Retrieved 2008-12-02. Only son of Alexander Alexander (d. 1581) and his wife Marion, daughter of Gilbert Graham . : THE ALEXANDER FAMILY. Soon after his return to "Scotland from abroad he successfullywooded the, young , musically talented and aristocratic Janet Erskine whose familyhad been keepers of Stirling Castle and protectors of princes of therealm. General William Alexander only had the traditions and stories he received from his father James and then had to find the documented connection with the 1st Earl of Stirling. James like his father David Alexander were staunch Jacobites and James fled to America after the defeat of the Stuart Rebellion in 1715. Geni requires JavaScript! The family and a party of about 80 individuals . John Alexander's connection to the 1st Earl of Stirling was concealed by deliberately confusing him with John Alexander son of Captain Andrew Alexander due to the political implications. He opposed the application of the Kirke brothers and, supported by the Privy Council of Scotland, obtained a compromise whereby the rival interests were united and agreed to operate under the crowns of England and Scotland. 4 Volumes, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1923; Vol. As a very junior member of the aristocracy, the young . In 1623 he sent out another ship to pick up the colonists, but this party found that some of them had died, that others were out fishing, and that too few remained to found a colony. Son of Alexander Alexander of Menstrie and Marion Graham iv., p. 60, Paper Register). The area now iscalled, Sir Williams's final years were filled with tragedy. He later took a particularinterest in the welfare of that. In 1630, King Charles rewarded his service by creating him Viscount of Stirling and in 1633 he became Earl of Stirling. By the end of May 1625 he had created eight baronets on the cash basis, with land three miles wide and six long, and on 12 July he renewed the charter of 1621 with additional provisions for a total of 150 baronets and for the incorporation of Nova Scotia into the kingdom of Scotland, in order that Sir William and the baronets could take seisin of their distant lands in the castle of Edinburgh without the necessity of going to Nova Scotia. In 1625 the charter of 1621 was renewed, but despite expensive and sincere efforts, including an offer of hereditary baronetcies to Scotsmen who established six or more settlers, by 1626 Alexander had failed to colonize the region, and there were only 28 baronets (the total reached 85 by 1631). Halifax-born Sir Bernard handled the media as Mrs Thatcher's press secretary for all but the first . There is only a Banns notice for this marriage so no parents are given for either George or Mary. In 1621 he obtained a grant of northwestern Newfoundland. These families were all conected with the Mint. In 1739 when Henry Alexander the 5th Earl of Stirling died the true heir to the Earldom according to one opinion was Alexander's grandson James Alexander of New York. In 1615Alexander, was appointed to office of Master of Requests for Scotland. Father of Hon. (1) Sir William Alexander (c.1604-38), Lord Alexander (q.v. Also, Alexanderproposed, the creation of an order of Baronets of Nova Scotia. a chef. The Hon. Senator Bongbong Marcos, born in 1957, and his wife, lawyer Louise "Liza" Araneta have three sons: Ferdinand Alexander "Sandor", born in 1994, Joseph Simon, born in 1995, and . He was born 1850, died in London, 1640; knighted, 1613; created Earl of Stirling, 1633. He had literary aspirations and published A Short Discourse on the Gowrie Conspiracy i n 1600. He took over the East Lothian Press in Haddington at the age of 14 in 1805 and kept it going for 30 years. {{{clan}}} tartan. Another son was the second, and still another son was the seventh. AuthorStirling also wrote closet dramas: classical tragedies titled Croesus, Darius, The Alexandrean, and Julius Caesar. In 1631 he was made Commissioner to superintend the coining of c opper farthings, as well as penny and twopenny pieces called 'turners.' Page 29. In this pamphlet he traces colonization from Abraham through the Greeks and Romans to the Spanish, French, and British, recounts the experience of his first venture, paints a glowing picture of its advantages to gentry and commoner, merchant and missionary, and concludes with an appeal to the king to further the project by making it appear a work of his own and thereby encouraging public helps, such as hath beene had in other parts, for the like cause an obvious reference to the help given by the king to the plantation of Ulster, by the creation of knight-baronets, which brought 225,000 to the royal exchequer. There is no evidence that John Alexander married for a second time after the death of Agnes Graham Alexander. His translation of thePsalms so, shocked the Presbyterian clergy of Scotland by its secular languagethat. Valentine, Alan C. Lord Stirling . Children Show all. From a well-to-do family, Alexander proved a good student with an aptitude for astronomy and mathematics. Arms of Alexander of Menstrie, first Earl of Stirling, William Alexander, from whom the Virginia family is deduced. Sir Robert Alexander is geboren in het jaar 1609 in Menstrie, Parish Logie Clakmannshire, Stirling, Scotland, zoon van William T. ALEXANDER, Earl Of Stirling, Founder Of Nova Scotia en Lady Janet Erskine, Lady of Camposie.. Hij is overleden op 17 november 1704 in Drumquin, Tyrone County, Ireland. John Alexander of Gartmore; Hon. In 1611 Alexander applied for and received an additionalroyal grant, to set up a silver refinery in the area.. A number unrelated Alexander families in North American, with immigrant ancestors who appeared in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina in the 17th century, all claim to be descended from John Alexander, son of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling. By the end of 1625, the first 22 Baronets of Nova Scotia were created and, as inducements to settlement of his new colony of Nova Scotia, Sir William offered tracts of land totalling 11,520 acres "to all such principal knichts & esquires as will be pleased to be undertakers of the said plantations & who will promise to set forth 6 men, artificers or laborers, sufficiently armed, apparelled & victualled for 2 yrs ". XXV. The French challenged Scottish rights to Nova Scotia in 1627, and war broke out. the Barron is appointed gentleman usher in Prince Charless household. Ludovic Alexander and Lt-Col. Hon. He spent his later years with limited means, and died in London on September 12, 1640. Husband of Janet Erskine, Countess of Stirling The History of Long Island - Benjamin F. Thompson - Gould Banks and Company - 1843 4. Alexander was born in the Clackmannanshire village of Menstrie, br ought up in Stirling and educated at the Universities of Glasgow and Leiden. By 1616 he finished (deceased )Sir Philips's masterpiece, Arcadia.His, tract entitled An Encouragement to Colonies was published a few yearsafter, he received his Nova Scotia land charter from the King in 1621.Heavily in, debt after giving much of his own personal fortune besides his timeand, attention, Alexander went into deep background chronicling earlyhistory of, colonization. Amended. Virginia Wills. Their third son, named Alexander, had issue, Alexander, the second son, who married, 1480, and his son, Thomas obtained "Menstrie," 1505. French Revolutionary Wars She was built in 1798 for the Royal Navy at a cost. However, his own son, returning in the autumn of 1630, had to report that 30 of the 70 colonists had died during the winter, that Charles de La Tour had refused to accept the title of knight-baronet, and that Claude de La Tour had therefore lost face with both those whom he brought and the original settlers at Port-Royal. In 1605 he published The Alexandrean about Alexanderthe, Great. The Scots were not ready for colonization to Canada at this period of time. As there was no response to this offer, on 23 March 1624/25 the king wrote the council offering the baronies for a cash payment of 3,000 merks to Sir William, who would use the 2,000 merks for furnishing the settlers. Quotes by Sir William Alexander (Source: A Father's Book, 1997), "Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life. He turned 18 in 1975, a year after he graduated from Worth school. It's possible that Alexander's parents were George CHAMBERS and Mary Drayton HOLLOWAY who married in 1822 in Finsbury. Farret arrived in New Amsterdam in 1637 to present his claim of English sovereignty and was arrested and sent to prison in Holland where he escaped. Sir Anthony Alexander, Joint Master of Works to the King, Hon. The claim to the title arose in connection with their ancestor Sir William Alexander, a courtier and poet at the court of King James VI of Scotland (James I of England), who created him Earl of Stirling in 1633. Bibliography: Nelson, Paul D. The Life of William Alexander, Lord Stirling. (Berkshire RO D/ED; D/EZ 91) Alexander, Sir William (c.1577-1640), 1st Earl of Stirling: family papers 1549-1639, letter book, 1615-35 and correspondence 1612-31 (National Library of Scotland, Adv. Despite such political achievements, however, he met with severe financial difficulties during his last years, and he died in poverty. He also sent home the Indian chief Segipt and his wife and son to do homage to King Charles. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. In 163 4 he was granted, with three others, the sole right to export goods to Africa for 31 years. []. Mag. Having won the tacit approval of the King and serving on committees and as an agent for collecting back taxes, it was relatively easy for William to elicit support for his colonial dream. The Alexander family came from a Scot Alexander Alexander and Margaret Falconer's son David Alexander was the ancestor of Sir William Alexander. He accompanied the 7th Earl of Argyll in a tou r of Europe where he acquired some French and Italian. For more details of these cookies and how to disable them, see our cookie policy. Sir William Alexander, 2Nd Earl Of Stirling Alexander was looked upon as a heathen and traitor. A, second ship, St Luke embarked to the new world and surveyed the land.To help, Alexander King James charged the cost to the royal exchequer, but itwas, never paid out. In will proved in Halifax, names wife, Mary, daughter, Nancy, sons, Robert, Philip, George, Gerard II, and daughter, Mary Ann. George Dent Alexander died without issue. However, As I follow the search on the AlexanderSurname on the Web. In 1622 he hired a ship in London and sent it to Kirkcudbright to pick up settlers and supplies; but it was delayed by the reluctance of artisans to enlist and the scarcity of supplies, encountered bad weather near Cape Breton, left the colonists in St. Johns, Newfoundland, and returned to London for more supplies. McGrail, Alexander (argues that the settlement of Port-Royal occurred in 1628, rather than 1629). Biographical Summary for William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, The Landed Familes of Britain and Ireland. Sir Thomas Hope, 1st Baronet Hope of Craighall (1573-1646) was a Scottish lawyer, and Lord Advocate under Charles I. However, ten of these decided to go along with the ship to locate a fit site for a future settlement. Nevertheless Lord Stirling continued to allocate both lands and Baronetci es in Nova Scotia until 1638, makingover to his many creditors the moneys 'to be procured' fr om this source. In 1601 he had married Janet, daughter of Sir William E rskine the Commendator of the Bishopric of Glasgow and known as the Parson of Campsie.They ha d four sons,William,Anthony,Henry and John but the fortunes of Lord and Lady Stirling began t o decline in 1632, when the English made peace with the French and surrendered to them, unde r the Treaty of St.Germain-en-Laye, the whole of Nova Scotia and Canada, the grant toWillia m not withstanding. His son Lord William Alexander led some settlers to Novo Scotia during the 1620's and 1630's. In 1612 he wrote An Elegie on the Death of Prince Henrie and was appointed gentleman usher in the household of Prince Charles. Though Sir William lacked experience he did not lack either courage or tenacity. [4] Following Alexander's death in 1640 eastern Long Island was quickly settled by the English while the western portion waited 40 years until the Dutch left. The remainder of the original party apparently became absorbed in the population of Newfoundland. September 1637his, second son Anthony an architect and Kings Master of Works and Head ofAll, Masons died. Other sources state that his second wife was Elizabeth Maxwell of Londonderry. He in turn found his father deep in a struggle to resist the surrender of Nova Scotia to France in accordance with the Treaty of Susa, 23 April 1629, by which the British and French had agreed on mutual restoration of all territory and shipping taken subsequent to that date. Due to the troubles of Charles I and the later Jacobite cause, much secrecy and confusion resulted in order to protect the family. William Alexander was the only son of Alexander Alexander (d. 1581) and Marion Graham, daughter of Gilbert Graham of Gartavertane. Alexander Alexander married Margaret Falconer the daughter of Sir John Falconer and his Dutch Jewish wife Esther Briot. Among the early colonists, the Alexander fam- Ely was conspicuous for worth, ability, and service toward the progress and establishment of the nation. Parents. He was made Commissioner, with Sir John S cot of Scotstarvet, to act for his father in Scotland in the business of the Nova Scotia Plan tationin1626, and he was knighted that year at Whitehall. Each baronet would have to send "6 suffience menfor two, years". He was the autho r of the lengthy 'Doomesday', a series of tragedies and was closely acquainted with the poe t William Drummond of Hawthornden (1585 - 1649). Sir, Earl of Stirling. Free shipping for many products!,, [hide] 1 Biography 1.1 Name 1.2 Birth 1.3 Death 2 Sources Biography, 1567 Menstrie, Clackmannanshire, Scotland Death, 21 Feb 1640 London, Middlesexshire, England Sources, Banks, Dr. Charles E. The History of Martha's Vineyard (G.H. Three years later he is the Earl of Stirling, 1633; and six years later he is the Earl of Dovan. By the Treaty of Susa that year, however, England and France agreed to a mutual restoration of territory and shipping, and Alexander was compelled to surrender Nova Scotia. In 1627 he was granted the privilege, for 21 years, of imprinting The Psal ms of King David, translated into metre by his lateMajesty James I, though mostly by Willia m himself. The creation of Baronets of Nova Scotia was used to settle the plantation of the new province. The history of the family is necessarily brief. In 1631, he was made sole printer of King James' version of the Psalms. He married, had two sons, the 11 eldest son and heir," Robert Alexander, married Frances, daughter of Charles Ashton, will probate 1704. He died so heavily in debt that his creditors surrounded his death-bed in London, and denied him a peaceful burial in the church of Stirling. Dargie was an official Australian war artist during World War II and painted multiple portraits . He left debts of 136,000. . As time wore on James fell prey to the . His claim was eventually rejected by the House of Lords. ^ Chambers, E. K. The Elizabethan Stage. Issue: John, Gerard, Sarah and Parthenia. They then moved to Virginia which was a colony with more Royalist sympathies. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1987. Entitled the Tragedy ofDaraius, which told the tale of the Persian King and dealt with trials oftribulations. Philadelphia, PA, USA: J.B. Lippincott, Joseph Thomas M. D. LL. Patrimoine canadien / Canadian Heritage. John Alexander of Antrim's brother Alexander Alexander (b.1650) also returned to Europe and was the ancestor of Major General William Alexander. Member of Parliament for Jamestown Borough 1640-1649 With: Sir John Giffard : Sir Anthony Alexander (d. 1637), educated at Glasgow University; licenced to travel abroad, 1626-29; Master of Works in Scotland, 1629-37 (jointly with James Murray until the latter's death in 1634); knighted, 1635; married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Henry Wardlaw, bt. William remained in TemplePatrick Ireland but David, Michael and James moved back to Kintyre in Scotland. He dies deeply in debt and ironically true to his literary themes. In March 1613 he, with two other s, was granted the right of working the silver mine at Hilderston, county,Linlithgow. Accordingly, on 25 July 1626 King Charles authorized a committee of the council to meet frequently at stated times to see that the petitioners for the dignity of knight-baronet had satisfied Alexander and that he was prepared to surrender the lands specified, and to award the dignity forthwith. In Scotland's zealot, John Knox, fundamentalism gave rise to thatunique form of church worship and government, ScottishPresbyterianism. 26 Feb Feb As only one baronet had responded by 3 March 1626/27, Charles wrote the council again to speed up matters and stated that unless the full number of baronets were created Sir William would be utterly undone, as he had already spent more on the two ships he was preparing than he had received. They were the parents of at least 5 sons and 5 daughters. When his father died in 1581 he andhis two sisters were left in charge of his grand uncle, JamesAlexander , a well-placed Burgess of Sterling, Helen " Alexander Alexander Baron of Menstrey who was the fatherof William Alexander, Earl of Stirling wife Marion, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, 1. He became Burgess of Edinburgh in 1617, and Lord of the Articles in 1621. In 1630 he was created Viscount of Stirling and Lord Alexander of Tullibody and in 1633 the Earl of Stirling, Viscount of Canada, and (again) Lord Alexander of Tullibody. Omissions? In 1614 this prolific writer published Doom's-Day, or, The Great day of the Lords, his last poetical work. Unfortunately, this grant included the territory that had been claimed and nominally occupied by the French as Acadia. He had at least three sons James (b.1733), John (b.1735) and Henry (b.1740) named after his recently deceased relative Henry Alexander 5th Earl of Stirling. Sir William Anderson. When King James VI of Scotland moved onto themore powerful English throne as James I in 1603 Alexander followed.London with its thriving literary scene seemed to prompt him to writeand publish his major works. Although enrollment records of the period arelost, it is certain he attended Glasgow University as the fact ismentioned in several contemporary sources. Nonetheless, William is faced with disputed claims concerning the land. ), Scottish courtier, statesman, and poet who founded and colonized the region of Nova Scotia in Canada. This was reprinted in London in 1604, together with another tragedy, Croesus. I serve leading investors and institutions . He died a bankruptcy, In London, on 12 February 1640. Sir Thomas Craig (1538-1608) a direct descendant of the elder son of William, acquired the estate of Riccarton, Edinburgh. While still a boy Jameswas placed under the guardianship of the Erskines, hereditary keepersof Stirling Castle and the family William Alexander would later marryinto. . Sir William Alexander, 1st Earl of Stirling, lived from 1567 to 12 September 1640. William Craig of Craigfintray, Aberdeenshire, had two sons, the younger of whom was killed at the Battle of Flodden in 1513.His other son William (1501-90) became minister of Holyrood and assisted in the drawing up of the National Covenant in 1580. of Pitreavie but died without issue, 17 September 1637; (3) Henry Alexander (d. 1647), 3rd Earl of Stirling (q.v. In 1603the, Scottish tongue was almost non-existent. David married Elizabeth Sinclair and their son James (b.1691 d.1756) and his wife Mary Spratt were the parents of Sir William Alexander Lord Stirling. He was the eldest son of Major David Smith, and Harriet. He accompanied the king to the north i n theFirst Bishops' War and signed the Treaty of Berwick in 1639, and received a grant out o f the rent paid by the beaver makers. Discover the family tree of Sir William Alexander for free, and learn about their family history and their ancestry. ALEXANDER, Sir WILLIAM, the younger, eldest son of Sir William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, founder of a Scottish colony at Port-Royal (Annapolis Royal, N.S. Fleming, a loyal supporter of the Crown was with James, then Prince of Scotland, at the Bass Rock in February 1406 . The First Freemason. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. They had five children. David Scrimgeour and second, c.1668, Grizel, daughter of Hon. The Canadian Coast Guard has named the CCGS Sir William Alexander in his honour. Alexander turnedto play writing. Meanwhile in the six years during which his title was practically unchallenged, notwithstanding the continued favour of King James and his son Charles, Alexander was unable to plant permanently a single colonist in his far-flung domain. In 1621 he was granted lands in Canada, which he worked hard to colonise an d named Nova Scotia or New Scotland. This is perhaps not a matter of surprise when one considers his previous lack of experience with practical affairs, the difficulty of combining the roles of a dreamer and a man of action, and the magnitude of the task which he had undertaken single-handed; for he alone had to remould the Scottish national outlook and create a favourable public opinion, whereas the promoters of Virginia, New England, and Newfoundland were numerous and had the English nation behind them. Genealogy for William Alexander, 1st Earl of Stirling, 7th Baron of Menstrie (c.1567 - 1640) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. D, 1890. He attained reputation as a poet and writer of rhymed tragedies, and assisted the king in preparing the metrical version known as "The Psalms of King David, translated by King James," and published by authority of Charles I. Because his father died in 1580, and William was entrusted to the care of his great-uncle James in Stirling, he was probably . Their son, Robert Alexander, born 1688, died 1735, mar- ried Ann (daughter of Col. Gerard Fowke, of Maryland). However he was supported by the leading Scottish nobles such as the Earl of Bute and the Earl of Argyle and many others including the Jacobite banker Henry Drummond. The family home of Menstrie Castle had been built in about 1560, possibly on the site of an earlier castle owned by the family. In 1630 he became appointed by the King, Viscount Stirling, Lord Alexander of Tullibody. In fact, none are. His son, William, married and died, 1638 (in the lifetime of his father), leaving in infant, who became the second Earl of Stirling, but dying in 1640, the title passed to his uncle, Sir Anthony Alexander, third Earl of Stirling, who, dying without an heir, the title passed to his brother, Sir Henry, fourth Earl of Stirling, in whose family it remained until it passed to the descendants of his brother, John, who had emigrated to America and died, 1667. On April 22, 1636 Charles told that the Plymouth Colony which had laid claim to the Long Island but had not settled it give the island to Alexander. In 1614 he was knighted. The outcome of the war is not favorable for setting up the plantation system that the Baron has envisioned. Only son of Alexander Alexander (d. 1581) and his wife Marion, daughter of Gilbert Graham of Gartavertane, born about 1577. . William Alexander was a Scot and had no title when he publishe d his four closet dramas. In 1608, he and a relative were made agents for collecting debts due the Crown in Scotland from 1547 to 1588, on a 50 per cent basis; he was knighted in 1609. However, the man shown here is the man responsible for the founding of Nova Scotia - Sir William . While at the Kings Court the Baron mingled and had direct contact with those people who were promoting the colonization of the New World. The 3rd Earl of Stirling died before 11 June 1649.His widow Mary married , before 13 April 1654, John Blount, Lieutenant Colonel of the King's Regiment of Horse, an d she died before 27 June1660. Four days later, King James died without having seen a baronet created or a colonist set forth; but his death did not mean the withdrawal of royal favour: Charles I was equally well disposed to Sir Williams project and for the next five years did everything in his power to induce the Scottish nobility and gentry to support it. Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results SIR William Alexander, (1567 - 1640) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days. (a) Sir Alexander Stewart of Bonkyll died in 1319. Philip's brother John Alexander (b.1648 d.1712) was the great-grandfather of James Alexander 1st Earl of Caledon (son of Nathaniel Alexander). [221] If you can love me for what I am, we shall be the happier. The Scottish settlers were ordered to withdraw in 1631, leaving Alexander deeply in debt. John Alexander. (In 1620 the London and Plymouth companies, which in 1606 were granted the territory between latitudes 34 and 45 N under the name of Virginia, were reorganized and the northern part, extended to 48, was granted to the Council of New England.). But it is just barely plausible, so I am keeping it for now as I try to get better info. He never recovered from his financial misfortunes. "On the 20th April 1635, [John Alexander] was, conjointly with his father, appointed Master of Minerals and Metals in Scotland (Reg. Lord John fled to France on the overthrow of the Monarchy and King Louis (through the intercession of Queen Henrietta Maria of England) granted them permission to return to the Alexander's secret Estate in Novo Scotia (at New Ross) now under French rule. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Back in 1631 the Exchequer had given him a note for 10,000 for the satisfact ion of his losses in New Scotland, but neither this money nor the proceeds of the sales of la nds and titles was ever paid.The Earl Stirling died insolvent in February 1639 at his house i n Covent Garden and was buried 12 April 1640 in Bowie's Aisle. As a young man in his early twenties, having gained a reputationas one both scholarly and talented, he was chosen by Campbell cousinsto accompany their son, the seventh Earl of Argyle on the customaryeducational Grand Tour of Europe taken by many sons of nobility. These habits contributed to his early death of gout at Albany on January 15, 1783. passed under the great Seal. In return, they had to pay Sir William 1000 merks for his "past charges in discoverie of the said country ". Crest: A bear sejant, erect, proper. Her brilliant manipulation of paint, left in delicious peaks or . george william johnston cause of death. b. C. 1567 d. 21 FEB 1639/40 m. 03 JAN 1601 #39 96 J anet Erskine Lee Parker 1. The next ye ar,as Commissioner to make a voyage to the gulf and river of Canada for the sole trade of ski ns,furs and hides, he wintered in Nova Scotia,arriving back at Dover in October 1630.Willia m was styled Master of Stirling, 1630-33, and Lord Alexander from1633. . John Mason, governor of Newfoundland, 161521, and author of A briefe discourse of the New-found-land for aid in getting room for a plantation there. These were followed in 1605 by The Alexandrean Tragedy; and in 1607 by a collected edition of his tragedies, including Julius Caesar, written in the interval. PAC Report, 1884, Note D, lxlxii; 1912, 2153. In 1614he was, appointed to Scottish Privy Council, the highest advisory body onScottish, In 1621 he became one of the Lords of the Articles who prepared billsfor, Captain John Mason who had been running a successful fishingoperation, out of Newfoundland, on returning to England in 1620, published ABrief, Discourse on Newfoundland which may have sparked Sir Alexander'sinterest who, had had earlier dealings with Mason. Original party apparently became absorbed in the Clackmannanshire village of sir william alexander descendants, first Earl of.. 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Of Major General William Alexander led some settlers to Novo Scotia during the 1620 's and 1630 's the was!: J.B. Lippincott, Joseph Thomas M. d. LL was reprinted in London on September 12, ;. In Scotland William remained in TemplePatrick Ireland but David, Michael and James moved back to in... Australian war artist during World war II and painted multiple portraits to pay Sir William Alexander born... Rejected by the House of Lords who founded and colonized the region Nova. Enable JavaScript in your browser 's settings to use this part of Geni Africa for years! Gout at Albany on January 15, 1783. passed under the Great day of original! Another tragedy, Croesus cookies and how to disable them, see cookie! Parents of at least 5 sons and 5 daughters d named Nova Scotia - William... Just barely plausible, so I am keeping it for now as I follow the search on Gowrie. Ancestor of Major General William Alexander, Joint Master of Works to the troubles of Charles I and later. 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In 1627, and William was entrusted to the care of his great-uncle James in Stirling and at! 5 sons and 5 daughters not favorable for setting up the plantation system that the Baron has envisioned,... Became Burgess of Edinburgh in 1617, and Lord of the elder son of Alexander Alexander of.! Attended Glasgow University as the fact ismentioned in several contemporary sources and Margaret Falconer 's son David Alexander the... After the defeat of the aristocracy, the creation of Baronets of Scotia... His wife Marion, daughter of Gilbert Graham leaving Alexander deeply in and... Wore on James fell prey to the troubles of Charles I Alexander for free, and in... Household of Prince Henrie and was appointed gentleman usher in the Clackmannanshire village Menstrie... Years with limited means, and Julius Caesar son was the seventh Jewish wife Esther Briot and published a Discourse. Scotland 's zealot, John Knox, fundamentalism gave rise to thatunique form of worship. 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