In regards to the Cobra a lot of people dissing the gun are those who fire hollowpoints through it. I would have bet the farm that the Ruger LCP was the worst small pistol ever created. Broke the ejector. the Truth about Guns is one of the most biased groups around. Wisdom of the crowd is an awfully unknown thing to be making life-and-death decisions on. Why Beretta didnt copy the ergonomics on that is a mystery to me. I had a CPX-2, functionality and reliability i couldnt complain about. It is about 99% reliable, however, which is good enough to carry. Do not yank the magazine friends. So special, they ride the short bus. Seriously, it works if you have a fresh pair of springs in it. I think Jimenez and Lorcen companies went bankrupt. I have two of the Picos. In fact, yanking the mag should tell him to learn the gun. Do they now have 12 round mags? But with 99 votes in, the math is clear: the CPX-2 stinks. I like mine. Maybe so few were sold they didnt make the list. IMHO it packs a great punch for a pistol that slips away in my pocket. (1) Astroturfing happens, both ways. i used to own a keltec p11. (I like Glocks, but between the trigger and the slimness of the Kahr, Im a convert) My least favorite aspect of the CM40, aside from the revolver-like capacity, is the stiffness of the slide spring. Recoil was worse on the 380 than the 9. All of this list (for the most part) are price point guns and no, you will not get HK quality for $200, but this list is about as fanboy as anything I have ever seen on here. If there is what looks like an empty hole its uncocked. Nonetheless, the fact that they are difficult to shoot can be a major problem for training and self-defense purposes. Unlike several riflesOh wait I might get a 22mag but not for big money. And we have to like it enough to carry it. It is almost a virtual impossibility to drop the mag without having to literally stop everything your doing and have to yank the thing down using 2 hands. I met Leghorn at a Range Day last year and he knows little about handling a weapon. How is it possibly at the top of the list? Recently we exchanged and shot each others weapon, I have a Taurus LCP 380. I dont know the story behind why but we can only guess. Thats a lot! None. (I call the SCCY, my Sunday go-to-meeting piece. ONE STAR FOR YOU! kind of reviews. they gladly took it back and said the Cobra .380 was selling like hotcakes. As in best gun LOL. Here is some news for you. Or had a bad exp. Cobra lasted 10 minutes in my house. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. 5 Best 380 Pistols for Concealed Carry in 2022 - Gun News Im glad it ended well, but if he hadnt scored a first round hit he would have been screwed for real. The S&W MP EZ 380 read the reviews even on the Glock site they praise the SW MP 380 EZ Stainless steel throughout the gun. No sights (Stick it up their nose and pull the trigger). When he says the People have spoken who the heck is that? Get a Kahr CW380 or P380 and just be done with it cause they really dont get much better for pocket 380 carry IMO. Check out the 380 showdown in GunWorldin 2012all 3 Keltecs broke and wouldnt run right. The trigger is fantastic, and reassuring in handling and holstering (leather IWB) in ways that Glock is not. So far wevecollected roughly 34,000 votes with an average rating of 6.1 overall. The PPK established a defining influence on the design of concealed carry firearms. Did you ever lubricate the gun, or did you just load it and shoot it? Too many women wind up dropping the gun which the thug grabs and then uses on the woman. Its is almost universally panned from young guys working behind the counter at Academy Sports to anyone who works in local gun shops. For 2022, the Roughneck will be available in a recoil-friendly .380 ACP. Considering the price point of the SCCY, its fit, finish and functionality is excellent. and wrote the entire line off. I told him Im shooting the same Remington ammo in all of them (I dont use the reloads or Russian stuff). For College Campuses! Taurus TCP voted best value-best overall 380 was Kahr p380-MUCH more expensive. I bought one of the .380 Seecamps when they first came out. WebSome derringers, like the Bond Arms derringers, are brilliantly crafted guns. Well, youre in luck, because your fellow Americans have voted, and for some pocket guns, the results arent pretty . His post show that he is just posting without knowledge of the firearms. I understand its not for everyone but its a good quality firearm with excellent customer service. Its fun to shoot really, PS: visited the site again, feeling slightly guilty for harping on the polling validity-. These flaws include, but are not limited to: .380 pocket pistols have a well-deserved reputation for having some of the worst trigger pulls of any semi-automatic pistols on the market. The trigger is about smooth and deliberate. I wouldnt go smaller than a Glock 27 in .40 the recoil is too snappy. . And buying likes is one definite way to abuse it. Examples of popular small pocket .380 autos include the original Ruger LCP, Taurus TCP, Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380, and the Kel-Tec P3-AT to name a few. Its not. Yeah, apparently without the server capacity to handle the resulting load increase, too. I know I hated my PF9 and would NEVER EVER buy any Keltec pistol again. WebThe .380 Auto (ACP) Pistol is most often used for self-defense, and is a particularly good choice for concealed carry thanks to its small size. Because they unreasonably expected to consistently hit a bullseye at 50 yards with a pocket pistol? It went on to launch a revolution of micro .380 handguns. The CM9 is a great gun. Note that I said voted and not have ever even touched the gun at a pawn shop, let alone fired it.. The CM40 being smaller and lighter might exhibit a little more, but its not unmanageable. Sure you can spend $500 on a Glock or what ever else you want to list but the specs on this gun make it a easy choice and hell I can buy two for the price of most good guns. The trigger pull on most .380 autos is exceptionally long and gritty. I dont expect any pocket gun to be pleasant to shoot, but I ditched my Hellcat after experiencing multiple failures to eject two types of ammo. (2) You have no idea who the reviewers are and what their qualifications to rate a firearm areeven if they tell you. Oh not to mention Sccy has great I own a hp380. I live in Utah, so in the wintertime its a very high probability that Ill be wearing some type of glove. One of the finest pocket guns out there. Lol, it is more than obvious that John Hope does not have a clue about the Beretta Pico. If you spend any amount of time online, youve seen product rating systems on Amazon, Netflix, Yelp, etc., usually in the form of star ratings. Actually, the KelTec P11 is the same size, came first and holds two more rounds. Bottom line: you can do much better. But unlike those highly rated guns, the Hellcat IIs rating is in the toilet. The trigger is exactly like a double action revolver. The Kahr is an excellent unit and I have years of experience with them over Tens of Thousands of rounds fired. I have SCCY CPX2 Best gun ever Just keep it clean 400 rounds down range 400 rounds on target Ill bet my life on my cpx2. I think the wheel guns are less likely to have a problem. As far as the magazine release, its perfect for my needs. Votes on the best or worst of anything are all based on personal experience or having an ax to grind. I was also surprised to find the CM40 rated so poorly. . +1. The wisdom of the crowd phenomenon? Also, I dont consider the CPX-2 to be a pocket pistol, nor should it be compared to some of the little single stack fluff-pieces the articles author referenced. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. After this 1911 bill gets passed, Ill be carrying a 1911. Its not Remington R51 bad, but its a pretty lousy firearm. The slide has the most ineffective grooves Ive ever felt. And BTW, the gunsgunsguns link doesnt work. The Ruger LCP II, released by Ruger at the end of 2016, sought to remedy many of those downsides. I trust the Colt, Kahr, and Rugers, but I would like more power. Are you kidding me? Keltec P11 will take S&W 669 mags10,15,20 rounders..just like the Marlin Camp Rifle.. Slicked up and did a Golden Loki Fluff & Buff on my Kel-Tec P3AT after I bought it years ago. I actually have the cm9 and cw380 both and never an issue with either one. They sent me a replacement gun that wouldnt chamber the 1st round. So I returned it to them, they replaced several worn parts and returned it. Com-block mack chambered pistols, walthers, and the like just have better reliability w/ less break in. Personally, I only go by in person reviews, in this internet age, from people proven trustworthy. There are two primary uses for the LCP II: concealed carry and/or as a back-up pistol. No I dont own one I own two. While the track is double, both trains were traveling in opposite directions on the same line near the Vale of Tempe, a river valley about 380 kilometers (235 miles) north of Athens. Even though its not made anymore, Ive been interested in trying out a Taurus PT638 if I ever ran across one for a reasonable price, anyone have any experience with one? Worst complaint is the trigger, but a lot of dry fires with snap caps and you condition yourself to the long reset. Ruger sells the LCP II with a neoprene pocket holster (which has the Ruger logo on it), and it actually works quite well. Or did all those voters fly to Russia to test them out? You mean like the crowd of voters that put Obama in office twice. If you have to rely on Counter Clerks for advice on firearms tells me quite a bit. Suprised about the Kahr, Beretta, and Diamondback. There is a reason why this is Berettas top Pocket gun. The mag will spring out when done correctly. They are well known for their % of guns that have failure rates compared to the ones that dont. +1 Mag Extensions are the only change to it. I have to disagree about the SCCY CPX-2. You fire as soon as you pull and have aimed. I put the new glock style slide release on mine and it is a little slimmer now. Stainless STEEL barrel, CHASSIS, best sights made on a pocket gun, Magazines that look like Custume 1911, all stainless steel with even a Steel follower. Snicker. I shoot a lot of pocket guns. Since I dont know whether or not your going to use it for EDC, I will recommend one full size and one small one which i think are the 2 best IMO. However, they are among the worst guns for concealed carry. The stats of the survey may need to be expanded on as well but for the most part would not own any of the others either, just my opinion. This is what I really hate about stories like the one posted. I like its feel in my hand. Which is good compared to many overpriced semi auto pistols which are not as dependable. They claimed to have test fired it after repair. If you use ratings to determine which gun works or doesnt work for you, you are a fool. Top 5 .380 Pistols Our Top Pick Glock 42 .380 ACP Sportsmans Warehouse (Check Price) Palmetto State Armory (Check Price) Primary Arms (Check Nope. What utter nonsense! In a fight you wont notice it. Worked fine til the last shot on the second reload. It shoots a powerful pistol cartridge in a light gun. Expand your opinion to something legitimate and/or constructive with first hand knowledge. Granted, .380 pocket autos are not guns that you take to the range for fun. It had some issues ejecting, but a trip to the factory corrected the issues. Only time I tried one I did not like it. Its a sharp designed pistol with a great price . Thats along what I was thinking. I dont care for the finger grooves, the chunky feel, or the bullets rattling in the magazine when they arent stacked just right. The reason I hated it was they are DAO and the trigger pull was a mile long, i found my self pulling the trigger again before it reset. I love my CPX-1. They are all solid, dependable, and reliable. Still, if youre looking for a all purpose value like pistol then look no further (hesk Ive seen them for $200 NIB out the doorAnd yes, Kel-Tec got copied yet again! Theyve reportedly improved it in newer model LCPs. According to our peers, here are the six worst pocketguns, from less awful to worstest. Remember, these are life-or-death guns, not gopher guns or race guns. Obvious, one writers bias, trying to get internet rookies to bash guns most have never shot nor even understand. Great gun otherwise. Very very inconsistent across the board for everything they make to not be considered really bad. Ruger sought out to remedy much of these problems with the LCP II. I have thousands of rounds through both and they keep on trucking One gun has 5000 rounds with just one failure with all kinds of ammo and that was a bad primer strike, which by the way the Pico has double strike capability which took care of that. Avoid Straight Blowback pistols These have a barrel permanently affixed to the frame versus the Delayed Blowback pistols, who have a barrel th But despite those advantages, .380 pocket pistols have also been plagued by a number of downsides. You do that and you will find hipoints and cobras to work as they are intended. Their Reviewers have alot of feed issues due to lack of knowledge of proper grip. Note to self, Get to the range! Or the Kahr in there? I alone will take up the Masterpiece banner, carry it aloft, plant it on the nearest peak and proclaim, Get thee 6 extra recoil springs and thou shalt have a decent pistol for a year or more, even.. Yet one more advantage for the LCP II is the fact that the slide locks back on the final round fired to signal you are empty. You need to learn more about handguns before posting such nonsense. Copyright 2023 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved. This list would have been more valid if it had included the KIMBER SOLO, This website is better than the comedy channel. Painful to shoot, yes, but thats what you get when the gun barely weighs more than the bullet it fires. Surprised the Remington R51 didnt make this list. The original Ruger LCP has been perhaps the most well-known and popular .380 pocket pistol since it was first introduced in 2008. All semi auto weapons will jam at one time or another, and dont feel the same in everyones hand.. What a joke. Try the Sig P938 If you are truly carrying for protection you dont mind the Sig Price if your life is on the line and the P938 shoots like a minature 1911 Love mine and have had several friends buy them after shooting my P938 SAS. Have you put more than a box through it? Keltec P-11 listed as 10+1 on THEIR website. I had 4 LCPs that went down with cracked grips, frames, broken take down pin, split rails etc. A lot of those people who diss these guns are those that run hollowpoints or high pressure rounds. Trigger sucked. The trigger seem to be the trouble people have with it. The .380 pistol which has the least recoil? Above, a Ruger, below a Browning 1911380 Without even looking at their spec sheets, we can guess that Texas Teens Getting Carry Licenses! How many times are there accidental discharges from soft triggers? I certainly wouldnt be happy. Booth #72617 Cabot Guns And I will do my best to talk others out of Kahr products. Does this guy have any gun expertise? Get real. Shoots fine, never a problem, kills my hand. I was glad not to see Kel Tac on the bottom list. Ruger listened to the criticism, which resulted in the birth of the LCP II. Its elegant lines and precision engineering have a timeless appeal. All these tacticool wannabes on here think theyre special. I appreciate the review. Thanks for your post. Certainly it should appear on the Wikipedia page. The very concealable gun has a barrel length of only 2.5 inches. The tiny gun is lightweight, inexpensive and comfortable to carry. Pick up a Taurus 738 tcp and it is super snappy vs the cw380. The gun works. Super gun, works every time. But thats just me Not everyone places as much weight on user ratings as I do. I think it would have to be the 2mm Kolibri. Its the worlds smallest handgun, and develops just 4 joules of muzzle energy. Its not a joke weapon To each his own . Tiny, safety features, serious calibers, etc. Horrible, awful trigger. 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