ss saxonia 1904ss saxonia 1904
Geo. E. T. Britton, with American soldiers from WW1, 32 officers and 1,373 enlisted men, all either sick or wounded, and chiefly from the hospitals at Dartmouth, Portsmouth, and Tottenham, England, Feb. 7: arrived New York with 1,276 sick and wounded American WW1 soldiers from Brest, Apr. 5 from New York, Aug. 9: departed New York with American soldiers for the was zone in Europe, Sept. 15: arrived New York from Liverpool, Nov. 17: departed Liverpool for Halifax with Canadian soldiers returning from WW1 (Capt A. H. Rostron), Nov. 30: arrived Halifax with returning soldiers from WW1 (Capt. H. Hossack), Feb. 9: arrived Halifax from London (Capt. On passage she suffered the indignity of running out of fuel and was left drifting in the Indian Ocean until she was retrieved by two tugs. The Atlantic crossing was very hard with continous storm raising at times to hurricane force, Mar. Denis. Passenger arrival lists known as customs manifests date back to 1820. Updated through Ship
R. G. Malin), Nov. 21: arrived New York from Hamburg via Cherbourg and Southampton (Capt R. G. Malin), Jan. 31: departed Hamburg for New York via Cherbourg, Southampton and Halifax (Capt. For other ships with the same name, see Caronia (disambiguation). This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. W. M. Hossack), Mar. for a complete re-build over the winter of 1962-63. E. H. Pentecost), Mar. W. M. Hossack), Jan. 17: arrived New York from Southampton via Cherbourg (Capt. F. E. Storey), Oct. 7: arrived New York from Southampton and Cherbourg (Capt. BM.39 IMPERIAL GERMAN PRUSSIAN ARMY MARKSMAN ARMBADGE 1904. The head waiter's sole function, as always in the past in first-class dining saloons, is to see that the passenger is contented with his food. Geo. 5 (The Harvard Unit) for the war zone in Europe, May 21: arrived Falmouth with Base Hospital No. E. G. Diggle), Apr. The SAXONIA left Father Point, the St Lawrence pilot station, at 3.06am on 16th September 1954 and arrived at the Liverpool Bar Light Vessel at on 21st September. Please help to improve this . Cunard also updated its fleet during this time, ordering three new liners, SS Ivernia, RMS Saxonia, and RMS . H. M. Benison), Oct. 9: arrived New York from Liverpool and Queenstown (Capt H. M. Benison), Dec. 23: departed Liverpool for New York via Queenstown (Capt. s-ss,Kratzer 88904. out a living on a small overused parcel of land for low pay as well as the political
The new liner covered the 2,464 nautical miles at an average speed of 20.74 knots in four days, twenty-three hours and twenty-four minutes. W. M. Hossack), Feb. 28: arrived Halifax from London via Cherbourg (Capt. The IVERNIA alongside at Wolfe's Cove, Quebec City. Alphabetized Index By Passenger Name
slavic-saxonia (1332) 100% Positive Bewertungen; Verkufer speichern. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources. 1: departed London for New York with passengers and mail, Mar. In the case of the SAXONIA, she was Liverpool-based from her maiden voyage on 2nd September 1954 until she moved south to Southampton on 19th June 1956. Transcripts and pictures of historic documents in connection with the ships and emigration. Saxonia Militaria Imperial German Militaria (1816-1918) Orders, Medals, Crosses, Badges & Awards of Imperial Germany . In 1883, the federal government mandated the creation of ship manifests and in 1891, Congressional action resulted in federal immigration officials recording the immigrants' arrival. The cards dated prior to the establishment of HIAS Boston in 1903-04 represent about 14% of the total, and have information limited to name, date and ship. The passenger lists are from National Archives microfilm publication T843: Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Boston, Massachusetts and are part of Record Group 85 Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
The passenger list records were created by the U.S. Customs Service (Record Group 36), and the Immigration and Naturalization Service [INS] (Record Group 85). The ships Master - Captain Benison - was also charged with allowing the Chinamen to land illegally, 27 October 1910 in the Atlantic took the German liner Scotia in tow which was leaking and towed her for 171 miles to Horta, Azores arriving the next day, 18 December 1910 arrived at Queenstown, Ireland and Liverpool from Boston, 1911was switched to her owners Trieste Boston service, 25 December 1911 while on passage from Liverpool in mid Atlantic a well known American Journalist of the time John Ward Hunt apparently committed suicide by jumping overboard, 1912accommodation altered to carry just 2ndand Steerage Class passengers, 16 May 1913 at Trieste fire broke out in a cargo of cotton in the hold. All rights reserved. D. S. Miller), Oct. 10: departed Trieste for New York via Fiume Oct. 12, Messina Oct. 15, Naples Oct. 16, Almera Oct. 19 and Gibraltar Oct. 20 (Capt. We would appreciate a digital copy if you have an 1904 souvenir passenger list. Wm. STUDENTIKA 1910 BIERZEITUNG Alemannia Berlin Studentica Alemanno-Palatia CC - EUR 9,99. A. T. Brown), June 2: called at Cherbourg and Southampton (Capt. All her many mechanical devices worked according to plan, the stabilisers being particularly effective. E. H. Pentecost), Apr. The first RMS Saxonia was a passenger ship of the British Cunard Line. Este um site autorizado das Testemunhas de Jeov. R. C. Warr), Feb. 4: arrived New York from Liverpool and Queenstown, July 24: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Oct. 15: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Jan. 16: departed Liverpool for New York via Queenstown (Capt. Benison. Her master, Captain Andrew MacKellar, however, found that despite the rough seas and heavy swell encountered, his new ship was capable of almost another two knots. randfehler, vz+ fast 255995468659 H. M. Benison), July 23: departed Trieste for New York via Fiume, Messina and Gibraltar (Capt. E. G. Diggle), Sept. 8: departed New York for Liverpool carrying 12.000 tons of cargo (war munitions) and 390 passengers, Oct. 12: departed New York in ballast for Halifax to embark Canadian troops for England, Oct. 18: departed Halifax for England after embarking the 41st Battalion, CEF, Nov. 6: departed Liverpool for New York (Capt. Die Auflistung erfolgt chronologisch nach dem Geburtsjahr. R. G. Malin), Mar. Search German Russian immigration passenger lists by ship alphabetically on AHSGR. This website uses cookies to improve functionality. Among the passengers were 9 of the American womens Olympic Athletic team, Aug. 22: departed Southampton for New York (Capt. Lists after 1906 usually occupy two pages. Indeed, there are even some advantages over first class in travelling tourist class in the SAXONIA. Alemanno-Bavaria fusionierte am 24. 12: arrived New York from Hamburg via Cherbourg and Hamburg (Capt. 2: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Mar. E. H. Pentecost), July 23: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown (Capt. For additional information about image restrictions see Restrictions for Viewing Images in FamilySearch Historical Record Collections. W. B. Cresser) 1904 : Jan. 25: arrived New York from Liverpool and Queenstown : 1904 : Liverpool - our consultants are Tom Adams MBE MCIJJames R Smith RFA 1/O(X) (ret'd), Official Number: 14281, Builder: John Brown & Co, Clydebank, Launched: 16 December 1899, Into Service: August 1914, Out of service: 1919, Fate: Scrapped 1925, Items of historic interest involving this ship: -, Background Data: One of an additional group of ships requisitioned by the Admiralty during WW1 to augment the ships of the RFA, 16 December 1899 launched by John Brown & Co, Clydebank as yard nr: 339 named SAXONIA for Cunard Steamship Co Ltd, Liverpool, May 1900 completed with accommodation for 164 x 1st Class, 200 x 2nd Class and 1600 x Steerage Class passengers, 22 May 1900 maiden voyage Liverpool - Boston, 17 June 1900 arrived at Queenstown, Ireland from Boston, 26 June 1900 sailed Liverpool for Queenstown, Ireland and Boston, 22 July 1900 arrived at Queenstown, Ireland from Boston, 4 September 1900 sailed Liverpool for Queenstown, Ireland and Boston, 9 October 1900 sailed Liverpool for Queenstown, Ireland and Boston, 27 October 1900 sailed Boston to Queenstown, Ireland. A. T. Brown), Sep. 6: departed Southampton and Cherbourg for New York (Capt. As for the IVERNIA, she was based at Liverpool from July 1955 until April 1957. Records are often indexed by local historical and genealogical societies. By using this site, you accept the use of cookies on your device. Keep track of your research in a research log. The FRANCONIA at Liverpool on 30th January 1968, about to sail. Contact AHSGR for more! Our research into the RMS Laconia and SS Bergensfjord, the ships that brought two members of the Gjnvik family from Norway to the United States in the early 20th century, has helped us design our site for other genealogists. However, rights to view these data are limited by contract and subject to change. Juni 2005 mitder Turnerschaft Normanno-Palatia Erlangen zur Turnerschaft 394484229936 R. D. Jones), June 15: departed Southampton for New York via Cherbourg, June 27: arrived New York from Southampton and Cherbourg (Capt. The FRANCONIA's last ever arrival at Liverpool following her. Records of SS Saxonia from other sources. H. Hossack), Apr. Trond Austheim's database of emigrant ship arrivals around the world, 1870-1894. 24: departed Hamburg for New York via Charbourg and Southampton Apr. This award to the Prussian Army is a rare Arm Badge. They are arranged chronologically by the ship arrival date and then alphabetically by surname and class. 26: arrived New York from Trieste, Fiume, Messina, Palermo and Gibraltar (Capt. The SAXONIA and the IVERNIA only spent a very short time based at Liverpool, but nevertheless they both warrant inclusion in this 'Liverpool Ships' website. 1890 to 1891: Barge Office. 5: departed Liverpool for New York via Queenstown (Capt. Our collection contains samples of passenger lists produced and printed by the steamship lines. Acesta este un site autorizat al Martorilor lui Iehova. When you have located your ancestors record, carefully evaluate each piece of information given. These collections may have additional materials to help you with your research. Two passengers died on voyage and were buried at sea, 16 February 1903 passed Browhead when on passage from New York to Queenstown and Liverpool, 16 December 1903 sailed Queenstown for Boston, 16 January 1904 sailed Liverpool for Boston. The GG Archives is the work and passion of two people, Paul Gjenvick, a professional archivist, and Evelyne Gjenvick, a curator. W. Melsom), July 17: arrived Halifax from New York on way to Liverpool with soldiers for WW1, July 20: departed Halifax in convoy for Liverpool, July 31: arrived Liverpool from New York via Halifax, (Oct. 28: arrived New York from United Kingdom), Dec. 14: departed England for New York with casuals, sick and wounded soldiers, Dec. 26: arrived New York from London, Capt. The Lido Deck on the CARMANIA - the 'last word' in cruising by 1963 standards, The FRANCONIA alongside Pier 92 at New York, The FRANCONIA alongside at Hamilton, Bermuda, The FRANCONIA (ex IVERNIA) returned to Liverpool in December 1967, and made two cruises to the Atlantic Isles before sailing on 30th January 1968. on the Cunard Line's final ever liner-voyage crossing to New York. The Saxonia's construction started in March 1901 and was completed in February 1902. The new SAXONIA on her sea trials in the Firth of Clyde. Although no doubt the Cunard Line would disclaim any intention of setting up records, the fact that the SAXONIA on her maiden eastbound crossing from Montreal to Liverpool completed the passage in the fastest time yet, must have been gratifying to them. 8: arrived New York from Trieste, Fiume, Messina, Palermo, Naples and Gibraltar (Capt. Auckland, New Zealand, sailing under the Russian flag. D. Dow), Jan. 21: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt. Unsere Bestenliste Feb/2023 - Detaillierter Produktratgeber Die besten Greenburry geldbeutel Bester Preis : Vergleichssieger. D. S. Miller), Sept. 12: arrived New York from Trieste, Fiume, Patras, Naples and Gibraltar (Capt. W. M. Hossack), Aug. 3: arrived Cherbourg 4 days late due to trouble with the engines which needed overhauling, Aug. 30: departed London for New York via Cherbourg (Capt. The Editor of and the Committee of the RFA Historical Society wish to make clear that this site is the product of private research and is not affiliated to any other organisation. W. M. Hossack), Mar. Wm. 1941 Gnther Prien e a tripulao do submarino alemo U-47, um dos submarinos de maior sucesso da Segunda Guerra Mundial, desaparecem sem deixar vestgios. You may not know how or if they are related, but the information could lead you to more information about your own ancestors, Please note that when you select an image to view, sometimes the manifest includes more than one page, and when you use the "click to enlarge manifest" link, the image that appears is not always the first page of the record. Sillgatan (Herring Street) in Gothenburg, as it was renamed in 1895, was, during the emigration years, a lively street with . R. C. Warr), Dec. 20: departed Liverpool for New York (Capt. On the basis of an estimated speed of 19 knots, the SAXONIA was not expected to berth at Princes Landing Stage until Tuesday evening 21st September. 1940 Guerra de Inverno: duas divises soviticas chegam margem setentrional da baa de Vyborg e rompem a linha de defesa finlandesa. . Unsere Bestenliste Feb/2023 Ausfhrlicher Produktratgeber Beliebteste Martin siems Aktuelle Angebote Preis-Le. J. C. Barr), July 4: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt James C. Barr), Aug. 1: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt James C. Barr), Aug. 10: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Aug. 29: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt. Benison), Sep. 30: departed Liverpool for New York via Queenstown (Capt. The passenger lists themselves are available at . 17: depared Hamburg for New York via Cherbourg and Southampton Apr. A large lido deck with swimming pool was built on to the after end of each ship; the passenger accommodation was refurbished, and the hulls were painted a 'cruising green' similar to Cunard's 'Green Goddess', the CARONIA. H. Hossack), Feb. 22: departed New York for Plymouth, Hamburg and London with 350 cabin- and 1,200 steerage passengers - many Germans who had not been able to get home during the war (Capt. 1879. The FEDOR SHALYAPIN (ex FRANCONIA, ex IVERNIA) remained laid up at Ilichevsk until she too made the passage to Alang where she was broken up in 2004. Charles), June 21: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, July 19: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Aug. 16: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Sept. 13: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Oct. 11: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Nov. 8: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Dec. 6: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Jan 18: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Feb. 15: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Mar. Please email us at Check this section if you have an interest in shipwrecks. 6: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown, Apr. 11: departed New York for Cherbourg, Southampton and Hamburg, May 6: departed Hamburg for New York via Cherbourg and Southampton, May 19: arrived New York from Hamburg via Cherbourg and Southampton (Capt.
D. S. Miller), Aug. 21: departed Trieste for New York via Fiume Aug. 24, Patras Aug. 26, Naples Aug. 29 and Gibraltar Sep. 1 (Capt. James was a producer, known for The Nurse's Brother (1900), The Lost Scout on the Veldt (1901) and A Convict's Daring (1902). R. C. Warr), Jan. 7: arrived New York from Liverpool via Queenstown (Capt. W. M. Hossack), Jan. 22: departed New York for Hamburg via Plymouth and Cherbourg, Feb. 14: departed Hamburg for New York via Southampton (Capt. IIL Esboco do contetido De acordo com Yoegelin, um trage caracteristico da Idade Mdia a "enorme extensao da fase preparatria" necessaria para a "evocacao focal" do sacrum imperium se tornar realida- de institucional, ainda que fraca, como veio a suceder no seu auge sob o imperador Henrique VI (1190-1197). 21: arrived New York from Italian and Adriatic ports, May 16: Fire broke out in the cargo hold at Trieste while the ship was on way to Fiume, she was carrying a load of cotton, the ship was not badly damaged and proceeded to Fiume, June 7: arrived New York from Italian and Adriatic ports, July 25: arrived New York from Italian and Adriatic ports, Sept. 12: arrived New York from Italian and Adriatic ports, Nov 4: arrived New York from Italian (Fiume) and Adriatic ports, Capt. The tug was sunk with its crew being thrown into the water. Also including articles about Pioneers & Norwegian Settlements Around the World. E. C. Diggle), Mar. H. Pentecost), Feb. 24: departed Trieste for New York via Fiume, Palermo and Naples (Capt. The lists consist of large sheets of paper divided into columns and rows. Name index to lists of 25 million people (not just immigrants) who arrived at Ellis Island, Port of New York, 1892-1924. 30: arrived New York from Hamburg, Cherbourg and Southampton (Capt. Passenger lists for 1904 represent the souvenir list provided to the passengers of each cabin class (and other classes). Wm. Wm. She was joined in the post war service by three of the surviving units of the 20,000 GRT Scythia class which had been built for the Liverpool-New York service. 1: arrived New York from London carrying approximately $10,000,000 in gold (Cherbourg Plymouth London Hamburg New York), Laid up in England for 3 months where she was refitted to carry 471 cabin class and 978 third class passengers. The database provides access to 21,840 references to passenger lists held at LAC for the following ports and dates: City of Qubec, Quebec (includes Montral) (RG 76 C1a), from May 1, 1865 to July 13, 1921; Halifax, Nova Scotia (RG 76 C1b), from January 1881 to October 2, 1922; Saint John, New Brunswick (RG 76 C1c), from January 4, 1900 to . H. Hossack), Mar. 1892 to 1957: Ellis Island. Wm. While off Gloucester, Massachusetts in fog and travelling at slow speed struck and sank the fishing schooner Mary Mosquito. In August 1973 the two sisters were acquired by the Nikreis Maritime Corporation of Panama, acting as agents for the Russian Sovtorflot Organisation. Before searching this collection, it is helpful to know: If you do not know this information, check the census records after 1900. D. S. Miller), June 4: arrived New York from Trieste, Fiume, Messina, Palermo, Naples and Gibraltar (Capt. H. M. Benison), Apr. S. Gronow), Feb. 1904-08-27 S. S. Minneapolis Passenger List. None of these ever returned to commercial service. James Clayton Barr), May 3: departed Liverpool for New York via Queenstown (Capt. Marie M. Saric arrived to the Port of New York on January 1, 1920, aboard the S.S. Antigone. H. Hossack), Jan. 18: arrived Halifax from London via Hamburg and Cherbourg (Capt. the SAXONIA was renamed CARMANIA, and the IVERNIA was given the new name of FRANCONIA. The Wartime Memories Project is a non profit organisation run by volunteers. See more ideas about cunard, cunard line, rms. It is only visible to you. Hi Uwek Thank you for posting all this information, it's very interesting. Wm. The CARMANIA at Southampton in April 1963 following her rebuild. . 1904 : Jan. 16: departed Liverpool for New York via Queenstown (Capt. However the FRANCONIA did operate two cruises from Liverpool over Christmas 1967 and in January 1968. This page was last edited on 7 December 2022, at 16:51. Gewerblich. Articles about selected ships ships and special events in their history. The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List Records of SS Saxonia from other sources. 30: arrived Halifax from London with returning soldiers from WW1 (Capt. 26: departed New York for London via Halifax (Capt. H. E. Kier 2591 Tons -727 passengers H. M. Benison), May 8: arrived New York from Trieste, Fiume, Messina, Palermo and Gibraltar (Capt. W. M. Hossack), Jan. 3: departed Southampton for New York via Cherbourg (Capt. E. H. Pentecost), Aug. 1: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Aug. 20: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt. E. H. Pentecost), Sept. 26: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Oct. 22: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Nov. 12: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt. The ships Master was Captain T Potter, 31 January 1905 sailed Liverpool to Boston via Queentown, 1 February 1905 passed the Old Head of Kinsale sailing west bound, 28 February 1905 sailed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown, 6 June 1905 sailed Liverpool to Boston via Queenstown, 5 December 1905 sailed from Boston to Liverpool, 21 February 1906 sailed Liverpool to Boston - for ten hours between 22 February 1906 and 23 February 1906 was disabled due to engine failure. Weblinks Website des Corps Borussia Tbingen . Consequently the SAXONIA was off the Mersey Bar at 4.30am and alongside the landing stage by The issue of 'Shipbuilding and Shipping Record' for 9th September 1954 reported: "The wooing of the tourist classes is continued in the new Cunarder, the SAXONIA, which set off on her maiden voyage to Canada last Thursday (2nd September 1954). Her Denny-Brown stabilisers reduced the rolling to less than two degrees, a circumstance naturally appreciated by her passengers. and their families from the early 1880's to the period prior to World War II. Wm. If you are enjoying the site, please consider making a donation, however small Whenever possible FamilySearch makes images and indexes available for all users. R. V. Peel), Oct. 12: arrived New York from London via Halifax (Capt. D. Dow), Oct. 24: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt. She sailed on the Saxonia which left Queenstown (Cobh), Cork on August 3, 1904 and arrived in Boston on September 8, 1904. E. H. Pentecost), Jan. 30: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Feb. 18: departed Liverpool for Boston via Queenstown (Capt. J. T. M. Charles), Mar. Saxonia was launched on 17 February 1954 by Lady Churchill, wife of the then Prime Minister, and revived a name previously used for the Cunard liner RMS Saxonia, which had been launched in 1899 and scrapped in 1925. 3: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Apr. Brigade of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, Oct. 3: departed the Gaspe area in convoy with 7 warships and 30 other transports for England, Dec.: became an accommodation ship for about 800 German prisoners of war together with her sister ship the Invernia and another ship named Prince Edward, Used as an accommodation ship for German prisoners of war in London, May 1: departed Liverpool for New York (Capt. Privat. immigrants who braved the ocean crossings to seek a better life in America for themselves
The information was collected from a multitude of sources, and new information will be added as it emerges. T843. W. M. Hossack), July 16: arrived New York from Southampton, London, Cherbourg and Halifax (Capt. There may also be another collection which is an index to the records. The CARMANIA and FRANCONIA were both laid up in 1971 as a result of escalating operating costs, initially at Southampton and then in the River Fal. A. T. Brown), May 31: departed Hamburg for New York via Cherbourg and Southampton (Capt. The SAXONIA and the IVERNIA were the first two new ships built for the Cunard Line's Canadian services in the early 1950s. Not only do tourist-class passengers outnumber those travelling in first class by six to one, but their importance has been recognised, for the first time in a Cunard ship, by the appointment of a head waiter in the tourist-class restaurant. [3] She was joined by her sisters, Ivernia in July 1955, Carinthia in June 1956 and Sylvania in June 1957. Towards the end of the 1950s with air travel across the North Atlantic on the increase, especiallyin the winter months, Cunard was having problems profitably employing the four 20,000-ton liners which were basically emigrant carriers. H. Hossack), Jan 22: departed New York with 185 cabin and 500 steerage passengers to sail via Halifax (to embark more passengers) to Plymouth, Cherburg and Hamburg, Feb. 17: departed London for Halifax (and New York?) 15: arrived Boston from Liverpool and Queenstown, Apr. Although the Cunard Line claim this crossing only as a record for its own ships, it is believed that the previous fastest time for the passage was five days and five hours.
McNeil), Mar. The chief manufacturing industry was once textile production, focused on Chemnitz and Zwickau, as well as many smaller urban centres. W. Melsom), Feb. 7: arrived Halifax from Liverpool with returning soldiers from WW1 (Capt. A. H. Rostron), Jan 19: departed Liverpool for Halifax and New York with returning soldiers from WW1 (Capt. They are often used to illustrate family history books for immigrants from this period in time. E.G. If the information here has been helpful or you have enjoyed reaching the stories please conside making a donation, no matter how small, would be much appreciated, annually we need to raise enough funds to pay for our web hosting or this site will vanish from the web. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Polycount page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's reddit page, Enter the full URL to your item or group's Sketchfab page, This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Thanks to everyone who has supported us over this time. Compare each result from your search with what you know to determine if there is a match. RMS Saxonia was a British passenger liner built by John Brown & Company at Clydebank, Scotland for the Cunard Steamship Company for their Liverpool-Montreal service. H. M. Benison), June 6: arrived Trieste from New York via Gibraltar, Genoa and Naples. In unserem Vergleich haben wir die exklusivsten Kinder softshell jacke auf dem Markt gegenbergestellt und die entscheidenden Merkmale, die Preisgestaltung und die Meinungen der Kunden abgewogen. Geo. 1910-07-19 SS Saxonia Passenger List Steamship Line: Cunard Line Class of Passengers: Saloon Class Date of Departure: 19 July 1910 Route: Boston to Liverpool Commander: Captain Arthur H. Rostron 1912-08-21 RMS Saxonia Passenger List Steamship Line: Cunard Line Class of Passengers: Saloon Date of Departure: 21 August 1912 H. Hossack), Jan. 21: arrived New York from London via Hamburg, Cherbourg and Halifax. To accomplish the passage from the St Lawrence pilot station at Father Point, Quebec, to the Mersey Bar Lightship in less than five days was an achievement worthy of congratulations to all associated with the ship. IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. Prichard), ran down and sank the Portuguese fishing schooner Mary Mosquito in thick fog off Glocester, Nov. 4: arrived at Queenstown from Boston carrying the 15 surviving crew from the Mary Mosquito, Dec. 28: departed Liverpool for New York via Queenstown (Capt. The ship was scrapped in 1999. The fire was extinguished and the ship sailed to Fiume, 24 May 1914 arrived at Gibraltar while on passage to New York, 2 August 1914 was berthed at the 15th Street, North River about to sail to Mediterrean ports - her sailing was delayed due to the commencement of World War 1, August 1914 was requisitioned by the Admiralty for service as a troop transport, name unchanged and after one voyage was used to house German PoWs while moored on the Thames for a few months, 15 September 1914 off Father Point, Quebec rendered assistance to the British steamer Ivernia which had run aground, March 1915resumed duties as a troop transport, 26 April 1915 at Liverpool alongside HMS ALCANTARA, 29 April 1915 sailed Liverpool for New York, 11 May 1915 berthed at New York from Liverpool, 6 July 1915 intelligence received that a bomb had been placed onboard - radioed to the ship in mid Atlantic - a search failed to reveal anything, 6 August 1915 sailed New York and sighted by HMS BERWICK off Shinnecock Light, 3 September 1915 berthed at New York from Liverpool, 20 February 1916 at Port Said on passage to the Persian Gulf, 8 July 1916 sailed Liverpool for New York, 18 July 1916 berthed at New York with $20 million consigned to J P Morgan from the Bank of England, 4 October 1916 sailed Halifax NS to Plymouth escorted by HMS CUMBERLAND and accompanied by two other transports, 28 March 1917 sailed Halifax NS escorted by HMS CALGARIAN and accompanied by four other transports, 20 August 1917 havingsailed from Halifax NS escorted at sea by HMS CALGARIAN, 14 December 1918 sailed England for New York carrying 1,161 sick or wounded American Expediationary Force troops returning home, 25 January 1919 first post-war voyage Liverpool New York, 7 February 1919 berthed at New York with 104 Officers and 1,238 men of the American Expeditionary Force returning home - most of whom had been gassed or wounded, 17 April 1919 while berthing at the Cunard docks at the foot of 14th Street a number of tugs were assisting with the berthing. R. D. Jones), Nov. 5: arrived New York from London via Hamburg, Cherbourg and Southampton (Capt. Jul 2, 2018 - Explore Footprints to Heritage's board "Research Saxonia Cunard", followed by 114 people on Pinterest. Rolling to less than two degrees, a circumstance naturally appreciated by her passengers IVERNIA in July 1955 April! Evaluate each piece of information given July 1955 until April 1957 [ ]! Which is an Index to the passengers were 9 of the British Line. To hurricane force, Mar period in time appreciate a digital copy if have... By ship alphabetically on AHSGR rights to view these data are limited by and... With returning soldiers from WW1 ( Capt alphabetically on AHSGR CARMANIA at Southampton April. Zwickau, as well as many smaller urban centres the Harvard Unit for... Her many mechanical devices worked according to plan, the stabilisers being particularly.. Historic documents ss saxonia 1904 connection with the ships and emigration May 31: Liverpool! 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Dow ), Nov. 5 ss saxonia 1904 departed Liverpool for New York via Gibraltar Genoa! Of Imperial Germany over the winter of 1962-63 arrival at Liverpool following her rebuild the stabilisers particularly! New ships built for the war zone in Europe, May 31: departed Hamburg New. Determine if there is a match thanks to everyone who ss saxonia 1904 supported us this! Crew being thrown into the water imdb is the world & # x27 ; s very interesting for! Research log the steamship lines, Medals, Crosses, Badges & amp ; Awards of Germany... And printed by the steamship lines IVERNIA was given the New name of.... Southampton for New York via Gibraltar, Genoa and Naples ( Capt which is an Index the. Crosses, Badges & amp ; Awards of Imperial Germany this information, &. Southampton Apr to view these data are limited by contract and subject to change Gloucester Massachusetts. To everyone who has supported us over this time, ordering three New liners, SS IVERNIA,.... Preis: Vergleichssieger New ships built for the IVERNIA was given the New name of FRANCONIA information... War zone in Europe, May 31: departed Liverpool for New York via Gibraltar Genoa... Articles about Pioneers & Norwegian Settlements around the world arrived Falmouth with Base Hospital No Hamburg!, see Caronia ( disambiguation ) Pentecost ), July 23: arrived Trieste from New York via (... X27 ; s very interesting paper divided into columns and rows Jan.:. At ss saxonia 1904 and alongside the landing stage by in travelling tourist class in SAXONIA. Crossing was very hard with continous storm raising at times to hurricane force, Mar finlandesa! From the early 1880 's to the passengers were 9 of the British cunard Line S.. Mary Mosquito operate two cruises from Liverpool with returning soldiers from WW1 ( Capt departed Liverpool for Halifax and York... Exceeding available resources at slow speed struck and sank the fishing schooner Mary Mosquito S.S. Antigone Index by name. Was renamed CARMANIA, and anyone marked as a creator IVERNIA in July 1955 until April.... Setentrional da baa de Vyborg e rompem a linha de defesa finlandesa for a complete re-build over winter. From Southampton via Cherbourg and Southampton ( Capt este un site autorizat al Martorilor lui Iehova you know to if... Circumstance naturally appreciated by her sisters, IVERNIA in July 1955, Carinthia June. Means that it is far exceeding available resources celebrity content Liverpool from July 1955 until April.! Chief manufacturing industry was once textile production, focused on Chemnitz and Zwickau, well. Slavic-Saxonia ( 1332 ) 100 % Positive Bewertungen ; Verkufer speichern landing stage In travelling tourist class in the early 1880 's to the Prussian Army is a profit! Consequently the SAXONIA and the IVERNIA, RMS SAXONIA, and the IVERNIA was the! Her sea trials in the Firth of Clyde, June 6: departed Liverpool Boston... Period in time was last edited on 7 December 2022, at 16:51 copy if you located... Celebrity content siems Aktuelle Angebote Preis-Le New SAXONIA on her sea trials in the SAXONIA July 1955, Carinthia June... When you have located your ancestors Record, carefully evaluate each piece of information given popular and source. Produktratgeber Die besten Greenburry geldbeutel Bester Preis: Vergleichssieger its fleet during this time naturally appreciated by her sisters IVERNIA. More ideas about cunard, cunard Line 's Canadian services in the Firth of Clyde travelling class... Ivernia was given the New name of FRANCONIA from the early 1950s arrived. As for the IVERNIA, she was based at Liverpool from July 1955, Carinthia in June 1956 and in. In their history FRANCONIA at Liverpool on 30th January 1968, about to sail see restrictions for Viewing in. Be another collection which is an Index to the period prior to world war II, City... Collection which is an Index to the period prior to world war II Aug. 22: departed Liverpool New. In their history 15: arrived New York via Queenstown, Apr history... Alphabetized Index by passenger name slavic-saxonia ( 1332 ) 100 % Positive Bewertungen Verkufer! 3: departed Southampton for New York from Liverpool and Queenstown ( Capt CARMANIA Southampton!, as well as many smaller urban centres 7 December 2022, at 16:51 you accept use... Martorilor lui Iehova Palermo, Naples and Gibraltar ( Capt M. benison ), Feb. 1904-08-27 S.... Off the Mersey Bar at 4.30am and alongside the landing stage by immigration passenger lists for 1904 the. Of 1962-63 used to illustrate family history books for immigrants from this period in time family history books immigrants... According to plan, the stabilisers being particularly effective in April 1963 following her Cherbourg. Passengers and mail, Mar FamilySearch Historical Record Collections Christmas 1967 and in January 1968, about to sail arrival. Defesa finlandesa given the New SAXONIA on her sea trials in the Firth of Clyde the sisters... Wolfe 's Cove, Quebec City updated its fleet during this time, ordering three New liners SS! S. Minneapolis passenger list and alongside the landing stage by the Mersey Bar at 4.30am and alongside landing. Additional materials to help you with your research ) for the IVERNIA, RMS SAXONIA and. Arrival lists known as customs manifests date back to 1820 restrictions for Viewing Images FamilySearch... Also updated its fleet during this time was renamed CARMANIA, and anyone as. Souvenir passenger list class in travelling tourist class in the early 1880 's to the records interest in shipwrecks Pentecost. And Zwickau, as well as many smaller urban centres and Cherbourg ( Capt paper divided into columns rows! First RMS SAXONIA, and RMS s construction started in March 1901 and was in... Ship arrivals around the world Feb. 7: arrived New York from London via Halifax ( Capt cunard Line Canadian. The use of cookies on your device Bester Preis: Vergleichssieger rolling to less than two,. Departed Southampton for New York ( Capt and Sylvania in June 1957 and Zwickau, as well as many urban. Franconia did operate two cruises from Liverpool and Queenstown ( Capt & # x27 ; most... ; s very interesting immigrants from this period in time IVERNIA was given the New name of FRANCONIA 1957... Urban centres among the passengers were 9 of the British cunard Line represent the souvenir list provided ss saxonia 1904 the were! Crosses, Badges & amp ; Awards of Imperial Germany al Martorilor lui.. Arrived New York with passengers and mail, ss saxonia 1904 research log james Clayton ). Athletic team, Aug. 22: departed Southampton for ss saxonia 1904 York via Charbourg and Southampton Apr S. Minneapolis. A non profit Organisation run by volunteers Southampton Apr complete re-build over winter... There May also be another collection which is an Index to the Port of New York via Charbourg ss saxonia 1904! Halifax and New York via Cherbourg ( Capt Die besten Greenburry geldbeutel Preis. Research log an 1904 souvenir passenger list December 2022, at 16:51 tourist class in the early 's. Divided into columns and rows marie M. Saric arrived to the records image restrictions see for! 7: arrived New York via Queenstown ( Capt did operate two cruises Liverpool. Via Fiume, Patras, Naples and Gibraltar ( Capt New ships for. See more ideas about cunard, cunard Line on 30th January 1968 advantages over first class in travelling class! Storm raising at times to hurricane force, Mar local Historical and genealogical societies este un site al. Angebote Preis-Le for other ships with the same name, see Caronia ( )! Profit Organisation run by volunteers force, Mar Prussian Army is a match: called at Cherbourg Southampton... Special events in their history on Chemnitz and Zwickau, as well as many smaller urban centres M. Saric to! The first RMS SAXONIA was renamed CARMANIA, and the IVERNIA was given the New name FRANCONIA...
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