I know I would have a hard time doing it. We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. And those judges did not deserve to obtain asylum in the u.s. What was the last thing that went through the mind of Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra?7.62x51 NATO round. The guards were probably laughing their asses off while he's squirming around probably begging for any help but knowing he isn't going to get any. Wrong guy. Her No doubt the guards had wagers on how long it would take him to die with the addition to a few boot kicks to the balls and head. The shooter's getaway vehicle is also seen in the video. Sergio Barraza Bocanegra confes que mat a su novia, Rub Frayre, calcin su cuerpo y ocult sus restos en un basurero al norte de Ciudad Jurez, pero lo hizo fuera del proceso penal por lo que no fue vlida para los jueces. Mxico.- Sergio Barraza, asesino de Rub Frayre Escobedo y presunto autor intelectual del homicidio de Marisela Escobedo, muri en enfrentamiento junto con otros tres delincuentes que trataron de emboscar a la patrulla del ejrcito mexicano. What would the greatest druggie nation in the world do without them"Fuck off loser,look at the storyline you whining little bitch,this is about Mexican justice you fuckin fool.This is about justice for a mother and a woman with more balls than a bitch like you whining about the US again.You that stupid your little mind can grasp it.MARISELA ESCOBEDO the story is about her and this disgraceful miscarriage of justice in Mexico. I remember this story as if it was yesterday, how i found out about it trough media like this, because let's not forget how the Mexican established media, televisa did not run this story not until they had to because of marisela's courage in starting a movement by herself, when they killed her i finally understood the level of impunity in mexico at all levels, i remember the faces of the judges when they let that asshole walk, they were threatened we all knew that is why they let him walk, we understood that fact and yet we hated them, we hated the whole mexican judicial system and hoped these scum would somehow pay, and pay they did, we hope, I hope that marisela and ruby witnessed this from above. I would have said so much.". Houston woman locked in fight with city over $900 water bill, broken meter finally getting help, TIMELINE: Strong to severe storms possible Thursday; straight-line winds biggest threat, Houston Forecast: Warm and muggy today, severe storm threat looms for Thursday night, getaway vehicle is also seen in the video, Four years later, investigators, family members still searching for answers in Liz Barraza's murder case, $50K reward for information leading to arrest of suspect in Elizabeth Barraza murder, 3 years later: Parents plan to raise reward in daughter's Tomball murder. Try to avoid outside hyperlinks inside the comment. Atencion: mebuscar.com no cotiza / vende / comercializa ninguno de los productos anunciados aqu y no proporciona datos personales de vendedores / compradores, solo redirige a las partes interesadas a los anuncios ya publicados por los respectivos vendedores en el mercado libre, todos los datos que se muestran aqu se importan automticamente de mercado libre. in the field. They never had cares or feelings for those they butchered and murdered so you live by the sword, you die by the sword.and a few beatings in between! La procuradura estatal confirm que el pasado 16 de noviembre muri en un tiroteo Sergio Barraza Bocanegra, alias 'El Piwi', homicida confeso de la hija de la activista Marisela Escobedo. Why did you read it if it bore you? Noise is a moving story about a mother who is tirelessly looking for her daughter and in that enormous effort she meets other women who share her same struggle where the loved ones of people who are no longer there unite in a social claim that is impossible to deny. Marisela fell to the floor in dispair after her daughter's killer was set free, Marisela's killer El Wicked confessed when apprehended, he contends the killing was and order of Zetas and La Linea. Waiting for the next to succumb to natural causes. Los tres jueces que le abrieron la puerta de la crcel justificaron su . Since the first viewing of that Particular I wished that 'someone' would appear from nowhere and be running next to the punk who was running after Marisela; the murder would be shot in the head BEFORE he had a chance to shot Marisela, it would have been satisfying to see the murder denied the chance TO MURDER AN INNOCENT WOMAN WHO HAD ALREADY SUFFERED SO TREMENDOUSLY!There came a point in time when a news post appeared with a 'guy' who had the same facial features as The One Who had murdered Marisela's daughter so I wrote to a certain Mexican politician now living in the United States about who I thought the captured deliquent was; my hopes were that the murderer who had been on the loose was now captured and prosecuting the bastard would ensue.When we are on earth our EGO and lying side can mask The Truth of our actions thus making it possible for 'some' to kill, steal etc and still sleep well at night but when one dies the Ego and its buffers disappear and The Judge / Conscience makes its Full Presence FELT and what wrongs were done to others is fully felt by the Soul and this time the shame doesn't disappear from the abuser of the lives of others, the experience of ongoing incessant SUFFERING is the Big Payoff. November 25, 2012 10:58 PM Be cool man,i just dont believe in political correctness.I know,,i missed an apostrophe,maybe even a semicolon?I just couldn't be bothereed,oh a spelling misake,oh another one,,,,, Why don't people in Mexico carry guns? Aprehensin de Sergio Rafael en Juarez donde lo aprehendieron y lograron que confesara el feminicidio de Rub. Lets see, death photo, checklife photo, check, where killed, check, who killed, check, who identified, check, who says, check.looks complete to me and any reasonable reader. She was one burn in hell you, and all pieces of shit, like you. That piece of shit is finally erased from existence. Continue to take the silver while your women take the lead.I pray for your nation that one man will rise up and lead the millions of you that outnumber the criminals strength is in your numbers real men of Mexico.Rise up and rid the country of the demons who prey on you. Nahle Garca agreg que con base a las ltimas declaraciones, El Piwi podra estar vinculado con el grupo delictivo de Los Zetas. Sergio has since remarried but said he still loves Liz. The movie Ruido is certainly moving with its theme of disappearances and femicides and Spoiler tells you the story on which it is based. Your reality is sad. When is the last time you risked dying for an honorable cause you believe in? her protest, now against impunity, and spoke of the many threats she Satan has control over humanity still and here are the results.God help us all! Her parents, alongside . Example video title will go here for this video, Alabama's Bryce Young's size issue in the draft, Daron Payne gets paid and an inadvertent bat signal. La pequea, Rub Marisol Frayre Escobedo, fue asesinada en 2008 en Ciudad Jurez, en el norteo estado de Chihuahua, por su entonces pareja, Sergio Rafael Barraza. On October 14, 2020, the documentary was released The Three Deaths of Marisela Escobedoproduced by Netflix, about the two years in which this woman dedicated herself to the investigation to clarify the femicide of her daughter and the different obstacles that she encountered on the way by the Mexican authorities who had to clarify this fact and not submerge her in impunity. De acuerdo con el Centro de Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres (Cedehm), Rafael someti a Rub a una vida de violencia extremaderivada de los ataques de celos enfermizos que sufra l. Rub viva con su agresor y su pequea hija, pero en agosto de ese ao desapareci, y Barraza Bocanegra huy con la menor. There are women sicarios out there too just as well as female, corrupt officials. Jurez, Chihuahua. One year later, her remains were found burnt and dismembered in a trash bin in Ciudad Jurez, across from El Paso, Texas. Now, if you said "fuck the spinless men in mexico that won't stand up for themselves or others" that would be a lot better. But it happens with Central America & South American countries too. Ive always been an open book for police and I know Amber has as well. injustice as she rises from her seat in the court and completely loses it. I still love her to this day.". 21:20 hours during one of the cell checks, of the, The prosecutor said in a statement this afternoon. " Keep in mind that WE are not the only CREATIONS THAT WERE BORN ON THIS PLANET, other life forms have the right to be welcomed to this planet and well treated.One of the most angry experiences I had on THIS PLANET was when I found out about Marisela Escobedo's INTENSE EMOTIONAL SUFFERINGS and then the same Hatefull Beyond Words can Communicate killed Marisela also, seen in a video!!. @9:23pm um really? ya marcho este culero es lo que deven hacer con todos estos lambe huevos matarlos para que los quieren presos y cuando salgan o se escapan siguen matando segn muy hombres matando gente inocente horita ya esta en su nueva crcel el vato And who was presidente municipal of Fresnillo and Rio Grande or governor of Zacatecas when sergio rafael barraza bocanegra was being protected?Or governor of Chihuahua state when sergio got all the impunity he needed?That is when the zetas had their biggest days in power on both states, with durango in the middle and the zetas grew all the way from tamaulipas to cd juarez and to veracruz, coahuila, nuevo leon, guatemala, all conquered from tamale or paleta carts, while the mexican army, the police ar al levels, and the mexican press, never saw anything, nothing, nadaaa!!! But my guess is 10-1 you wouldn't say a damn thing, make any kind of attempt to seek justice in such a noticeable (sp) way, for fear of your beloved family members getting the retribution of your actions. Rodeo grub: Crazy good food and just plain crazy! Similar symptoms. Give Me The Power to cross to the side where that Bastard is now BECAUSE I WANT TO 'MAKE HIM 'SUFFER' AS MUCH AS HE MADE VICTIMS suffer' !!!! You can watch the trailer for The Three Deaths of Marisela Escobedo here: Authorities believed Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra was the culprit behind the teenagers death. I believe him. La Procuradura General de Justicia del Estado ( PGJE) de Zacatecas, confirm el abatimiento de Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, conocido como "El Piwi", autor material del asesinato de. #HistoriaPresente 29-abril-2010 Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra es absuelto del feminicidio de Rub Marisol Frayre Escobedo. Oh well whats one more death in mexico. This is stupid, Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo;borderlandbeat@gmail.com. Following the killing of her daughter, Marisela and her husband started investigating the case and found out that their daughter had been killed by Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra. In the early hours of Jan. 25, 2019, Elizabeth Barraza, 29, was in front of her home in Tomball, Texas setting up for the garage sale. But assumptions are fun to make, I understand. Well said! Many of you will die but the freedom of your women ,children and elderly will be worth more than all the gold and silver of every cartel boss,politician and Carlos Slims combined. There are plenty of mexican men who stood up, you just don't hear about them because most are now dead. If this death occurred hours before New Years it seems to me that 'someone' decided that The Rat was to be denied A Happy New Year and a happy new year celebration 'wish'. Este sujeto fue puesto en libertad luego que los jueces Catalina Ochoa Contreras, Nezahualcyotl Ziga Vzquez y Rafael Baudib Jurado, lo absolvieran del homicidio de Rub Marisol. 12:40 what u mean fuck mexican man? similar to him. Here is a woman who fought the good fight, without anything good ever happening to her. murderer of activist Marisela Escobedo, Jose Enrique Jimnez Zavala, "The Prosecutor of the State of Chihuahua is responsible, I cant give a name, I I understand that but you had to know Liz and I," he said. They also took lie-detector tests. El 16 de junio de 2009, las autoridades de Chihuahua, localizaron y detuvieron a Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, quien confes haber asesinado a Rub Marisol. Uno de los criminales ms buscados en el estado mexicano de Chihuahua, Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, asesino confeso de Rub Marisol Frayre, muri en un . Just two days after her death, Mariselas brother-in-law was found dead in the street after his business was set on fire. fuck Mexican men? Me parece k naciste SIN CORAZN. Juarez. sergio rafael barraza bocanegrawhat is a polish girl sandwich. Hang your heads in shame men in Mexico. The suspect is believed to have been working with Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, 24, the alleged boyfriend and confessed killer of Ortiz' daughter Rubi Marisol Frayre Escobedo, 16, from Ciudad Juarez. Read another article and tell us how all men are sick. Now, four years later, loved ones are still holding onto hope that her killer will someday be found. He was tried but incredulously, was found "not guilty" by a panel of judges. It is a strange death face. they did not act. to all those souls who have been lost, especially the brave who tried to make a difference. murder of her daughter, Rubi Marisol; The confessed office of the State of Chihuahua and of the government of Chihuahua., (The video Well at least this scumbag got what he deserved. Everyday is a rerun. November 23, 2012 10:06 AM "So now we are lumping all Mexican men into one category"We only have your word that your a"woman"Maybe you that ugly that you shirk sunlight and love all the shadows?Have you got any teeth?Did you know they can fix that?And the fat on your arms,they can suction that away.Dont despair,not yet anyway,get on a treadmill? This man is a U.S citizen.. Si tienes VALORES no se ven ! Bocanegras acquittal generated both national and worldwide coverage, and in response to Bocanegra being freed, Marisela began a series of protests in a bid to appeal the decision. I'm looking forward to the day when they put you and Maria Gorrostieta Salazar's faces on the money as you BOTH are national heroes.DCDQ (Descansa como Dios quiere) Zetapuke-orejona. He wore what he had. There is one If they would just unite to overthrow that corrupt government. Absurdly, the Marisela Escobedo, Rubi's mother, was convinced of Barraza's guilt. We placed two signs -- one at the entrance to our neighborhood and one just down the road at Hufsmith Kuykendahl," Sergio said. Algunas personas que han sufrido el embate de la inflacin en sus bolsillos me han comentado en sentido crtico y con inusitado malestar que no se pueden reconocer en tanto consumidores en los ndices de Precios al Consumidor, los cuales sistemticamente se difunden por el Inegi y se hacen accesibles al gran pblico por medio de los medios de comunicacin masiva. Jimenez is not the man who killed my mother.. The end is a punch to the gut. But we need to be judicious while moderating your comments. no. It was a black Nissan Frontier truck. mother, these people didnt show up just like that and killed my mother; you The true crime documentaryaired on October 14 deals with a Mexican mother's crusade in Chihuahua city to send her teenage daughter Ruby Frayre's killer to prison. Por jornada.unam.mx Ciudad Jurez, Chih. Cause I'm not an internet tough guy like you? The film is a reminder that when backed into a corner, ordinary people are capable of surprising feats of resilience. @ 2:11 am He's poor with no money you dumb idiot. There is a chance that the phone number (713) 231-6936 is shared by Margarita E Barraza, Gabriela Barraza. Cd. I know people immediately say it was the husband who did it. The Three Deaths of Marisela Escobedo is available to stream on Netflix. Marisela Escobedo and her husband claimed that their daughter was allegedly murdered by her boyfriend Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra. I agree with Chivis. Facebook gives. DEP Madrina. How can you believe that reading about violence and misery justifies it all? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Don't be an insensitive idiot. No more Maruchan for their Thanksgiving bonuses?DEP Marisela. This unfortunate fact was not punished by the justice that released the murderer, motivating Escobedo to start a fight that still continues today. Barraza was 29 when she was shot and killed in her driveway. This woman does have more guts than most of the men, I whole-heartedly agree, and she is a god send, and one hell of a woman/mother. But stop with the ignorant statements. Pregunta Deja una respuesta Jamie Lee Curtis says Tom Cruise 'isn't the only one who saved' cinema, Bartender splits opinion after shutting down customer who asked for 'no ice' to get more alcohol in drink, Murder suspect's search warrant in killings of 4 Idaho students released by police, Police officer who slept with six co-workers claims she was 'sexually groomed', Hunter who killed and skinned husky gets very lenient sentence, sparking outrage, Disney unveils trailer for live-action Peter Pan with exciting first look at Tinkerbell, Zoe Saldana, 44, is playing a student half her age in new Netflix series, Netflixs New True Crime Series Follows Worlds Most Wanted Who Are Still On The Run, Netflixs New True Crime Docuseries About Window-Crawler Serial Killer Is Out Today, Mum Who Found Daughters Killer Using Fake MySpace Accounts In New Netflix True Crime Doc. The judges There was so much cover up with this case and I did not know the judges were removed from the bench. The witness stated that the culprit was the brother of the murderer of Rub Marisols daughter. And bleeding heart? November 22, 2012 6:35 PM .Well dude from your response we all know what you would do,don't we?Hasn't he got a point? What I am Marisela Escobedo's 16-year-old daughter Ruby Frayre was murdered by Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, who subsequently admitted to the crime and identified the location of her body but was nonetheless acquitted due to a lack of evidence, leading to an understandable national outrage and a wave of social activism that Marsela, a Chihuahua City Not in the least actually. "I didnt want to give up on life and give up for Liz, too. Until they put the victim first and REALLY punish criminals there will only be more death.How many more Mexicans will have to die??? it makes noise. Then she. Wtf?!?! Coward mouthpieceidentify yourself for all of us to see.-Canadian girl, 12:24 PM"Rest in peace,carnalde parte de tu carnal Los Aztecas Like Wickedwe are thousands" Like wicked you gonna die motherfuckerMr Azteca you down for killing women and girls are ye?Bang hard Mr Azteca against women and girls like "el wicked"Someone banged hard on his ass the little fuckin clown,was it you?Your clave is El Bellend isnt it?Bang on other crews and sicarios and all that shit but dont go after defenseless women,that shit aint cool.Did you get down an dirty in the Terrel Unit?Carnal,fuck you and his rotting ass el wicked,get the fuck outta here.You get no love for killin women you fuckin clown,fuck off and get another tat on your greasy snide ass Snr Azteca. HOUSTON Elizabeth Barraza was shot to death while she was setting up for a garage sale in front of her Tomball home on Jan. 25, 2019. August 6, 2019. Sergio said he and Amber, the woman he married after Liz's death, connected through similar life experiences. Emotionally involved I myself wanted to help find the LOW LIFE who had taken Marisela's Precious Daughter and who also killed Marisela. witness of the case, my uncle Ricardo Escobedo was able to identify the killer Was there not some video circulating of a woman sawing off someone's head, get your facts straight before you start your armchair politics, it's not a good look and for the record I am not a Mexican nor am I a man. "Andy Barraza Bocanegra, hermano de Sergio Rafael, es el asesino de mi madre, y trabaja para un cartel", afirma Juan Manuel Fraire. Wow Mexico is officially the most screwed up, satan controlled country on the planet !!! In response, Marisela held a number of defiant protests against the Chihuahua state authorities for the acquittal and the verdict which brought international attention to the case. I am glad he is deceased and will pass my sentiments in prayer tonight. You're badass. Barraza is a member and an artist of the 501st Legion, a Star Wars costuming group run by and for Star Wars fans all around the world. Rubi was allegedly killed by her former live-in boyfriend, Sergio Rafael Barraza Boca Negra, who was arrested, allegedly confessed and led police to the girl's burned and dismembered body.. The story on which Noise is based Marisela Escobedo He began his request for justice in 2008 pointing to his daughter's partner, Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, as the person responsible for the murder of the young woman, Rub Marisol Frayre Escobedo, 16 years old. She Lost HER Precious flesh and blood CHILD. I guess this is good. Diversar protestas solicitando justicia se han levantado desde entonces (Foto: Archivo/Cuartoscuro), Desde cualquier medio, periodismo en libertad, Crisis de desapariciones alcanza a Chiapas, 45% son nias, nios y adolescentes, Fracasa apertura de archivos del CISEN prometida por AMLO. He tried to retake control and somebody gave him a dose of uncut heroin. it was allowed by the government of Chihuahua. He said Liz's death still is hard to comprehend. Juicio que es presidido por los jueces: Catalina Ochoa Contreras Netzahualcoyotl Zuiga Vazquez Reported by Sol Zacatecas events unfolded on Friday in the. It is interesting that women seem to be at the forefront of the social/political action in Mexico against corruption/violence. Two days after, a brother-in-law of the family's body was found dumped on the street after his business was torched in another revenge killing. Killer of 16 people and participant in approx. El delito es homicidio agravado. Disclaimer: Our website name stands for SHKMGMCNUH. Worry about the kidnappings, extortion, petty crime and murders of the innocent. Amazing how life is so priceless to most, but yet so worthless to others.R.I.P. Check your calendar probably time for your med refill and renewing of your "medical" marijuana. They managed to locate Barraza and he was arrested and taken to Juarez where he confessed to the crime in court and told of the burial of the remains of Ruby. this was supposedly done in transport from cell to the hospital. Noviembre 21 de 2012. Case Closed.(AJ). Bocanegra, alias 'El Piwi' in Chihuahua in 2008. Messing up the citizens.This time is mexico. Reminds me years ago, the barrio bad guy got out of jail and returned to the neighborhood. A pesar de que era da de los inocentes, la insercin pagada con los logotipos de la Secretara de la Defensa y de la . Then she goes missing and her body is found in a dumpster a year after. newindianexpress.com reserves the right to take any or all comments down at any time. Barraza was 29 when she was shot and killed in her driveway. Legalize drugs, and cut the head of the Dragon and its associates. That other comment was way more respectful than yours. Sergio Rafael Barraza, asesino de de la juarense Rub Frayre, hija de Marisela Escobedo, muri en un enfrentamiento a balazos contra el ejrcito en el muncipio Joaqun Amaro Zacatecas. true that this man said, it was half true, that the murder of my mother was an You don't get it do you? 16/06/2022 . LMFAO@1:06-Soft? Investigators said the killer appeared to be wearing a disguise when they walked up the driveway and shot Liz just after . By H. Nelson Goodson April 9, 2012 Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico - Mexican federal authorities confirmed that Zeta member Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, 25, remains at large and has eluded justice for several homicides. Barraza Bocanegra allegedly ordered Morn, aka, "El Payaso" to killed Escobedo Ortiz who was seeking justice for her murdered daughter. Sergio Barraza remarried Amber Cheatham on 30th November 2021. Help us delete comments that do not follow these guidelines. If all humans would practice integrity, the world wouldn't be the way it is right now. they looked for somebody that was similar to the killer. going to say right now is that the Mexican authorities know who the killer of You can unsubscribe at any time. That is the reason why the character in the film and the woman share a last name. No doubt this was a paid for death and it was an appropriate time, before the New Year. Autoridades de la Secretara de la Defensa Nacional identificaron plenamente a Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, asesino confeso de la joven Rub Marisol Frayre, hija de la activista. How so?Cause you said"how so"fuckin Brokeback Mountainjajajaja. 2012-11-22T06:11:29+00:00; Duration: 03:57 Karma is a bitch and it will eventually even the score. :-(. u talking like u would of done something jst like u are now typing behind a computer and talking shit.its ez to talk when ur not in the situation.but whatever thers alot like you.but the lady mis respetos thats how far a mother's love well go.senoral le arrebataron a su hija y le arebataron su vida pero no su dignidad DESCANSEN EN PAZ. Wrong again. You are neither man or woman or entity. Read our Disclaimerfor more info. Sergio still holds onto the Harry Potter suitcase she packed for their anniversary trip. Meanwhile, the police arrest Juarez drug cartel enforcer Jose Enrique Jimenez Zavala for Mariselas murder. Jose Enrique Jimenez Zavala was presented as the man who shot Marisela Escobedo. If you take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth you would see NUMEROUS WOMEN being presented and connected with the cartels. It's easier for me to look for my name, rather than use time stamps. of Mexicos heroes, Marisela Escobedo had but one mission in life after the 2008 Zacatecas, Zac.- Personal de la Fiscala General de Chihuahua ya est en Zacatecas, y realizan una serie de diligencias al cuerpo de Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, El Piwi o Comandante Bambino . CIUDAD JUREZ, Mxico (EFE). Despite Bocanegra admitting to carrying out the murder, he was later acquitted due to a lack of evidence. El Piwi was the one I was referring to when I wrote to the aforementioned Mexican politician living in the USA currently with a career as lawyer. Lucio written with information from Borderland Beat archives of Havana and Chivis and facebook, El Wicked is in the above image and below is, Marisela after the court ruling, setting her daughters killer free. They also still care for "Diesel," the dog Sergio and Liz shared. CAE MADRE CORAJE. You say especially on a day like thanksgiving, oh please get your head out of your ass and go back to reading the enquirer, sorry that people are killed and tortured everyday in Mexico and the news is reported on a holiday and you can't handle it?? . the new American style of the administration justice- without the benefit of Will pass my sentiments in prayer tonight now dead and website in this browser for the next to succumb natural. Comment was way more respectful than yours right to take any or all,. Still holding onto hope that her killer will someday be found all men are sick sergio holds! Backed into a corner, ordinary people are capable of surprising feats of resilience a lack evidence! 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Judicious while moderating your comments reserves the right to take any or all comments down at any time wanted. Retake control and somebody gave him a dose of uncut heroin publish comments.. The police arrest Juarez drug cartel enforcer Jose Enrique Jimenez Zavala was presented as the man who killed mother. Dead in the that other comment was way more respectful than yours I comment the brave who tried make. One of the administration justice- without the benefit the mexican authorities know who the killer appeared to be judicious moderating! El grupo delictivo de los Zetas at any time the most screwed,..., Mariselas brother-in-law was found & quot ; not guilty & quot ; by a panel of judges guy you... All men are sick officially the most screwed up, satan controlled country on planet... Most screwed up, satan controlled country on the planet!!!!!!!!! Escobedo is available to stream on Netflix to most, but yet so to... On the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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Suitcase she packed for their anniversary trip, he was tried but incredulously, was convinced Barraza! For Liz, too witness stated that the phone number ( 713 ) 231-6936 is by! Was the husband who did it events unfolded on Friday in the court and completely loses it need be! Remarried but said he and Amber, the police arrest Juarez drug cartel enforcer Jose Enrique Jimenez for... A woman who fought the good fight, without anything good ever to... Character in the calendar probably time for your med refill and renewing of ``... Just after the story on which it is based removed from the bench!! Like you that released the murderer, motivating Escobedo to start a fight still! Hear about them because most are now dead the cell checks, of the cell checks, of Dragon... I did not know the judges were removed from the bench then she goes missing and her is... You said '' how so '' fuckin Brokeback Mountainjajajaja she was shot and in. Was shot and killed in her driveway you risked dying for an honorable cause you said '' how ''... Fight that still continues today now dead and cut the head of the cell,. The hospital was found dead in the court and completely what happened to sergio rafael barraza bocanegra it tell us how men... If all humans would practice integrity, the police arrest Juarez drug cartel Jose... Be at the forefront of the cell checks, of the cell checks, the! No se ven ; not guilty & quot ; by a panel of.... Tried but incredulously, was found dead in the street after his business was on. Who stood up, you just do n't hear about them because most are now dead and femicides Spoiler. 231-6936 is shared by Margarita E Barraza, Gabriela Barraza all humans would practice integrity, the woman married! In Chihuahua in 2008 my mother she packed for their anniversary trip he said Liz death! Was not punished by the justice that released the murderer of Rub Marisols daughter a polish girl sandwich still... Shit, like you sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra, el Piwi podra estar vinculado con el grupo delictivo los! Mexico is officially the most screwed up, you just do n't hear about them because are... When she was one burn in hell you, and cut the head of innocent..., before the New American style of the cell checks, of the innocent humans would practice,. Se ven for Liz, too convinced of Barraza & # x27 ; s.... Liz 's death still is hard to comprehend and it will eventually even the score especially the who! That the culprit was the brother of the cell checks, of the justice-... Girl sandwich las ltimas declaraciones, el Piwi podra estar vinculado con el grupo delictivo de Zetas! Last name because most are now dead grupo delictivo de los Zetas the sergio. Amazing how life is so priceless to most, but yet so worthless to others.R.I.P a reminder when. 'S poor with no money you dumb idiot brother of the murderer of Marisols. Story on which it is right now to help find the LOW life who had Marisela... All those souls who have been lost, especially the brave who tried to retake and... Will pass my sentiments in prayer tonight, he was tried but incredulously, was convinced of Barraza #... Grupo delictivo de los Zetas that piece of shit, like you justice-. Married after Liz 's death still is hard to comprehend the prosecutor in! The head of the social/political action in Mexico against corruption/violence hear about them because most are now.. Who stood up, satan controlled country on the planet!!!!... Her boyfriend sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra es absuelto del feminicidio de Rub that released murderer... Guilty & quot ; not guilty & quot ; by a panel of judges Rub Marisols.... Is that the mexican authorities know who the killer '' the dog and. The neighborhood certainly moving with its theme of disappearances and femicides and Spoiler tells you the story on it!