book. PowerPoint - Answers to the Doll Timeline Activity. Task 5 Rewrite the poem. Can you beat your personal best? A bulletin board created by Special Education students as part of Black History Month. Task 1 To read the poem Incy WIncy Spider. Reading is essential for all of our children to help them become independent life long learners. Please work with your child to discuss their ideas. If you have paint at home, can you try mixing paint to make lots of different shades of these colours? The Magic Key - Sequencing Activities. A brilliant and free mind-mapping tool for children is: Google provides some invaluable resources for mapping. There are many free online tools, which allow users to make fantastic mind-maps and visual graphs to illustrate a topic or a concept. My copy of On the Way Home has a different picture on the cover and is old, battered and well loved. If possible, you could all illustrate your poems after to make them look exciting and colourful. . Have a go at Coconut Ordering on Topmarks at https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/coconut-ordering Select Mass and start with Up to 10g. Be as creative as you like with your poster. What do you notice about the numbers in the ones column for each number as you count up in 5s? It might be somewhere you have visited or a place you would be interested in visiting. ? https://www.vam.ac.uk/moc/learning/. A template for your magic key. Don't forget to include the garden and the car! Discussion ideas whilst reading: (Please use the reading section on this page to find a PDF of the story along with a comprehension pack for - On the Way Home). We know it has not been easy with other pressures but we just want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you! Go to school? Task 3 Similarly to last week, this poem is also full of rhyming words. Task 4 This is your turn to be a news reporter! Explain that some people make their living by taking successful photos of nature and wildlife. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_A_e6h-DhU, (This YouTube clip was checked on 10/05/2020 Please use under supervision.). Task 2 The story starts with the question Whatever Next?. and remember the punctuation needed at the end of a question. Task 2 After reading the story, can you think about which was your favourite animal and why? How do you think he was feeling and why? The nonsense words allow the check to focus purely on decoding phonic knowledge. Design your own Magic Key - Can you think of your own adventure? Watch the White Rose Video at https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/, Complete the worksheet. After the entry point activity, explain to your child that together you are going to find out everything that they know about holidays. On the Way Home Paperback - Illustrated, May 1, 2019 by Jill Murphy (Author) 734 ratings See all formats and editions Paperback $12.99 8 Used from $6.34 15 New from $6.82 Claire has hurt her knee so she sets off home to tell her mum all about it. Could you use the words eggs, Easter, bunny or chocolate? ), Complete the worksheet. The following websites will provide some great information: https://www.education.com/resources/earth-science/?referral_url=kidsastronomy.com Kids Astronomy website has information and animations about the Earth and the solar system. We have had a very strange year and have missed you all dearly over the past few months. A lovely, simple story with lots of potential for literacy learning in the reception classroom. You could write it as a story or as a recount. Retell the story from the point of view of Mr Bear. Setting this up is really easy to do - go to Twinkle and enter the code: UKTWINKLHELPS. Below, are some activities to go along with each video. For example, one person would say A is for angry and then the other person could say B is for beautiful etc. Could you pretend to be tiddler and write a recount, telling us what he got up to on his adventure after getting caught in the net. Think back to your work with counting in groups. Use the splat square at https://www.primarygames.co.uk/pg2/splat/splatsq100.html to practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. If you have some string at home, cut 4 pieces all of different lengths. We used bricks and lego to make our own 3D class map of Claires walk home from the park which stimulated discussion about canals and graveyards as well as other landmarks that we might see on a walk. ), This week we would normally be planting sunflower seeds in school and the children would be given responsibility of where they would like to position their plants (sun or shade) and they would be in charge of watering them daily. Why do you thinkshe gave so many different reasons for hurting her knee? Incy Wincy Spider follows a spiders journey. Can you find all of the words that describe movements in the story, e.g. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. - In the story, Claire hurts her knee. What do you notice about these numbers? Measure each piece of string with cubes. If you have any recipe books at home, have a look at a simple recipe that you can use to make a cake, biscuits etc. What do you notice about them? Remember to use lots of time adverbials (first, next, then), 2A sentences (huge, rocky moon) and challenge yourself by using some adverbs (silently flew) and similes (as fast as a cheetah). Five Minutes' Peace Descriptive Word Mat . This weeks book is one of the Biff and Chip stories; The Magic Key, (This YouTube clip was checked on 03.05.2020 - please use under supervision.). This video explains the key physical features of the Earth. As you have spent two weeks on poetry, can you spot all the rhyming words whilst reading or listening to the story? Entdecke The Last Kestrel, McGivering, Jill, Used; Good Book in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! Make sure they have the correct amount, if not, how much change will they need? Task 5 Write a diary entry from the point of view of Baby Bear, telling the reader all about his journey to the moon. Do the same with quarters. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified. The Easter bunny is missing! These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Lesson 2 - Making Doubles, Try out the game at https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=dartboarddoublesandhalves to practise your doubling skills (Please just focus on the doubling activities within the game), Have a go at the ladybird worksheet. (Due to the current circumstances we are unsure if this will happen in June, however it is still so important that children continueto learn and practice their phonic knowledge.) Synopsis. On the way she meets various friends and gives each friend an imaginative explanation as to how she got her injury. If you are feeling confident and want a challenge, you can select Up to 20g. (These YouTube clips were checked on 04.07.2020 please use under supervision. However, when Sam Sly is introduced there arent many adjectives used. on the way home. How far can you count without any help? To inspire you further try to watch some film clips from filmsAntz, A Bugs Life, Epic or Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. on the way home jill murphy. On the Way Home. Along th. Maybe they could shrink and find a magic door in the room that takes them to the setting? Lesson 2 - Counting in 5s, Watch the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EemjeA2Djjw and join in with the song. Human body - children were able to name, identify and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Maybe you could change the characters and how she hurt her knee. By Jill Murphy, the author and illustrator of the bestselling Peace at Last and Whatever Next!, On the Way Home is a fantastic journey of the imagination that every child can relate to. Task 2 This poem is full of rhyming words. For example, you could colour the first two lines in pink as Christina Rossetti tells us things that are pink.What is Pink? Why or why not? Find out how our bodies heal themselves when we get hurt. What do you think that might be for? Where would the toy from last weeks interview sit on the timeline? Try out this game at https://www.mathplayground.com/balance_scales.html and see if you can find which objects are heaviest using the scales. Who has less? The children have previously looked at riddles and have explored rhyming poems as well as a traditional poem; Londons Burning. A further more difficult challenge for the children could be to calculate the total cost of the holiday using a calculator. Using a tennis ball or football, count how many times you can throw and catch the ball in a minute. jill murphy whatever next. Can you colour each quarter in a different colour? You could use a dictionary, a laptop, a tablet or whatever you can! 2023 Dorridge Primary School - Station Road, Dorridge, Solihull, West Midlands B93 8EU The first problem involves addition to 20, the second to 100 and the third to 200. Make sure it does not go over 20! You can make this into a poster or use the page attached. - Before listening to the story, look at the front cover. On the Way Home Home Jill Murphy On the Way Home Age Range: 5 - 11 By: Mark Warner Buy this book "Well," said Claire, "there was a very big, bad wolf. After reading the story could you tell somebody in your house an adventure youd like to go on and why? This resource consists of six pages of varied activities, specifically related to the book On the Way Home by Jill Murphy. Could you plan and rewrite the poem changing the things for each colour? This task involves exploring the seaside today compared to how it used to be in the past. Keep some for yourself. This could be on paper or out of an unused cardboard box. Task 5 Can you have a go at re-writing the story from the view point of the crab? https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zkvv4wx/resources/1 the BBC Space website has an excellent section on our solar system, with stunning images and links to further information. Check out theirMindfulness activitiespage for some fun mindful, activities to do with your child. Explore the differences between analogue and digital clocks. By Christina Rossetti poem. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Remember to use time adverbials (first, next, then)and imperative verbs (bossy verbs; cut, spread). Bring the childs attention to the scale written on the side. Can you interview her to find out how she felt at different points in the story? Task 2 Write a description of what it is like in your house at night. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. Encourage thoughtful and realistic conversation between the travel agent and the customer, for example, the travel agent listens and advises they dont tell the customer where to go on holiday! You can imagine you are a toymaker writing to a toyshop trying to sell your product or you could create a poster to tell people all about your toy. To identify and name a variety of common garden plants. Play Buzz with a partner. ? Please see the Reading Section above on this page. Here are some ideas for things you could do this week for an Active Maths experience: (This YouTube clip was checked on 04.07.2020 please use under supervision. Your child's username and password are the same as their Mathletics logon details which are stuck in the back of their Home School Organiser. We would absolutely love to see your creations we will create a Facebook link on Monday asking you to share your designs and dolls. Suggested by Becky.E@Twinkl. Filled with a little girl's inventive stories, On the Way Home is by Jill Murphy, the author and illustrator of the bestselling Peace at Last and Whatever Next! Can you write some interview questions to ask Claire about howshe felt at different points in the story? What type might have wrapped itself around Claire in the story? Please follow your design carefully to make your peg doll. Here are some links to support the learning of objectives we would still be covering within school. Use the storyboard template to make a new page for the book, in which Claire tells a new friend a different story about how she hurt her knee. climbed, washed, dried. Show the children some examples by viewing the most recent Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year awards: Habitats where plants and animals live can be big such as an ocean or a forest, or small such as the space under a leaf or stone. Write some prices next to each item and ask whoever is at home with you to come and buy the items from your shop. Draw a large circle on a piece of paper (ask an adult to help you draw round something that is circular shaped) Split your circle into and make your own halves of a pizza! Lesson 3 Introducing capacity and volume, Have a go at the worksheet - Lesson 3 - Introducing Capacity and Volume, Watch the video at https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks1-maths-capacity-volume/zj8njhv and see Professor Pipette explain capacity and volume. To focus purely on decoding phonic knowledge interview her to find out how got... Not, how much change will they need further discussion on 04.07.2020 please use under supervision )! 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