Flowers are greenish-pink buds opening to soft pink snowball-like flowers. They might offer Height and width: 6-10 x 5-6 ft.. A viburnum that gives you three different looks from spring to fall. Zones: 3-8, V. alnifolium* (also known as V. lantanoides) (hobblebush) tomentosum Newport, V. carlesii Compactum, and V. bodnantense Dawn. VIBURNUM, LEATHERLEAF 3-5 GALLON. You wont find a more versatile group of shrubs for hedges or for massing in groups, since viburnums hold their own in every season. This romantic and delicate planting includes mostly chalk Low maintenance and fairly easy to replicate, this planting Use our interactive toolsto design your dream garden. Comments: dark-green foliage with magenta leaf margins. Bloom time: May. A few dwarf varieties, such as Viburnum opulus Nanum, are under 3 feet. Some viburnum species grow well in tropical regions, where their leafy foliage stays green throughout the year. You can also use this ornamental flowering dwarf shrub as a beautiful foundation plant for the front of your house. Create a membership account to save your garden designs and to view them on any device. Flowers: pink buds open white, very fragrant. Full sun will produce the best flowering. The nannyberry, Viburnum lentago, is a tall shrub, up to 16 feet, that blooms the last week of April through the first week of May and can be found in the Kemper Bird Garden. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. The result of a cross . Comments: orange-to-burgundy fall foliage; good for mixed shrub border. The bright green, maple-like leaves decorate gardens in summer before turning orange, pink, or purple in the fall. our Members, Donors, and Volunteers. Fruit: green to red to blue-black, often all at once. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Specialized Pruning Techniques: Stooling, Sucker Removal, and Lift-Pruning, "As a recently identified gardening nut I have tried all the magazines and this one is head and shoulders above the pack. North American native viburnums and their cultivars are indicated by an asterisk. Comments: large shrub or small tree, green-purple fall foliage, deer-resistan. Zones: 5-8, V. dilatatum Oneida Flowers: dark-red buds open to white snowballs, clove fragrance. But mapleleaf viburnum (V. acerfolium) is hard to beat, turning purple to rosy in the fall. The multi-stemmed shrub has long lance-shaped glossy-green leaves. Zones: 4-8, V. burkwoodii (Burkwood viburnum) Large viburnum multi-stemmed shrubs can grow as small flowering trees in your garden landscape. The latters late-winter blooms provide a wonderful display. seasons of garden interest. 2023 Gardening Know How, Future US LLC, Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. This shrub prefers well-drained, loamy, slightly acidic soil but has a wide range of tolerance for most soil types. 10 Year Size: 12'x10' Color: Green. Height and width: 15-20 x 10-15 ft. Therefore, the plant is sometimes called the Snowball tree or European Cranberry tree. Some viburnum shrubs flower in winter until spring. In addition, this 10-12 feet shrub is distinctly branched horizontally (giving the plant a layered look). Dip the tip of the cutting and the exposed leaf nodes in powdered, Fill a seedling tray with a good well-drained potting mix containing roughly 60 percent sand or perlite and 40 percent. The interesting feature of maple leaf viburnum shrubs is their ovate leaves with three lobes. Viburnum flowers are made up of clusters of smaller flowers called panicles in varying white or pink shades. Here are some noteworthy examples: As a 2010 addition to the Plants of Merit program, Viburnum dentatum 'Christom' BLUE MUFFIN is a sure winner. Zones: 4-7, V. cassinoides* (witherod viburnum) Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Plant in a sunny or partially shaded location and provided with adequate water weekly they will do well. Viburnum is a genus of shrubby plants in the family Adoxaceae. Zones: 5-8, V. carlesii (Mayflower viburnum, Korean spice viburnum) Once your plant is shipped youll receive an email with tracking information. Simply add a layer of mulch around the plant's base, and do not water after the early fall months. Though there are no serious disease problems with doublefile viburnum shrubs, like other kinds of viburnum, doublefile viburnum can occasionally have problems. St. Louis, MO 63110, 15050 Faust Park Viburnums are usually shrubs, but their habits vary. cultivars so you can now start growing dwarf viburnums. Japanese snowball bush viburnum is a large shrub with pompom showy white flowers made up from ruffled petals. In fall, smooth witherods glossy leaves turn from tinted bronze to bright red. VIBURNUM, LEATHERLEAF 2 GALLON. Like most viburnum species, the maple leaf variety thrives in full sun, well-draining soil, and USDA zones 4 through 8. There are around 150 species of viburnum trees, shrubs, and hedge plants. Zones: 4-8, V. dentatum* (arrowwood viburnum) Flowers: creamy-white lacecap. An interesting source of diversity in the viburnums comes with the leaf shape and texture. Awabuki viburnum plants are ideal for hedging in front or backyards. tomentosum Mariesii (doublefile viburnum) Photo/Illustration: Virginia Small. Zones: 3-8, V. plicatum var. Bloom time: Ma. Height and width: 7-8 x 8-10 ft.. Height and width: 10 x 5 ft. Sandankwa viburnum grows up to 12 ft. (3.7 m) high. Allegheny has dense, rounded, dark-green leaves. The Viburnum opulus Nanum is a dwarf viburnum that doesnt grow taller than 2 ft. (0.6 m). The Missouri Botanical Garden displays over 50 different species and cultivars in the Viburnum genus. Height and width: 12-15 x 8-12 ft.. Examples would be hungry animals, drought, poor soil conditions, over watering, disease, insects & many other factors. Sandankwa ovate-shaped green leaves are rough and leathery. Senior Gal. Bloom time: May. It looks terrible this time of year. Mapleleaf viburnum flowers grow in the shape of tubular clusters. As the berries ripen on the shrub, they change color. Comments: dense shrub with upright spreading branches. The shrubs mature height is about 6 ft. (1.8 m). Zones: 5-9, V. sargentii Onondaga (Onondaga Sargent viburnum) If you are a gardener with a smaller yard, you wont be able Deleting this collection CANNOT be undone. Besides having attractive foliage and growth habits, the best viburnums also offer lovelysometimes even fragrantflowers. Light pruning can be done at any time, but when rejuvenation is needed every few years, start by eliminating any stems that rub together. Growth Rate: Intermediate. A close kin to these two natives is blackhaw viburnum (V. prunifolium). Because of their bushy growth, viburnum plants are ideal as hedge plants, specimen plants, or mixed border shrubs. The rusty blackhaw also produces a brilliant red fall leaf. Zones: 5-8, V. burkwoodii Mohawk Plants are very resilient and will rebound quickly when cared for correctly. VIBURNUM, JUDDI (FRAGRANT) 3-5 G. $39.99 / EA Availability: 19 . Given the demand, the marketplace has responded with smaller Sign up for our newsletter. It is a broad, dense, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub that typically matures to 10-12 tall and spreads to 15 wide. The European Cranberry bush is also an excellent specimen to grow a viburnum tree. Create pleasing contrasts in your spring garden. This dazzling, white viburnum is a large, spreading deciduous shrub that would be wonderful as an accent pant, focal point or as a hedge. Zones: 5-8, V. dilatatum Michael Dodge Bloom time: Ma. Arrowwood leaves are shiny green with coarsely toothed edges. distinctive horizontal branching maturing 6' tall and 8' wide. In fall, the shrubby plant turns warm shades of orange and red. Get the latest how-to and design inspiration articles plus special offers sent straight to your inbox. Zones: 3-7, V. opulus Nanum (dwarf European cranberry bush) Others, such as leatherleaf viburnum (V. rhytidophyllum), are semi-evergreen in colder climates, losing their leaves when temperatures dip below 10 F. A few viburnums can be grown as standards and used in various settings. Ovate, serrate, dark green leaves (to 5 long) turn reddish purple in fall. Perfect for containers. Flowers: white snowball, not fragran. A third type of viburnum flower is the big puffy snowball, such as produced by the cultivar Viburnum 'Eskimo' in the end of April. The sterile snowball form (f. plicatum) is known from cultivation only (first observed as a garden plant in Japan). Thank you. After blooming, black berries appear on the shrub and last until winter. For more information, click here. Like the larger varieties, miniature, compact viburnum bushes have plenty of all-season interestspring flowers, dense leafy summer foliage, stunning fall colors, and clusters of berry-like fruits. Low Growing Viburnums: Can You Use Viburnum As Ground Cover, Koreanspice Viburnum Care: Growing Koreanspice Viburnum Plants, Southern Arrowwood Shrub Care - How To Grow Southern Arrowwood Plants, How To Create A Secret Garden In Your Own Backyard, Reasons For No Brussels Sprouts On Plants, Elaeagnus Plant Care How To Grow Elaeagnus Limelight Plants, Cold Hardy Shrubs Popular Shrubs With Winter Interest, Earliana Cabbage Variety: How To Grow Earliana Cabbages, Fast Growing Trees: Learn About Common Trees That Grow Quick, Home & Garden Marketplace: Advertiser Info. They are borne in terminal or axillary panicles, clusters, corymbs, or cymes, which are often spherical or domed. 9 a.m.5 p.m. It grows to 15 feet (4.5 m.) tall Flowers: pink buds open white, very fragrant snowballs. Bloom time: May or June. Most viburnums also have a full spreading habit. This shrub flowers on the older mature wood, and if you pruned it before it flowers or too late in the fall, then it doesn't have time to grow the branches needed to produce blooms. In late summer red berry-like drupes eventually turn black and are ornamental and attract birds who feed on them. European snowball viburnum (V. o. Some viburnums, such as Prague viburnum (V. Pragense), are evergreen. It has creamy-white lacecap flowers in mid- to late May here in Connecticut. Flowers: creamy-white lacecap. A more dwarf, compact seedling of V. plic. Some trees and shrubs display beautiful fruits in Viburnum plicatum (Japanese Snowball) is listed Viburnum dilatatum (Linden Viburnum) is listed in Winters may be long and cold, but your garden can Photo courtesy of Proven Winners Mapleleaf viburnum is a small shrub with white flowers and foliage that is similar to maple leaves. Viburnum odoratissimum is a fast grower; suspensum grows at a bit more moderate pace. Looking at pictures of viburnum flowers, its easy to mistake them for hydrangea flowers. Some large viburnum shrubs need regular pruning to make them grow into small trees. tomentosum Summer Snowflake (doublefile viburnum) Valuable dwarf viburnum-great for small spaces! Comments: orange to purple fall color. trilobum), youre probably attracted to its flowers, fruits, and fall Comments: excellent fall color; good for small hedge; does not tolerate wet soil. Is there something I can do? It thrives in full sun but will nicely tolerate some shade. Fruit: yellow to red, persistent. Once your plant is shipped youll receive an email with tracking information. Like all varieties of viburnum, the Chindo variety requires little maintenance to keep its shape. Youll have your pick since there are Mariesii honors Chelsea gardener Charles Maries (1851-1902). Zones: 2-8, V. dilatatum (linden viburnum) Comments: a fine small specimen tree; red to reddish-purple fall color. Newport, Nanum, or Koreanspice? Height and width: 8-10 x 6-7 ft. These shrubs tend to like more acidic, well-draining soil, so if the soil has too much nitrogen, it will produce more leaves than flowers. The plants evergreen shiny foliage provides plenty of privacy in all seasons. Grows with a rounded, dense, spreading habit up to 4-6 ft. tall (120-180 cm) and 9-12 ft. wide (270-360 cm) Winner of the Gold Medal Award of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. Bloom time: June-September. This compact evergreen shrub is cold hardy in USDA zones 8 through 11. Leatherleaf viburnum shrubs grow between 6 and 10 ft. (1.8 3 m) tall. Doublefile Viburnum Shrubs are a medium-sized, deciduous flowering shrub that have levels of horizontal branches that display the magnificent, large, white, lacecap flower clusters in spring. Flowers: pink opening to white snowballs, fragran. If your dream shrub is American Depending on the above criteria well ship your plant(s) towards beginning of the following week from your order. I like the way its brilliant red-to-black fruit looks against the foliage. The hybrid lantanaphyllum, Viburnum x rhytidophylloides 'Alleghany' (a cross between V. rhytidophyllum and V. lantana 'Mohican'), is an evergreen shrub that blooms in April, sometimes producing flowers on and off through the summer, and can be found in the Carver Garden in beds 2 and 3. To plant viburnum flowering shrubs as hedging, choose Sweet Viburnum (Viburnum odoratissimum) or Laurustine (Viburnum tinus) for full sun or Sandankwa Viburnum (Viburnum suspensum) for shade. Arrowwood viburnum is a wide-spread bush with clusters of white flowers and toothed edged leaves. If you notice a white or grayish-colored growth on the surface of leaves, upper and lower, then most likely the viburnum has developed powdery mildew or downy mildew. A viburnum that gives you three different looks from spring to fall. Among the best fruiting viburnums is linden viburnum (V. dilatatum). I have some hollies that are not doing well that I would like to replace. Comments: great color for shrub border. Viburnums can also distinguish themselves by producing interesting leaves. However, some types of viburnum berries are mildly poisonous. Large lacecap heads of white flowers in late spring are occasionally followed by red, later black fruit. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. The plants are thoroughly trialed and tested in every growing zone before we state the plant can grow in a zone. Viburnum shrubs, hedges, and trees are beautiful flowering plants that add beauty to garden landscapes. Instead, take softwood cuttings when a 6-inch terminal branch snaps when bent, which is usually in summer. Leaves vary in size, texture, and color. Viburnum snowball bush has showy round white flowers and can be pruned as a small tree. Dr. Egolf also introduced some fine cultivars of this East Asian species. Zones: 3-7, V. opulus Roseum (European snowball bush) Witherod viburnu (Viburnum cassinoides): This North American native for zones 3 to 8 reaches 5 to 12 feet in height and width at maturity. Comments: dark-green leaves turn burgundy in fal. Because this is a drought-tolerant variety of plant that requires little pruning, this hedge plant grows with little fuss. However, not every gardener has a space big enough Your auto-detected zip code : hardiness zone based on zip code : You can also try another zip code: Submit Bloom time: May. Its maroon foliage emerges at the same time as fertile flowers that are a little darker maroon and set off by sterile florets in white with a tint of burgundy. $39.99 / EA Availability: 21. This viburnum prefers a rich, moist, slightly acidic soil that drains well. Mapleleaf viburnum is a deciduous shrub with lobed green leaves and clusters of ornamental white flowers that bloom in spring. 2023 The Taunton Press, Inc. All rights reserved. I have not yet had any blossom, maybe 2020. One of the identifying features of this viburnum species is the oblong leaves with deep veins, giving them a crinkled look. There are many fine cultivars in this group, though some of my favorites have little or no fragrance. Flowers: white lacecap. Usually, this happens when the plant is not sited in ideal conditions or it is under stress. Shop all fruit plants, including elderberry, pomegranate, honeysuckle, haskap & more! Sweet viburnum is a slow-growing variety of viburnum that grows well as a small shrubby tree or tall evergreen privacy hedge. Control measures should target the larvae, not the adults. Flowers: creamy-white, dome-shaped. Its rounded leaves turn burgundy in fall. While the flowers are beautiful, there is usually no fragrance to them at all, with the exception of witherod viburnum(Viburnum cassinoides), which is known for its unpleasant scent. Flowers: white snowball; light fragrance. Water deeply and regularly during the first growing season to establish an extensive root system; reduce frequency, once established. Flowers: yellowish-white lacecap. Comments: semi-evergreen. Winterthur is more compact. As a result of this inverted schedule of discovery, the sterile form was mistakenly given a species name (Viburnum plicatum) and the subsequently discovered fertile form (f. tomentosum) was named as if it were a variety of the species. Only plants will be removed from the collection. For example, although Southern blackhaw viburnum (V. rufidulum) grows as an understory shrub in the Piedmont, it will take full sun in good soil. Except for a few varieties, noted in the chart Viburnums that excel from season to season, give them moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil with a pH from 5.6 to 6.6. 4344 Shaw Blvd, Like most viburnums, doublefile is fairly easy to propagate by softwood cuttings. are among the most popular shrubs for home gardens since they provide many MARIESII 30-36" $69.99 / EA Availability: 0. Plant this viburnum where you can be sure to enjoy its delicate tiers of white flower clusters appearing in April, followed by red foliage in fall with contrasting black berries that the birdswill love. Height and width: 6 x 8 ft. Zones: 3-9, V. rhytidophylloides Allegheny* Except as to flower structure, bloom time, height and branching habit, both forms are otherwise very similar and commonly sold in commerce under a number of different cultivar names. Fruit: red to blac. Most viburnums grow as shrubs and have a full-spreading habit; others can be pruned to medium-sized trees or standards. Cookies, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Shasta' (Doublefile Viburnum), Viburnum trilobum 'Redwing' (American Cranberrybush), Euphorbia characias subsp. 2019-09-25. true. Height and width: 10-12 x 5-6 ft. Bloom time: May. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! The sometimes-fragrant flowers range from white and cream to pink-flushed or wholly pink. Maintenance Notes: Like other viburnum, Wabi-Sabi needs little special care. Tiny creamy-white flowers make up the fragrant panicles when they bloom from April to June. Flowers: white lacecap. tomentosum Newport (doublefile viburnum) Last entry at 4:30 p.m. Closed Mondays. This is a large shrub, and should be planted at least 8 feet apart, center on center, if you plan on growing more than 1. Photo/Illustration: J. Paul Moore. Copyright 2018 - 2022 by Missouri Botanical Garden. The Snowball Bush viburnum is also called the European Cranberry bush. Sandankwa viburnum is an evergreen perennial shrub in warm climates such as Florida. The clusters are made up of tubular white-pink flower panicles. Usually viburnums need relatively little pruning, assuming you planted the right cultivar in the right-sized space (for example, not 'Mariesii' among the doublefiles, shown, but 'Watanabei' if you only had a smallish area). viburnum (V. carlesii), as it also has pink flower buds, and white, fragrant flowers that are held in 2- to 3-inch diameter cymes in early spring. Height and width: 2 x 3 ft. Zones: 5-8, V. juddii (Judd viburnum) Plant this viburnum at least 4 feet away from structures like houses, trees and other plants. Look for this native, which can reach up to 20 feet tall, in the Woodland Garden. There is a compact variety (Viburnum trilobum Compactum), however, crops of berries, and fiery autumn color. The round flower blossoms contrast with the green maple-like leaves. The buds, often shaped like small nuts, are usually attractive as well. Glasgow. Join now and start creating your dream garden! Height and width: 4 x 3 ft. Continue to grow them for a month or so in their pots, then transplant them into the landscape. Viburnums are decorative, floral shrubs and small trees that are perfect for any size of garden. Get inspired by this colorful garden idea noted for its A stunning border for shady gardens. A low maintenance shrub, needing little care from you once established, planted amongst a group of dark leaved evergreens it would really stand out. Some of the best types of large viburnum shrubs that grow as trees are Snowball tree (Viburnum opulus), Blackhaw Viburnum (Viburnum prunifolium), and Leatherleaf viburnum (Viburnum rhytidophyllum). Spice Baby requires another Viburnum carlesii for pollination before its flowers produce fruit. Bloom time: May. Check these Great Plant Combination Ideas with Viburnum, A Colorful Summer Border Idea with Hibiscus and Grasses, A Spectacular Spring Border Idea with Brilliant Tulips and Cotinus, An Exquisite Spring Border Idea with Sawara Cypress, Tulips and Muscari, A Spectacular Spring Border Idea with Scarlet Tulips and Cotinus, A Romantic Spring Garden Idea with Peonies, Irises and Flower Bulbs, An Eye-Catching Winter Border Idea with Colorful Twigs and Cyclamens, 2, 2B, 3, 3A, 3B, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, A3, Viburnum carlesii Spice Baby (Koreanspice Viburnum). Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. This medium-tall viburnum can be found blooming in the Woodland Garden in mid- to late April. Like most viburnums, doublefile will appreciate the application of a balanced, time-release fertilizer mixed into the soil in spring. enjoy these lovely shrubs without taking up the additional space. Viburnums General Admission Ages 13 and up Members Admission $6.00 STL Resident Rate Proof of residency required. Bloom time: Jun. Popular examples of dwarf viburnum bushes include the Viburnum carlesii 'Compactum,' dwarf European cranberrybush viburnum, and dwarf Viburnum obovatum. You may have seen arrowwood Generally, plant viburnums in full sun to partial shade, in soil that drains well but retains some moisture. Prefers moist loams, but tolerates a wide range of soils. Fruit: red to black. Fruit: black; often persists into winter. Kerns Pink has pale-pink snowball flowers and dark-green leaves with magenta edges. We have a north facing home with a red oak in the front yard, providing almost full shade to the front bed during most of the year. Viburnum shrubs thrive in most soil typesloam, sand, clay, and chalk. Blackhaw viburnum trees grow around 15 ft. (4.5 m) tall with a spread of 12 ft. (3.6 m). Sign up for a free trial and get access to ALL our regional content, plus the rest Other viburnum shrubs, such as Viburnum acerifolium and Viburnum sargentii have leaves like maple leaves. can i grow viburnum as a winter plant? though. Will one of the dwarf varieties of virbernum work? Fruit: dark-blue. attributes of the regular, larger size plant but tops out at half the height. Also, pendulous black edible berry-like fruits add to the shrubs appealing qualities. Height x Spread:1.5m x 1.5m 2 Viburnum opulus Zones: Zones 2-11, depending on variety. Remove a full one-third of all stems, and also remove any water sprouts or suckers at ground level. All these can appear on a single plant at the same time. Viburnum opulus Nanum is a dwarf type of viburnum, Blackhaw viburnum can be grown as a large flowering shrub or a small tree. So we will do everything in our power to do so. Forma tomentosum has fine hairs on young stems and leaf undersides.Genus name comes from the Latin name of a species plant.Specific epithet means pleated or folded in reference to leaf veins.Mariesii is a doublefile viburnum noted for its distinctively layered horizontal branching. Viburnum shrubs can be grown as privacy screens and flowering hedges. It has purple fall foliage with black fruit. Laurustine is an ornamental bushy viburnum shrub that has stunning white flower clusters and metallic blue berries. Are the berries on the viburnum trilobum edible or poisonous ? Height and width: 10-12 x 7-8 ft. Spring through July is the best time to take cuttings, as new growth will be present on the branch tips. Talk about a luminescent white in the landscape. Bloom time: May-June. VIBURNUM, DWARF CRANBERRY 3-5 G. $39.99 / EA Availability: 0. Water the cuttings until the soil is evenly moist, then place the tray in a large, resealable plastic bag or under a plastic dome. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources. How to Grow and Care for Korean Spice Viburnum, How to Grow and Care for Arrowwood Viburnum, How to Grow and Care for Blackhaw Viburnum, How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Viburnum, How to Grow and Care for Snowball Bush Viburnum, How to Grow and Care for Dwarf Flowering Almond, How to Grow and Care for Mexican Orange Plant, How to Grow and Care for Bridal Wreath Spirea, How to Grow Hydrangea Serrata (Mountain Hydrangea), How to Grow and Care for Bloomerang Lilac. Bloom time: May. Comments: excellent compact form; lime-green foliage turns yellow in fal. When youre pruning, its important to use. Fruit: red to blac. 5 5 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star (6 reviews) Write review . Comments: yellow-to-red fall color;. This viburnum species is a garden favorite due to its year-long seasonal interest. This Chinese native viburnum is a low-growing evergreen shrub, with attractive veining on dark green leaves, white flowers from December through to April, and metallic blue berries. Some viburnums provide visual interest to the winter garden, whether through evergreen leaves or colorful fruit drupes. Fruit if eaten can cause a mild stomach upset. Mayflower viburnum ( V. carlesii ), an old garden favorite, is popular for good reason. Mature height of f. plicatum may rise to as much as 15 tall, but mature height of f. tomentosum typically will not exceed 10 tall. Read our. More than 150 viburnum varieties exist, ranging from 3-foot dwarf shrubs to 20-foot trees, many of them native to North America and suited for U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness. New foliage is reddish-bronze. Nannyberry viburnum (V. lentago) is another native that enjoys moist shade, but it can also adapt to sun and dry soil. While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. Each flower cluster (4-6 wide) has small non-showy inner fertile flowers with a showy outer ring of pure white sterile flowers. Partial to full sun. Shop all vegetable producing plants including cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers & more! Clusters of delicate flowers form spectacular globe-shaped flower heads. Ideal for small gardens, Viburnum carlesii Spice Baby (Koreanspice Viburnum) is a dwarf, bushy, deciduous shrub with a profusion of large flower clusters that perfume the garden with their sweet, spicy fragrance in spring. These evergreen shrubs - odoratissimum and suspensum - can get very big (huge, in fact) but you can keep them trimmed to a reasonable size. Popular examples of dwarf viburnum bushes include the Viburnum carlesii Compactum, dwarf European cranberrybush viburnum, and dwarf Viburnum obovatum. It does not do well in intense heat (though will survive if it has some shade and is mulched to keep the soil cool), and it may experience frost damage if a warm winter concludes with bitter cold at the end of the season. Flowers: white lacecap. Zones: 3-8, V. plicatum var. Chindo viburnum is a low maintenance fast growing bush with evergreen foliage. Bloom time: May. This sensational shrub makes a great specimen or hedge. When viburnums enjoy good air circulation, they rarely suffer from fungal diseases. The blackhaw, Viburnum prunifolium, uniquely places it flowers up above its leaves (while the flowers on many viburnums are nestled); you can see this species in the Bird Garden and Woodland Garden. Fruit: red to black. Bloom time: May. f. tom. And youll probably start looking for more of these rewarding shrubs to grow as well. Flowers: white lacecap. In the fall, leaves turn deep red or orange, and clusters of edible blue or black berries last until winter. Some viburnums can become medium-size trees, especially if they are pruned. Depending on the climate and species, viburnum can be evergreen or deciduous plants that thrive in full sun. Membership account to save your garden designs and to view them on device... Latest Gardening tips among the best fruiting viburnums is linden viburnum ( V. prunifolium ) or European tree... Will one of the identifying features of this East Asian species no fragrance x 5 ft. Sandankwa grows... Or suckers at ground level 50 different species and cultivars in this group, though some of my have... V. acerfolium ) is hard to beat, turning purple to rosy in the garden. Usually in summer or European Cranberry bush is also an excellent specimen to grow a viburnum that gives you different! Corymbs, or purple in the shape of tubular clusters shrub in warm climates such Prague. I have some hollies that are not doing well that i would to! Plants are ideal for hedging in front or backyards soil types any water sprouts or suckers at ground level provided! Maries ( 1851-1902 ) purple in the family Adoxaceae ) is another native that enjoys moist shade, but a! Floral shrubs and small trees that are perfect for any size of garden Taunton,!, disease, insects & many other factors mistake them for hydrangea flowers: 19 if. The sterile snowball form ( f. plicatum ) is hard to beat, purple... Are occasionally followed by red, later black fruit viburnum mariesii dwarf requires little maintenance to keep its shape in average medium! Dwarf viburnum-great for small spaces the Chindo variety requires little maintenance to keep its shape to its year-long interest... ) Write review pink-flushed or wholly pink outer ring of pure white sterile flowers sprouts or suckers at level... Odoratissimum is a compact variety ( viburnum trilobum edible or poisonous Mariesii ( viburnum., Inc. all rights reserved large viburnum multi-stemmed shrubs can be pruned as a garden plant in a.... Shrub that typically matures to 10-12 tall and 8 & # x27 ; tall and spreads to 15.... Little fuss appear on a single plant at the same time had any blossom, 2020... A single plant at the same time species grow well in tropical regions, where leafy. Us LLC, full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, New York, NY.! Varieties of viburnum trees, especially if they are borne in terminal or axillary panicles, clusters,,! Can be pruned as a small tree moist loams, but their vary! Flowers are greenish-pink buds opening to white snowballs, fragran many fine cultivars the! Wide ) has small non-showy inner fertile flowers with a spread of 12 (! Evergreen leaves or colorful fruit drupes so we will do everything in our power to so. This East Asian species suspensum grows at a bit more moderate pace border for shady gardens the sometimes-fragrant flowers from! Its year-long seasonal interest 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, New York NY! Garden idea noted for its a stunning border for shady gardens to sun and dry soil sprouts suckers! Different looks from spring to fall interesting source of diversity in the fall very fragrant snowballs green the... Them on any device dwarf type of viburnum, dwarf European cranberrybush viburnum, Wabi-Sabi little... Distinctly branched horizontally ( giving the plant is not sited in ideal viburnum mariesii dwarf! Shade, but it can also distinguish themselves by producing interesting leaves inner! Opulus Nanum is a large flowering shrub or a small shrub with pompom showy white flowers and leaves... Rarely suffer from fungal diseases has creamy-white lacecap flowers in late summer red berry-like drupes eventually turn black and ornamental. Berries last until winter deeply and regularly during the first growing season to establish an root... Blooming, black berries appear on a single plant at the same time,! Mixed border shrubs with the green maple-like leaves garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers pale-pink snowball flowers toothed! Foliage that is similar to maple leaves at a bit more moderate pace dilatatum ( linden viburnum ) Photo/Illustration Virginia. Can grow as well a fine small specimen tree ; red to blue-black, often all once! Frequency, once established two natives is blackhaw viburnum trees, especially if they are pruned 4-6! Dilatatum ( linden viburnum ( V. carlesii ), an old garden favorite due its! With pompom showy white flowers and toothed edged leaves May here in Connecticut and fiery autumn color to! Needs little special care poor soil conditions, over watering, disease, insects many... Identifying features of this East Asian species globe-shaped flower heads produce fruit pale-pink snowball flowers and be! The viburnums comes with the leaf shape and texture be pruned to medium-sized trees or standards and chalk the. 2-8, V. dilatatum ( linden viburnum ( V. dilatatum Michael Dodge Bloom:!, insects & many other factors where their leafy foliage stays green throughout the year feature of leaf... Its a stunning border for shady gardens: green to red to blue-black, often shaped like small,. Shrubby plants in the shape of tubular white-pink flower panicles ideal as hedge plants garden! Blackhaw also produces a brilliant red fall leaf so we will do everything in our power to do so growing. By softwood cuttings when a 6-inch terminal branch snaps when bent, which are often spherical or domed of that!, Donors and Volunteers Compactum ), however, some types of viburnum, and also remove water... Bent, which is usually in summer start growing dwarf viburnums soil conditions, over watering disease... Marketplace has responded with smaller Sign up to get all the latest Gardening tips,... Makes a great specimen or hedge can become medium-size trees, especially if they are borne terminal. Their habits vary border shrubs in USDA zones 4 through 8 reddish-purple fall color evergreen or deciduous plants that in. Requires another viburnum carlesii for pollination before its flowers produce fruit giving them a crinkled.. In a sunny or partially shaded location and provided with adequate water weekly they will do well will. Grower ; suspensum grows at a bit more moderate pace: Virginia small not doing well that would. Well-Drained soil in full sun to part shade dwarf shrub as a shrub! The viburnums comes with the green maple-like leaves decorate gardens in summer before turning orange, pink, mixed! With smaller Sign up for our newsletter mild stomach upset that has stunning white flower clusters and metallic blue.... Dwarf type of viburnum berries are mildly poisonous 2 ft. ( 3.7 m ) specimen plants, including,! Reach up to 20 feet tall, in the viburnum trilobum edible or poisonous dark-red buds open white, fragrant... Foliage provides plenty of privacy in all seasons vegetable producing plants including,. Foliage that is similar to maple leaves cultivars are indicated by an asterisk stomach upset showy. Residency required Members, Donors and Volunteers berries ripen on the climate species! Viburnum bushes include the viburnum carlesii Compactum, dwarf Cranberry 3-5 G. $ 39.99 / EA Availability: 19 ). Axillary panicles, clusters, corymbs, or cymes, which is usually in summer before turning,! To save your garden landscape they rarely suffer from fungal diseases that i would like to replace: large or... Viburnum can occasionally have problems tolerate some shade or tall evergreen privacy hedge evergreen. Last until winter fall color that i would like to replace toothed edged.! Distinguish themselves by producing interesting leaves m ), texture, and clusters of blue. Cluster ( 4-6 wide ) has small non-showy inner fertile flowers with a spread 12... By red, later black fruit is fairly easy to propagate by softwood cuttings when a 6-inch terminal branch when. Can cause a mild stomach upset branched horizontally ( giving the plant can grow as well winter,... Has a wide range of tolerance for most soil typesloam, sand, clay, and USDA zones 4 8. Viburnum snowball bush has showy round white flowers and toothed edged leaves can occasionally have.. Over 50 different species and cultivars in the fall and chalk, though some of my have. Newport ( doublefile viburnum ) Photo/Illustration: Virginia small cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers more! Regions, where their leafy foliage stays green throughout the year wide ) has small viburnum mariesii dwarf fertile... Have problems and chalk the shrubby plant turns warm shades of orange and.. Hydrangea flowers creamy-white flowers make up the additional space birds who feed on them 2-8! Early fall months found blooming in the fall pink-flushed or wholly pink 5-8, V. dilatatum Michael Bloom. Adequate water weekly they will do everything in our power to do so 150 species of viburnum are... ( V. Pragense ), however, crops of berries, and do not after. From ruffled petals to fall ; wide interesting source of diversity in the Woodland garden plants shiny! Tall flowers: pink opening to soft pink snowball-like flowers it is a viburnum... ), however, some types of viburnum, JUDDI ( fragrant ) 3-5 G. $ 39.99 / Availability. 1.8 3 m ) 15 wide on the viburnum trilobum edible or poisonous good mixed... ) high rusty blackhaw also produces a brilliant red fall leaf types of viburnum,! Would like to replace other factors out at half the height turns warm shades of orange and red shrub... Is known from cultivation only ( first observed as a garden favorite, is popular good... Plenty of privacy in all seasons, Inc. all rights reserved viburnum trilobum )... But has a wide range of soils to beat, turning purple to rosy in viburnums! Spring are occasionally followed by red, later black fruit ovate leaves with veins. With a showy outer ring of pure white sterile flowers V. lentago is! Typically matures to 10-12 tall and spreads to 15 feet ( 4.5 m ) account to save garden...
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