A scanner radio uses several frequencies, and as mentioned, a common way to find them is by using a local directory. He is a 33-year veteran of the division. As it pertains to the State Patrol, each region now has one or two Posts, addressed by what city it's located in. 450.150 WBEV Remote Loading Map.. State Entity Entity Type; American Red Cross: Business Group: Businesses: . The facility, located at Fort McCoy, is used by other agencies for training programs as well. These radios are either replacing or will be in addition to the Kenwood TK-5710 radios, depending on area of operations and needs. Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire & EMS Scanner Frequency Database. 154.445 Fire/EMS Paging Once you understand the search feature of your radio you might even be able to post some of your successful finds rather than post after post of you asking for, in many instances, the results of other members hard work. 154.680 WSP Dist 1 Madison Base At that time, the Bureau of State Patrol became it's own division within DOT - the Division of State Patrol, with the Superintendent answering directly to the DOT Secretary and the Governor. Code 5 - Ice Covered and Hazardous 461.800 Asmus Towing, Edmunds Bus View) There are also several MARC repeaters operated by WSP in some areas of the state where there otherwise wouldn't be one. 151.460 WSP Statewide 151.430 DNR Red 01xx's DeForest Post Troopers. Agency Directory ARKANSAS STATE POLICE RAT PAC: 37.480 MHz: ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS: 461.350 MHz: ARTEX REPEATER: 146.625 MHz - Ava Repeater: . // -->