was nineveh destroyed by a floodwas nineveh destroyed by a flood
The city could have been the birthplace of many variations and types of sin against God. Let us know. Did you mean he (God) _then decided to judge them ? Nahum isn't a fun book to read. Nineveh was located at the intersection of important north-south and east-west trade routes, and its proximity to a tributary of the Tigris, the Khawar River, added to the value of the fertile agricultural and pastoral . We can say that God decided not to destroy the city of Nineveh, but it got destroyed anyhow much later. Most historical archeological sites were destroyed. Learn facts that you cant learn just from reading the Bible A flood will come, 40 days or 40 years we do. Therefore our responsibility to hold them in tension is a Timeless Principle. 11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, 12 And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city. Later, after Jonah the Assyrians turned back to their former ways of cruelty and evil, so in the end they were destroyed as Nahum predicts. Goodbye Ashley I definitely enjoyed this article. ", "I cut off their testicles and tore out their privates like seeds of a cucumber. (2-8) The judgments of a merciful God. (*affiliate link), Stephen M. Miller, The Complete Guide to the Bible, (Phoenix, Arizona: The Steve Laube Agency LLC), 2007, 253-258 and 265-269. There was approximately 150 years between Jonah and Nahum. Archeological excavations have confirmed that for centuries Nineveh was the great capital of Assyria and the oldest city of Upper Mesopotamia. So did Bible about the city of Nineveh. The capital of the powerful Assyrian empire that sacked Thebes, it fell victim to a civil war and by the time of Herodotus (484 BC-425 BC) was already consigned to history. 52:7; Rom. WHERE: Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian empire. ", For about 340 years the Assyrians were the world power and they could arguably be called the most cruel and barbaric nation in all of ancient history. It is more than 4,000 years old and describes a great flood that destroyed civilization. Nahum 1:1 tn See note at Isa 13:1. Nineveh was destroyed 50 years after No Amon (612 B.C.). The city, while under siege by its enemies, will open its gates and will be destroyed byfire: 3: 13 Behold, thy people in the midst of thee are women: the gates of thy land shall be set wide open unto thine enemies: the fire shall devour thy bars. Nineveh was the last capital of the Assyrian Empire, as well as its most populous city. With an overflowing flood He will make an utter . Susquehanna floodwater over County Road 26 in Nineveh, NY. He was raised in Wick, a small fishing village in the county of Caithness on the north east coast of Read More. From the path of sinfulness, they moved towards the path of virtues. The Babylonians recorded plundering Nineveh. We should be equally mindful of not only how much He loves us, but also cautious not to incur His wrath as an individual and as a group or nation. Hormuzd Rassam after he settled in England. Confirmation of Nineveh's destruction by flood, fire, and its total desolation was confirmed by . It was the epitome of rebellion. On this day, 2,632 years ago, the ancient metropolis of Nineveh fell. "I pierced his [Uaite's] chin with my keen hand dagger. "The Assyrian Empire started to become unstable after the death of King Aurbanipal in 631 BC when the Babylonians ended their independence.". Although his successors clung to power for a while, the days of Assyrian ascendancy were gone. Questions or concerns? The account of Diodorus Siculus, in his work 'Library of History,' concerning the fall of Nineveh is as follows: . Only a single family survived by building a boat, and from them the rest of civilization rebuilt. Because He is a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, and one who relents concerning calamity. Fifth, the place of Nineveh and its king would be destroyed by flames. Picture taken off of my Then & Now Bible Maps [6] (affiliate link*). Put out many of their eyes. Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked! wow it definitely had the hand of God on those events. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it were through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, and one who relents concerning calamity. By praying to God and following his teachings, the people of Nineveh got rid of God destroying them. . The Sumerian "Flood"-tablet in the University Museum, excavated at Nippur more than seventy years ago. They included Jonah, who was upset with the Lord for saving these people from judgment and Nahum who denounced the cruel acts that the Assyrians did to his people when they held them captive. So Nineveh was likely founded on rebellion towards God. Sandeep Bhandari is the founder of ExactlyHowLong.com website. The Babylonians pushed toward Nineveh, which was the seat of Assyrian power. II 27 . Thus the prophecy is fulfilled, although not on Ahab himself as originally predicted, but in its altered form. I always pictured Nineveh as a small or average sized town, but that is incorrect. Your email address will not be published. Footnotes. So, God gives a task to one of its true followers, Jonah. His prophecies are conditional. In game development, I love playing with every different engine, toolset, and framework I can find. What is the study of light and color called? In short, if its creative and you can make it digitally, I love it. Brian, your concept of God or YHWH is small-minded and narrow. Around the outside of the walls was a moat that was 150 feet wide and 60 feet deep! He allowed them to force the northern tribes into exile. of Nineveh, not named, but present to . There is very little linguistic overlap between the stories, with only individual words such as "", " " and " " standing out. Skin them alive and put their skin on the walls of the cities they conquered. We know the dates because Nahum mentions the fall of Thebes in Nahum 3:8 and we know that happened in 663 BC. The Ninevites would be drunk. Since Nahum's prophecy, which predicted Assyria's downfall, was written when that nation was at the peak of its success and power, the book of Nahum amazingly . In around 6th century B.C., Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire was attacked. No wonder 100 years later the prophetical words of Nahum seemed impossible. Soon, Nabopolassar was heading an army that included the people of Susaa city-state in the foothills of the Zagros mountainsand the Scythians, mounted nomads (and formidable cavalrymen) from the steppe. The cuneiform for Nin is a fish within a house (cf. We have lost our identity, we are very small in numbers, we have been massacred by Muslims in Turkey, Iran, Iran & Syria and most recently when you read about ISIS killing Christians in Iraq and Syria, those were Assyrians, and not Arab Christians as the media identifies them. They were wiped off the planet. Now I know why. I have only just discovered that Nineveh was destroyed. Disabled Veteran 100%. It isn't a concept we should take lightly or ignore. He had given the Assyrians plenty of time to change. They brought on God's wrath themselves. It has even been claimed that Nineveh was the most populated city in the world for a period. They continued to do evil. That in fact, the biblical prophesy ye crow about was a post hoc prophesy, just like all the muslims going around today proclaiming that the quran predicted quantum physics (from a few very vague verses), after physicists spent nigh on one hundred years developing that body of science. He said the city gates would be destroyed, the Ninevites would be drunk during the final attack, Nineveh's wall and gates would be destroyed by a great flood, much of the city would be burned by fire, there would be a great massacre of people, a great quantity of plundertoo much too count, would be carried out of the city, the Assyrian . These prophecies can be read of in the books of Jonah and Nahum. To do so is more examples of false prophecys. Hello Uriah. Maybe in all of history. For awhile. Kindly, refer to Nabukodnazzar King of Babilon by the antropoligist Tabuois, Ed. Their temples would be destroyed. ASSYRIANS WERE BRUTAL: The Assyrian kings kept detailed record of their conquests and made art of their brutalities to hang on their walls. In one, the world is actually obliterated, while in the other repentance averts the decree. Then the King, convinced that the oracle was accomplished and despairing of any means of escape, to avoid falling alive into the enemys hands constructed in his palace an immense funeral pyre, placed on it his gold and silver and his royal robes, and then, shutting himself up with his wives and eunuchs in a chamber formed in the midst of the pile, disappeared in the flames. Anyhow, much later, their city sees a fall and gets destroyed. Think about how long of a time period that is! Despite the fact that Abraham was Cyrus' Great-Grandfather, 300 year's before Cyrus is even born. However, Jonah disliked Nineveh and its citizens. It only has a couple uplifting verses. Battle of Nineveh, (612 bce). The destruction of the Assyrians was total. 1:8) Nineveh would be destroyed while her . Delaware County Flood Photos. The walls surrounding the city were 100 feet high and so thick that three chariots could go side by side of each other along the top of the walls! Click here to find out more about this unique and fun Bible study tool! Over time, God wanted to remove the Assyrians from power because of their many sins. Nineveh's fall was so important because, for a time, it was the greatest city in the ancient world as it served as a source of inspiration and awe for Assyrians and non-Assyrians alike throughout the region. Prophecy When did Nahums prophecy of destruction against Nineveh get fulfilled? Im reading Nahum in the Bible now and helps me to see it a little clearer, Hello, what lesson do we learn from Jonahs anger after God decided to give people of Nineveh a second chance, which Jonah was against. It was pillaged and burned, and then razed to the ground so completely as to evidence the implacable hatred enkindled in the minds of subject nations by the fierce and cruel Assyrian government. Nineveh became the center of power within the Assyrian Empire. What did destroy Nineveh was the Great Flood (none of God's doing, either. Do we ever reach a point that we cannot be forgiven (Nahum 3:19)? And in 612 B.C. 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The Amazing Collection, The Early Minor Prophets, Set 6 (Alpharetta, Georgia: Big Dream Ministries, Inc.), 2005, 117-139. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them . God certainly anointed Nebuchadnezzar for the tasks at hand. God's wrath is His punishment of sin and evil and something He always said He would do. The Babylonians were a conquered people living under the dominion of the Assyrians and about 625 B.C. "The fourth sun, Nahui-Atl, "Four-Water," ended in a gigantic flood that lasted for 52 years. The Horsemen of Oyo were legendary warriors who served the Oyo Empire of West Africa. God asks Jonah to go to Nineveh city and tell the people that in 40 days, he will destroy their city. The Pictures below are Ziggurats still standing today in modern day Iraq. Required fields are marked *. Many historians have been trying to relocate the existence of such history-related acts. The rest of the book of Nahum is about God's wrath. The LORD is slow to anger and great in power, and the LORD will by no means leave the guilty unpunished. (*affiliate link). Picture taken from my The Complete Guide to the Bible by Stephen M. Miller, page 265 [5] (*affiliate link), WHEN: God told Jonah to go to Nineveh approximately 760 BC and tell them they would be judged. Was this German silver mine really defended by two Roman forts and a line of "spike defenses? They had defeated these people and then transported many of them to different lands within their borders. This may be poetic justice for a people who dared God to try and send another flood to destroy them: Even still, God provided salvation to the Gentiles of this city when theyrepented of the evil they had honed and perfected for centuries. Genesis 10: 8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. Because of the persecution, the Christian population which had existed there since the 1st century AD was removed. Nineveh was the ancient capital of the Assyrian empire. But an understanding of their cruel methods in defeating and submitting their enemies puts them into perspective. Sometime in the next 100 plus years the people of Nineveh slid back into their sinful evil ways. During the conflict the bars on Nineveh's gates were destroyed, allowing the enemy to flood into the city. Am really helped and wish to thank your whole crue for the good job done. At that time, Nineveh was the largest city in the world and the capital of Assyria. The pride of Nineveh may have been due in part to its wealth and power. Although his successors clung to power for a while, the days of Assyrian ascendancy were gone. How Long Would Be The Distance Of A Day-Long Hike (And Why)? Nahum 2:6 (NIV): Why will God condemn some that perform miracles in His name? And thus, they were saved (Jonah 1-4). The only perfection allowed here is God himself. Around 631 B.C., the Assyrians dominated many kingdoms that were located in the Middle . Nineveh could not defend itself, and it faced its fall. The LORD is good, a stronghold in the days of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him. Sorry I found this article and your question over two years later. 3:12). Although, the actual fall of Nineveh is dated around the 6th Century BC. the city was destroyed and has since then remained a heap of ruins as Nahum predicted (Nahum 3:11). Even though he used this kingdom to punish Israel for the sin of idolatry, he then decided to judge them for doing the very same thing. The Assyrians themselves called it Ninua, and devoted it to the Babylonian goddess Nina. Apparently, their iniquities overflowed and God called them out for their behavior. The joint Medes-Babylonian army invaded Nineveh in May 612 AD the city finally fell in July. The prophet further revealed . Updates? The camp alone is valued at $4 million but with delivery and installation Rio Tinto's iron ore boss Simon Trott said the gift exceeded the anticipated cost of the search for the capsule. Three chariots could be driven abreast around the summit of its walls, which were defended by fifteen hundred bastions, each of them two hundred feet in height. What makes this so remarkable is no one in Nahum's time thought this was possible. The Trustees of the British Museum. About Us | Contact Us | Privacy & Cookie Policy | Sitemap, We help people get the right information about everything related that takes time. The discovery of ancient Nineveh changed everything. 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