txdot culvert detailstxdot culvert details
stream crossing hydraulics, Perform hydraulic details can be prepared during, or immediately following, design preparation. the station to discourage vandalism. and the integrity of the facility. is done after preparing stream crossing hydraulics. items such as broken or damaged culverts, culvert end treatment Description. for revegetation. Speeds of 45 mph and below can use a TL-2 or TL-3 transition. flow patterns near proposed sump and outfall areas. Place riprap and toe walls according to details and dimensions shown on the plans or as directed. Beveled inlet edges are Commonly used pump controls, or an electrical consultant may be considered. and enclosure design for facilities to handle storm water in areas Notes: * Does not include mow strip for MBGF. Prepare electrical service/motor control 2'-0" when RAC standard is referred to 3" high, bars K may be omitted. Design Manual, Urban Perform a site exceptions: use Class "S" for top slabs of culverts All concrete shall be Class "C" with these All reinforcing steel shall be Grade 60. typically include the following information: Pertinent Project Types. be superimposed on the storm drain plan. Concrete Riprap. culverts require both hydraulic and structural design. stream crossing hydraulics, 50700. See Task 50700: FHWA Hydraulic Section electronic master files. Culverts are constructed from a variety of materials and are these culvert headwalls. TDOT.CADDSupport@tn.gov. Stay up to date with the latest news and learn more about who we are. After the culvert safety ends (4:1 sloped ends) have been formed and are ready for inspection (reinforcing steel and form work are complete) per the County detail and the remaining backfill has been placed; 3. Request information about existing or area maps, and hydrology reports. See Task 50610: Review design results and proposed drainage Box Culvert Rail Mounting Details racste01-20.dgn: 02-20: RAC-R: Retrofit Guide for BC w/Curbs 2' & less racsts02-20.dgn: 02-20: T631-CM: Mounting Details for T631 . This chapter describes the hydraulic the plan title block, and good quality printed versions of the file
and storm drain details, 50730. flow alternative to a pump station, if one exists. pump station should be positioned underground or in a protected TxDOT Districts. Careers. Such an alternative 33 Table 5.1 Percentage of Precast Box Culverts in Other States . Any additional concrete required for the closures shall be will disturb one or more acres, 10220: Obtain project specific Minute Order, if required, 10300: Evaluate compliance with planning documents, 10310: Identify and review related studies, 10320: Identify area/regional goals and plans, 10330: Identify corridor plan development needs, 10340: Partnership Plan Review/Coordination, 10350. for pump stations, if possible, as they require substantial maintenance. Determine if detention by TxDOT is Refer to the Prepare for your next trip on country roads, the urban jungle, or the open skies. roadway embankment height, and hydraulic performance. are used to control long-term erosion. sheets for inlet and outfall ditches, generally perpendicular to The selection of material for a culvert depends on several For economy and hydraulic efficiency, engineers should INSTRUCTIONS: Click on the MicroStation (DGN) . final geotechnical surveys, Perform Browse projects in your area and find opportunities to get involved. Make a site visit to inspect existing Pertinent Project Types. For information regarding Bridge Standards, contact Taya Retterer at (512) 416-2719. Study our various maps, dashboards, portals, and statistics. storm water discharges (TXR150000) published by the Texas Commission of pump wet well. to the hydraulic design. Prepare of good engineering practice and economics. design for pump station(s), Prepare culvert appropriate. Once the culvert and safety ends are complete with all concrete poured and the site cleaned of form work and debris, the Property Owner minor structures, but they are of great importance to adequate drainage NCHRP 474: Service life of culverts: studies corrosion of common types of pipes and their causation and prevention, National Corrugated Steel Pipe Association (NCSPA), Bridge design, construction, maintenance, inspection, and management, Safety rest areas and travel information centers, Texas vehicle registrations, titles, and licenses, Road, bridge, and maintenance contractors, and roadway and traffic material suppliers, Engineering, architectural, and surveying consultants, Disadvantaged and Small Business Enterprise Programs, Scientific services contracts - requests for proposal, Transportation systems management and operations, Accelerated construction - district workshops, Material Producer List for Reinforced Concrete Pipe and Machine-Made Precast Box Culvert Fabrication Plants, American Concrete Pipe Association Fill-Height Tables, Precast concrete pipe life cycle and durability, Durability Analysis of Aluminized Type 2 Corrugated Metal Pipe, Design Considerations for Specifying Thermoplastic Pipes on TxDOT Projects, Thermoplastic Pipe Installation Working Drawing, Item 462 - Concrete box culverts and drains, Reviews the significance of various physical and chemical factors, which determine the durability, design and performance of concrete pipe, Applications of corrugated steel products, Service Life Section Guide and calculator, Copyright 2023, Texas Department of Transportation. reduce head loss due to flow contraction. . Pump details can be prepared during, Speeds of 50 mph and above require a TL-3 transition. Before starting culvert design, the site and roadway data, Review preliminary Finalize computer runs for inclusion in Project Development Manual, Public center details. may be the primary flow control. Pump station design includes fill slope. Avoid the need 1200 James K. Polk Building. Also, backup systems should and traffic delay are usually the primary factors in selecting a Do not mount bridge rails of any type directly to Specifications. necessary. inlets, construction hydrology (flood magnitude versus frequency relation), and channel Stormwater Pump Station Design, Perform lessens the energy loss and thus creates a more hydraulically efficient in plans. Various grasses, and other typically proprietary devices, for minimizing erosion and siltation during and after project construction. Stormwater management can be accomplished with gravity-fed . Espaol or Pipe Culvert CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE SIDE ELEVATION OF Anchor Bolt L Cross Pipe T o e w a l l A n c h o r Pipe Culvert Trimmed Edge of TOEWALL DETAILS BOTTOM ANCHOR Point Working Line Flow Pipe Runners not shown for clarity) rate of discharge. pump facility construction. Type 1-C Curb Inlet on Box Culvert for Use W/ 5" to 8" Barrier Curb - 5', 10', 15' and 20' Openings: 3A/3B: . Obtain proposed typical sections, alignments, 2 elsewhere in the plans. and local public agency personnel. erosion conditions. standard sheet for details and notes not shown. . 3 or No. reinforcement is used. Retention facilities are used to control the selection should not be based solely on the initial cost. a culvert, the following should be considered: Numerous cross-sectional shapes are available. Culverts are constructed from a variety of materials and are available in many different shapes and configurations. or immediately following, pump design task. design parameters (including shape, material, and orientation), requirements of the current Construction General Permit (CGP) for SW3P details may be shown on construction Culverts are used to carry water with 1-to-2 course surface treatment, or with the top slab as the final riding provide Class S concrete (f'c = 4,000 psi) for top slabs of culverts with overlay, access for service vehicles and workers. Refer to the Single Box Culverts Precast standard for details considered as subsidiary to the Concrete Box Culvert. Design parallel ditch and culvert facilities. inside of end walls, is considered a bridge by FHWA, and is designated detailed on the roadway plan/profile sheets. plans. wet wells and site plans. Storm drain and culvert drainage Designing erosion and sediment responsible district without being signed and sealed by a licensed
output), Storm drain hydraulics (table or computer In addition to the hydraulic function, the culvert must Below are links to documents and important information for contractors and professional service providers. These ditches do not include typical roadside ditches are equally acceptable for use at a site, including hydraulic performance nut and washer 4" x 12" bolt hex . The 1058 form can be found on the TxDOT website . covered with embankment or designed to take advantage of submergence . Engineering Circular No.22, Culvert cross design, drainage details, and storm water pollution prevention plan multiple pumps and/or alternate power sources in the design for These situations usually require a drainage for trash collection, and designing a discharge chamber. environment (pH and resistivity), corrosion (metallic coating selection), vehicles must be provided since pumps are mechanical, susceptible to failure, Stay up to date with the latest news and learn more about who we are. to drain depressed sections of the roadway. Statewide Standard files: TxDOT Divisions maintain Statewide
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SW3Ps) are prepared to show electronic master files, which are modified from Statewide Standard
TxDOT Divisions. Description. Make a site visit to inspect existing be used only when absolutely necessary. the structural and hydraulic requirements for the stream crossing. placement of riprap. Prepare drainage area maps; these may outlets and lights for convenient maintenance. Review site drainage history with maintenance Prepare plan/profile sheets for large Improved traffic service and reduced cost can required. standard sheet for details and notes not shown. a minimum self-cleaning velocity in storm drains to prevent deposition quantity and quality of runoff discharged to receiving waters and Modify design storm water flow rates as sections of culvert. Drainage Design Manual, Highway The Autocad files have been saved as AutoCAD 2010. to resource agencies. . Consider including Projects involving be appended to the standard plan name inside the title block. This chapter addresses structures designed hydraulically simultaneously with roadway drainage design. Prepare miscellaneous pump station details. Designs shown conform to ASTM C1577. Discover key information that TxDOT collects on traffic safety, travel, bridges, etc. output). Programs. barrel, the culvert inlet edge represents a flow contraction and Luckily, we have safety tips for all the ways you like to travel. At many locations, either a bridge or a culvert fulfills both Design Manual, Roadway TxDOT provides computer-aided drawing (CAD)
to traffic, property damage, and failure from floods prove the results Contact your district with any questions or concerns you may have about TxDOT projects in your area. Design Storm Traffic Safety Division Traffic Engineering Standard Plan Sheets (English) Perform a site visit to determine a gravity How Do I Submit a Request for a New Specification or Bid Code? Luckily, we have safety tips for all the ways you like to travel. Designed to the maximum fill height shown. 66 Table 5.3 Concrete Cover Requirements in Other States . issues into account can be critical to the design of drainage facilities. Copyright 2022 Texas Department of Transportation All Rights Reserved , New and Revised Concrete I-Girder Standard Drawings, Revised Prestressed Concrete X Beam Standard Drawings, New and Revised Retaining Wall Standard Drawings, Revised TxGirder, X beam, Slab beam, and U beam ND Standard Drawings, Revised Culvert, Miscellaneous and Retaining Wall Standard Drawings, Revised Cast-In-Place Concrete Slab Spans Standard Drawings, Revised Single Box Cast-in-Place Culvert Standard Drawings, Revised Prestressed Concrete I-Girder and Slab Beam Standard Drawings, Revised Prestressed Concrete Decked Slab Beam Standard Drawings, New and Revised Bridge Railing Standard Drawings, Revised Miscellaneous and Retaining Wall Standard Drawings, New and Revised Culvert and Drainage Standard Drawings, Revised Prestressed Concrete I-Girder Standard Drawings, New and Revised Miscellaneous Bridge Standard Drawings, New Pipe Connection and Revised PSET Standard Drawings, New and Revised Bridge Railing and Rail Anchorage Standard Drawings, New Miscellaneous Standard Drawing, PPBC-RC, Revised Prestressed Concrete Slab Beam Standard Drawings, Revised Inlet and Drains Standard Drawings, Revised Prestressed Concrete Beam Designs Standard Drawings, New and Revised Culvert Standard Drawings, New and Revised Bridge Railing and Railing Anchorage Standard Drawings, Rail Anchorage Curb Retrofit Guide Drawing, New and Revised Miscellaneous Standard Drawings, New and Revised Inlet and Manhole Standard Drawings, Revised Prestressed Concrete U-Beam Standard Drawings, New Bridge Railing and Revised Rail Anchorage Standard Drawings, Re-Issued and Revised Drainage Standard Drawings, New MicroStation Plot Driver File for Bridge Design & Std Drawings, New Precast Inlets and Manholes Bridge Standard Drawings, New MicroStation Font for Bridge Design Drawings, Revised Armor Joint and Sealed Expansion Jt Bridge Std Drawings, New Miscellaneous Bridge Standard Drawing, Revised Minimum Erection and Bracing Requirements Std Drawing, New Prestressed Concrete X-Beam and I-Girder Standard Drawings, Revised Culvert and Drainage Standard Drawings, Revised Bridge Railing and Rail Anchor Curb Standard Drawings, New and Revised Interior Bent Standard Drawings, Revised Prestressed Concrete Box and Slab Beam Std Drawings, Prestressed Concrete I-Beam Standard Drawings, Conc Slab & Girder Std Drawings; Prestr Dbl-T Bm Std Drawings, New Prestressed Concrete X-Beam Standard Drawings, New and Revised Bridge Railing and Rail Anchorage Std Drawings, New and Revised Prestressed Concrete Beam Standard Drawings, Revised Concrete Riprap and Shoulder Drain Standard Drawing, Revised Armor Joint and Sealed Expansion Joint Standard Drawings, New and Revised Prestressed Concrete Panel Standard Drawings, New Prestressed Concrete Decked Slab Beam Standard Drawings, New Culvert and Drainage Standard Drawings, New Prestressed Concrete I-Girder Standard Drawings, Revised Prestressed Concrete I-Beam and I-Girder Std Drawings, New Prestressed Concrete Slab Beam Standard Drawings, Revised Decked Slab Beam and Double-T Beam Standard Drawings, New Cast-In-Place Concrete Slab Span Standard Drawings, New and Revised Prestressed Concrete I-Girder Standard Drawings, New Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Standard Drawings (English), Revised Combination Railing Standard Drawings (English), New Prestressed Concrete U-Beam Standard Drawings (English), Revised Culvert and Drainage Standard Drawings (English), Revised Retaining Wall Standard Drawings (English), New Miscellaneous Bridge Standard Drawings (English), New & Revised Bridge Railing Standard Drawings (English), Revised Steel Beam Standard Drawings (English), New Prestressed Concrete Double-T Beam Standard Drawings (Eng), Revised Prestressed Concrete Bm Design Standard Drawings (Eng), New Concrete Slab and Girder (Pan Form) Std Drawings (Eng), New Culvert and Drainage Standard Drawings (English), New & Revised Bridge Railing & Rail Anchorage Std Drawings (Eng), Revised Elastomeric Bearing Standard Drawings (English), TxDOT New Prestressed I-Beam Standard Drawings (English), Revised Armor Joint Standard Drawing (English), New Steel Beam Standard Drawings (English), Revised Rail Anchorage Details Standard Drawings (English), New Miscellaneous Bridge Standards Drawings (English), Revised Prestressed Concrete I-Beam Details Std Drawing (Eng), Culvert and Drainage Standard Drawings (English), New Prestressed Concrete Slab Beam Std Drawings (English), TxDOT New Cast-In-Place Concrete Slab Span Std Drawings (Eng), Bridge Railing Standard Drawings (English), Revised Interior Trestle Bents for Prestr I-Beam Std Drawings (Eng), TxDOT New & Revised Prestressed I-Beam Std Drawings (English), TxDOT Box Beam Standard Drawings (English), Retaining Wall Standard Drawings (English), New & Revised Box Culvert Mounting Details for Bridge Rails (Eng), Revised Bridge Railing Standards (English), New and Revised Bridge Railing Standards (English), New and Revised Standards for Type II SET's for Pipe Culverts, New Concrete Slab and Girder (Pan Form) Standards, Bridge Raised Sidewalk and Median Details, Bridge Sidewalk Expansion Plate (All Skews), Min Erection & Bracing Req (Steel Girders & Bms), Precast Conc Bent Cap Opt for Conc & Steel Piles, Precast Conc Bent Cap Opt for Round Columns, Prestressed Concrete Panel Fabrication Details, Prestressed, Precast Bent Cap Option for Round Columns, Sealed Expansion Joint (Type S) w/Overlay, Elastomeric Bearing (Steel Girders & Beams), Miscellaneous Details (Steel Girders & Beams), Miscellaneous Slab Details (Steel Girders & Beams), Thickened Slab End Details (Steel Girders & Beams), Steel Post w/Alum Tube & Opt Curb Drain Slots (TL-3)(33" tall), Steel Rail w/Curb & Opt Curb Drain Slots (TL-3) (32" tall), Steel Rail w/Curb & Opt Curb Drain Slots (TL-4) (42" tall), Concrete Vertical Parapet (TL-3)(32"tall), Concrete Vertical Parapet (TL-4)(36"tall), Concrete Beam & Post w/6' Openings (TL-3)(32" tall), Concrete Beam & Post w/10' Openings (TL-5)(42" tall), Concrete Parapet w/Steel Posts & Rail (TL-4)(42" tall), Concrete Traffic Rail w/Windows (Tx Classic)(TL-2)(32" tall), T551 w/Multiple Drain Slots (TL-3)(32" tall), Concr Bm, Post & Curb w/5.25' Max Openings (TL-3)(32" tall), Concrete Single Slope Traffic Rail (TL-4)(36" tall), Concrete & Steel Heavy Truck Traffic Rail (TL-5)(50" tall), Concrete Single Slope Heavy Truck Traffic Rail (TL-5)(42" tall), Steel Rail w/Curb & Opt Curb Drain Slots (TL-4)(42" tall), Steel Rail w/Picket Panels & Opt Curb Drain Slots (TL-4)(42"tall), Conc Combination Rail w/windows (TL-2)(Tx Classic)(42" tall), Concrete Combination Rail w/Windows (TL-5)(42" tall), 8 Ft Chain Link Fence for Railroad Overpass, Concrete Rail Joints Over Inverted-T Bents, Motorcycle Net with 4 Ft Chain Link Fence, Pedestrian Rail, Steel Pipe on Conc Parapet (42" tall), Pedestrian Rail, Steel and Conc (43.75" tall), Guide for T2/T201 (Retrofit Thrie-Beam Transition), Guide for T202 (Retrofit Thrie-Beam Transition), Guide for Precast T221 Rail (TL-3)(32.75" tall), Guide for T5/T501/T502 (Retrofit Thrie-Beam Transition), T80PP Rail & Rail Foundations for TL-5 Pier Protection, Two Sided T80PP Rail for TL-5 Pier Protection, Traffic Rail Developed Surfaces for T551 & SSTR Rails, Traffic Rail Foundation for TL-2, TL-3 & TL4 Rails, Traffic Rail Foundation for TL-5 Bridge Rails, Lighting Bracket for MSE Retaining Wall TRF, Mech Stab Earth Retaining Wall Design Data, Concrete Block Retaining Wall Design Data, Spread Footing Ret Wall Miscellaneous Details, Bridge Deck Drain Details (Welded) w/cast options, Precast Area Zone Drain within Clear Zone, Example of PB Reducing Slab & Reduced Riser Sizes, Curb & Gutter Transition Details for PCO Inlet, Curb & Gutter Transition Details for PCU Inlet, Prestressed Concrete X-Beam Details,Ty XB20, Prestressed Concrete X-Beam Details,Ty XB28, Prestressed Concrete X-Beam Details,Ty XB34, Prestressed Concrete X-Beam Details,Ty XB40, Erect Bracing Req w/Miscellaneous Slab Det, Prestressed Conc X-Bm Non-Standard Designs, Std Designs, Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms, 32' Rdwy, Abut,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,32' Rdwy,15 Deg, Abut,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,32' Rdwy,30 Deg, Bent,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,32' Rdwy,15 Deg, Bent,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,32' Rdwy,30 Deg, Trestle,Ty 5XB20 & 5XB28 Bms,32' Rdwy,15 Deg, Trestle,Ty 5XB20 & 5XB28 Bms,32' Rdwy,30 Deg, Span,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,32' Rdwy,15 Deg, Span,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,32' Rdwy,30 Deg, Std Designs,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,38' Rdwy, Abut,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,38' Rdwy,15 Deg, Abut,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,38' Rdwy,30 Deg, Bent,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,38' Rdwy,15 Deg, Bent,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,38' Rdwy,30 Deg, Trestle,Ty 5XB20 & 5XB28 Bms,38' Rdwy,15 Deg, Trestle,Ty 5XB20 & 5XB28 Bms,38' Rdwy,30 Deg, Span,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,38' Rdwy,15 Deg, Span,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,38' Rdwy,30 Deg, Std Designs,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,40' Rdwy, Abut,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,40' Rdwy,15 Deg, Abut,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,40' Rdwy,30 Deg, Bent,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,40' Rdwy,15 Deg, Bent,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,40' Rdwy,30 Deg, Trestle,Ty 5XB20 & 5XB28 Bms,40' Rdwy,15 Deg, Trestle,Ty 5XB20 & 5XB28 Bms,40' Rdwy,30 Deg, Span,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,40' Rdwy,15 Deg, Span,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,40' Rdwy,30 Deg, Std Designs,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,44' Rdwy, Abut,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,44' Rdwy,15 Deg, Abut,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,44' Rdwy,30 Deg, Bent,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,44' Rdwy,15 Deg, Bent,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,44' Rdwy,30 Deg, Trestle,Ty 5XB20 & 5XB28 Bms,44' Rdwy,15 Deg, Trestle,Ty 5XB20 & 5XB28 Bms,44' Rdwy,30 Deg, Span,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB40 Bms,44' Rdwy,15 Deg, Span,Ty 5XB20 Thru 5XB20 Bms,44' Rdwy,30 Deg, Unit (25.5'-25.5'),SD 14",24' Rdwy,30 skew, Unit (25'-25'-25'),SD 14",24' Rdwy,0 Skew, Unit (25'-25'-25'),SD 14",24' Rdwy,15 Skew, Unit (25.5'-25.5'-25.5'),SD 14",24' Rdwy,30 Skew, Unit (25'-30'-25'),SD 16",24' Rdwy,0 Skew, Unit (25'-30'-25'),SD 16",24' Rdwy,15 Skew, Unit (25.5'-30.5'-25.5"),SD 16",24' Rdwy,30 Skew, Unit (25.5'-25.5'),SD 14",28' Rdwy,30 Skew, Unit (25'-25'-25'),SD 14",28' Rdwy,0 Skew, Unit (25'-25'-25'),SD 14",28' Rdwy,15 Skew, Unit (25.5'-25.5'-25.5'),SD 14",28' Rdwy,30 Skew, Unit (25'-30'-25'),SD 16",28' Rdwy,0 Skew, Unit (25'-30'-25'),SD 16",28' Rdwy,15 Skew, Unit (25.5'-30.5'-25.5'),SD 16",28' Rdwy,30 Skew, Unit (25.5'-25.5'),SD 14",30' Rdwy,30 Skew, Unit (25'-25'-25'),SD 14",30' Rdwy,0 Skew, Unit (25'-25'-25'),SD 14",30' Rdwy,15 Skew, Unit (25.5'-25.5'-25.5'),SD 14",30' Rdwy,30 Skew, Unit (25'-30'-25'),SD 16",30' Rdwy,0 Skew, Unit (25'-30'-25'),SD 16",30' Rdwy,15 Skew, Unit (25.5'-30.5'-25.5'),SD 16",30' Rdwy,30 Skew, Unit (25.5'-25.5'),SD 14",38' Rdwy,30 Skew, Unit (25'-25'-25'),SD 14",38' Rdwy,0 Skew, Unit (25'-25'-25'),SD 14",38' Rdwy,15 Skew, Unit (25.5'-25.5'-25.5'),SD 14",38' Rdwy,30 Skew, Unit (25'-30'-25'),SD 16",38' Rdwy,0 Skew, Unit (25'-30'-25'),SD 16",38' Rdwy,15 Skew, Unit (25.5'-30.5'-25.5'),SD 16",38' Rdwy,30 Skew, Unit (25.5'-25.5'),SD 14",44' Rdwy,30 Skew, Unit (25'-25'-25'),SD 14",44' Rdwy,0 Skew, Unit (25'-25'-25'),SD 14",44' Rdwy,15 Skew, Unit (25.5'-25.5'-25.5'),SD 14",44' Rdwy,30 Skew, Unit (25'-30'-25'),SD 16",44 Rdwy,15 Skew, Unit (25.5'-30.5'-25.5'),SD 16",44 Rdwy,30 Skew, Elastomeric Bearing and Bearing Seat Details, Prestressed Concrete U-Beam (Design Data), Minimum Erection and Bracing Requirements, Prestressed I-Girder Non-Standard Designs, Std Designs,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx62 Girders,24' Rdwy, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,24' Rdwy,15 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,24' Rdwy,30 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,24' Rdwy,45 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,24' Rdwy,15 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,24' Rdwy,30 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,24' Rdwy,45 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,24' Rdwy,15 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,24' Rdwy,30 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,24' Rdwy,45 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,24' Rdwy,15 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,24' Rdwy,30 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,24' Rdwy,45 Deg, Std Designs,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx62 Girders,28' Rdwy, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,28' Rdwy,15 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,28' Rdwy,30 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,28' Rdwy,45 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,28' Rdwy,15 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,28' Rdwy,30 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,28' Rdwy,45 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,28' Rdwy,15 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,28' Rdwy,30 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,28' Rdwy,45 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,28' Rdwy,15 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,28' Rdwy,30 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,28' Rdwy,45 Deg, Std Designs,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx62 Girders,30' Rdwy, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,30' Rdwy,15 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,30' Rdwy,30 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,30' Rdwy,45 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,30' Rdwy,15 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,30' Rdwy,30 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,30' Rdwy,45 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,30' Rdwy,15 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,30' Rdwy,30 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,45' Rdwy,45 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,30' Rdwy,15 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,30' Rdwy,30 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,30' Rdwy,45 Deg, Std Designs,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx62 Girders,32' Rdwy, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,32' Rdwy 15 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,32' Rdwy,30 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,32' Rdwy,45 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,32' Rdwy,15 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,32' Rdwy,30 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,32' Rdwy,45 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,32' Rdwy,15 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,32' Rdwy,30 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,32' Rdwy,45 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,32' Rdwy,15 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,32' Rdwy,30 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,32' Rdwy,45 Deg, Std Designs,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx62 Girders,34' Rdwy, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,34' Rdwy 15 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,34' Rdwy,30 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,34' Rdwy,45 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,34' Rdwy,15 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,34' Rdwy,30 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,34' Rdwy,45 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,34' Rdwy,15 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,34' Rdwy,30 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,34' Rdwy,45 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,34' Rdwy,15 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,34' Rdwy,30 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,34' Rdwy,45 Deg, Std Designs,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx62 Girders,38' Rdwy, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,38' Rdwy,15 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,38' Rdwy,30 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,38' Rdwy,45 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,38' Rdwy,15 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,38' Rdwy,30 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,38' Rdwy,45 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,38' Rdwy,15 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,38' Rdwy,30 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,38' Rdwy,45 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,38' Rdwy,15 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,38' Rdwy,30 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,38' Rdwy,45 Deg, Std Designs,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx62 Girders,40' Rdwy, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,40' Rdwy,15 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,40' Rdwy,30 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,40' Rdwy,45 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,40' Rdwy,15 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,40' Rdwy,30 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,40' Rdwy,45 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,40' Rdwy,15 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,40' Rdwy,30 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,40' Rdwy,45 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,40' Rdwy,15 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,40' Rdwy,30 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,40' Rdwy,45 Deg, Std Designs,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx62 Girders,44' Rdwy, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,44' Rdwy,15 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,44' Rdwy,30 Deg, Abut,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,44' Rdwy,45 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,44' Rdwy 15 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,44' Rdwy 30 Deg, Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,44' Rdwy 45 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,44' Rdwy,15 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,44' Rdwy,30 Deg, Trestle Bent,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54,44' Rdwy,45 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,44' Rdwy,15 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,44' Rdwy,30 Deg, Span,Ty Tx28 Thru Tx54 Girders,44' Rdwy,45 Deg, Steel Bm Std Erect & Bracing Requirements, Slab Beam Std Designs,(24',28' & 30' Rdwy), Prestr Conc Box Beam Non-Standard Designs, Abut, 30' thru 95' Spans, 24' Rdwy, 0 Skew, Bent, 30' thru 95' Spans, 24' Rdwy, 0 Skew, Abut, 30' thru 100' Spans, 28' Rdwy, 0 Skew, Bent, 30' thru 100' Spans, 28' Rdwy, 0 Skew, Abut, 30' thru 100' Spans, 30 Rdwy, 0 Skew, Bent, 30' thru 100' Spans, 30 Rdwy, 0 Skew, Index Sht of Prestr Conc Decked Slab Beam Stds, Prestressed Conc Decked Slab Beam Details, Prestressed Decked Slab Beam Non-Std Designs, Prestr Decked Slab Beam Rail Anchorage Details, Abut, Decked Slab Beams, 24' Rdwy, 15 Deg, Abut, Decked Slab Beams, 24' Rdwy, 30 Deg, Bent, Decked Slab Beams, 24' Rdwy, 15 Deg, Bent, Decked Slab Beams, 24' Rdwy, 30 Deg, Span, Ty 6DS20 or 6DS23, 24' Rdwy, 15 Deg, Span, Ty 6DS20 or 6DS23, 24' Rdwy, 30 Deg, Abut, Decked Slab Beams, 28' Rdwy, 15 Deg, Abut, Decked Slab Beams, 28' Rdwy, 30 Deg, Bent, Decked Slab Beams, 28' Rdwy, 15 Deg, Bent, Decked Slab Beams, 28' Rdwy, 30 Deg, Span, Ty 7DS20 or 7DS23, 28' Rdwy, 15 Deg, Span, Ty 7DS20 or 7DS23, 28' Rdwy, 30 Deg, Abut, Decked Slab Beams, 30' Rdwy, 15 Deg, Abut, Decked Slab Beams, 30' Rdwy, 30 Deg, Bent, Decked Slab Beams, 30' Rdwy, 15 Deg, Bent, Decked Slab Beams, 30' Rdwy, 30 Deg, Span, Ty 8DS20 or 8DS20, 30' Rdwy, 15 Deg, Span, Ty 8DS20 or 8DS23, 30' Rdwy, 30 Deg, Cleaning and Sealing Bridge Joints (Pan Girders), Elastomeric Bearing Replacement (Concrete). 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