View today's docket for Fulton County Superior, State, Magistrate, Juvenile, and Probate Courts in a scrolling list, or search it by name or case number. Search the Cobb County Magistrate Court daily court calendar, or view the calendar by case name, case number, room, floor, and start time. Webfor the Northern District of Georgia Court Calendar for the Honorable Judge Ray. You may opt-out if you wish. Please visit our website at for calendars, answers to frequently asked questions, forms, and for contact information. 678-293-1858 Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Georgia Department of Community Supervision et al 42:12101 et seq. An annual schedule of hearing types is also provided. Atlanta, GA 30334. 330 Capitol Avenue Suite Select a judge from the "Judges" drop-down menu to begin. Code Compliance Court sessions address property maintenance, animal control, and other environmental degradation cases. WebCoweta County, GA Website Home Menu. Ben Hill County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. View Henry County Superior Court calendars by case type, date, and judge. Cases are browsable by date and searchable by docket number, case title, and full text. Bulloch County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. View Douglas County Superior Court calendars and schedules by hearing type and date. WebE-Access to Court Records Georgia Judicial Gateway E-Access to Court Records Home E-Access to Court Records Find a Court Case You will be redirected to the providers website and must have an account to search court records. Contact the Court Clerk at 706-883-1740 to verify Court Services is responsible for processing all traffic citations and misdemeanor state law violations issued by the Police Department, including ordinance violations issued by the Community Developments Code Compliance and Animal Control, processing all violations of probation issued by Judicial Correction Services, preparing dockets, and collecting fines and fees. WebCheck the Court Calendar for a listing of cases by Civil Calendar. Visiting Judge. Video What to Expect at an OSAH Hearing, Video: Learn what to expect at an OSAH hearing, You can help call the HUMAN TRAFFICKING RESOURCE HOTLINE. - Fri. Click here to view the 2023 Judges Chamber Dates, Civil and Domestic Calendars - See calendar for times, Magistrate Order Regarding Preliminary/Bond Motion Deadline Click Here to View Order. WebThe Clerk of Superior Court is elected by the voters for four year terms. Should you have any concerns, please contact our office at 770-830-5830 between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday. View Forsyth County Superior and State Court master calendar schedules, or click on the judge's name for the judge's trial calendars. Municipal Court in Session 2023-03-01T08:00:00. 678-293-1858 View the Bibb County State Court civil calendar for the current week. Before sharing sensitive or personal information, make sure youre on an official state website. Henry County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. 678-293-1858 Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Rules of Procedure; Judicial Circuits; Frequently Asked Questions; Video What to Expect at an OSAH Hearing; Atlanta, You can also pay by phone at 678-941-4400. Yes. Calendar. Download the free Reader by clicking here. Judges Cohen, May and Totenberg have elected to participate in a pilot program to provide a calendar of upcoming proceedings of potential interest to the public. Telfair County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. To inquire about the fine amount; you may call Court Services (678) 293-1858 or use the online payment These judges issue arrest and search warrants, hold preliminary criminal hearings, try civil matters, and hear misdemeanors, such as traffic violations. 706-253-3511. Driving while license suspended or revoked, Speeding if 30 mph or more over speed limit, Notice to appear in another court on the same date and time. NOTICE: This schedule is provided for the convenience of the public. Search Chatham County Recorder's Court dockets by defendant name, attorney name, officer ID, or date. Please click the following link to access House Bill 77 Legislation. Southern Judicial Circuit Superior Court Calendars and Schedule, Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit Court Calendars and Schedule, Conasauga Judicial Circuit Superior Court Schedule, Alcovy Judicial Circuit Superior Court Calendars and Schedule, Augusta Judicial Circuit Superior Court Calendars, South Georgia Judicial Circuit Superior Court Calendars, South Georgia Judicial Circuit Itineraries, Tifton Judicial Circuit Superior and State Court Schedule, Athens-Clarke County Juvenile Court Schedule, Athens-Clarke County State Court Calendars, Athens-Clarke County Superior Court Calendars, Cherokee County Superior Court Criminal Calendars and Schedule, Douglas County Superior Court Calendars and Schedules, Floyd County Superior Court Judges Calendars, Forsyth County Superior and State Court Schedules and Judges' Calendars, Fulton County Juvenile Court Hearing Schedule, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Schedules, Gwinnett County Magistrate Court Trial Calendars, Gwinnett County State Court Criminal Calendars, Muscogee County State Court Dockets and Schedules, Pickents County Probate and Magistrate Court Schedule, Wayne County Superior, State, and Juvenile Court Schedule, Wilkinson County Superior Court Calendars. February 14, 2023 February 24, 2023 (Pre-Trial Conferences) and March 6, 2023 (Jury Trials) March 28, 2023 Criminal Proceedings December 8, 2022 December 9, There is no surcharge for cash payments. Text Size: Decrease font size Calendar; Primary tabs. In certain circumstances, court staff may issue a continuance for a mandatory appearance upon presentation of one of the following documents: For cases that do not require a mandatory appearance: If your case has already been issued a continuance, you must appear in court to request another continuance. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. CLOSE. View details for all cases, or for ready or continuing cases. Video Conference Hearings No video conferences scheduled at this time Civil Calendar 2023-01-05 - Civil Circuit Calendar 2023-01-19 - Civil Circuit Calendar 2023-02-09 - Civil Circuit Calendar 2023-03-09 - Civil Pre-Trial Calendar The fee for phone and in-person credit card payments is 4%. View Holly Springs Municipal Court dates on the city calendar. Calendars are in Adobe pdf format. Suite 1601 Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Below is a list of City events and meetings. Order of business. and Wilkinson Counties. Box 247 Danielsville, GA 30633 Phone: (706) 795-6310 Fax: (706) 795-2209 Madison County Clerk of Court You will find our upcoming court calendars below. View the judge calendar for Superior and Juvenile Courts in Baldwin, Greene, Hancock, Jasper, Jones, Morgan, Putnam. View Morgan County Superior Court calendars by date and hearing type. View the Paulding County Superior Court annual schedule of hearing types.. Peach County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Judge Sams. Webfor the Northern District of Georgia Court Calendar for the Honorable Judge Grimberg NOTICE: This schedule is provided for the convenience of the public. Cobb County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Periodically the assigned judge may cause to be delivered to the clerk of the court and published a list of pending civil actions in which the discovery period has expired or criminal cases upon reasonable notice requiring the parties (including the state) or their attorneys For information about court dates, contact Court Services at: 678-293-1858. Georgia law gives victims of crime the right to be notified of court proceedings; offender release dates; and when the offender is placed on probation or parole. Helpful Links Cities of Fulton - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. WebCourt Calendar Available Online. Proper dress attire is expected- no halter tops. WebCheck the Court Calendar for a listing of cases by Civil Calendar. The new law, provides that the current Traffic Division be renamed DIVISION B and courtrooms enumerated as State Court Divisions B-8 (formerly Division A), Division B-9 (formerly Division B), Division B-10 (formerly Division C), and Division B-11 (formerly Division D). Search or view the East Point Municipal Court calendar online. View the calendar calls, hearing calendars, and monthly and annual calendar schedules for Superior Courts in Brooks, Colquitt, Echols, Lowndes, and Thomas Counties. CLOSE. Post office boxes are not adequate for the report. You must come to our office 2083 Fairburn Road, Douglasville, GA. 30135, between the hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday - Friday to sign for a new court date, no exceptions. Search form. The governor also appoints judges to fill vacancies. View Meriwether County Superior and Juvenile Court calendars and schedules by hearing type and date. Walker County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. View the monthly schedule for Pickents County Probate and Magistrate Courts by date and hearing type. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Douglasville, GA 30135 View Bulloch County State Court dockets by date and hearing type. 3 Government Plaza Rome, GA 30161 (706) 291-5162. WebCalendar . View the trial and motion day calendars for Jones County Superior Court. View Gordon County Superior Court calendars by hearing type. This office maintains Superior Court records, transmits all appeals to the Georgia Court of Appeals and Development Authority Meeting Agendas and Minutes. Search results can be sorted by juvenile's initials, file number, case number, hearing date, hearing type, judge, courtroom, court officer, or attorney. Plea of Not Guilty: By pleading not guilty, you may request a bench trial or, if applicable, you may request your case be bound over to Douglas County for a jury trial. PAY ONLINE TODAY Domestic Abuse Resources VICTIM-WITNESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM SAFE HAVEN STATESBORO Click the Hearings tab. Box 2011 117 E Jackson Street Dublin, GA 31040. Accident reports are $2.00 and Incident reports are .10 cents a page. Please have your drivers license number and/or your citation available when accessing the online payment system. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Court Administrator View and search Judge Sweat's calendars for Athens-Clarke and Oconee County Superior Court by month and day. Jury Duty; Marriage Licenses; Becoming a Notary; Victim Services; Court Services GA 30303. Probation Violation Court sessions bring back probation cases for review and defendants that have violated conditions of their court orders. This page provides information about Court Dockets and Calendars resources in Georgia.Links are grouped by those that cover courts statewide, for multiple counties, and then by individual county. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Here is the resolution creating the Douglasville Environmental Court. Plea of Guilty: An admission of guilt. View hearing type itineraries by month or county for Superior Courts in Baker, Calhoun, Decatur, Grady, and Mitchell Counties. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The information listed below is not legal advice as you have many rights available to you. 225 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 400 18:922G.F UNLAWFUL TRANSPORT OF FIREARMS, ETC. Gordon County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Scroll down for link to the current year's calendar schedule. This office also files civil cases such as divorces/annulments, adoptions, child support, name changes, habeas corpus cases, suites for damages, garnishments, and repossessions. View Camden County Superior Court civil pre-trial, civil chambers, criminal arraignment, criminal jury trial, and criminal pre-trial diversion calendars. View Fulton County State Court daily calendars by judge, hearing type, and date. Coweta County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. 2015 legislation overview for courts. Fulton County Jail. 's Office at, or at 770-920-7292. An official website of the State of Georgia. WebUnited States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia Court Calendar for the Honorable Judge Grimberg. In addition, this office also collects probation fines, child support payments, and property transfer taxes. Victims may also be asked to give their addresses and phone numbers to any of the following: the Douglasville Police Department; the Douglas County Sheriff's Office; the Douglas County District Attorney's Office; the Georgia Department of Corrections; and the State Board of Pardons and Parole. Email, Angela Cochran WebDAILY COURTS CALENDAR ~ MOUNTAIN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Superior Court Chief Judge Russell W. Smith Superior Court Judge B. Chan Caudell Juvenile Court Judge B. View Troup County Superior and State Court calendars and schedules. Annual schedule calendars and terms of court are also provided. Marietta GA 30060. Academy CobbWell Department Resources Employee Resources Finance Department Project Paperless Cobb County Gov Board Departments Courts Public Safety Directory Judge Miller. Office Visit. Court Services can receive in-person payments from 8 AM to 4:30 PM Monday thru Friday at the Douglasville Public Safety Complex, 2083 Fairburn Road. View the monthly schedule for Athens-Clarke County Juvenile Court by day of the week. Judge Thompson. Laurens County Board of Commissioners P.O. Floyd County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Camden County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. If you have a Pacemaker do not proceed through the metal detector, please ask for a hand search. March 1, 2023, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM @ Police/Municipal Court Building - 240 Lemon Street. Click the "Court Calendar" link under "Links" on the lower right side of the page for the complete Circuit schedule. Click To Open and Close Search. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. JUDGE EDWARDS, IN PERSON CRIMINAL ALL PURPOSE CALENDAR. View the Thomas County Superior Court monthly judges' schedules. View Fayette County Superior and State Court calendars by judge. Search Site Submit Search. 2008 2023 PeopleConnect, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Election Commission March 9, 2023 at 8:30 am 9:30 am Walker County Courthouse room 110. These cookies do not store any personal information. View Henry County State Court calendars by judge and date. View Resaca Municipal Court dates on the town calendar. Select the desired calendar from the list in the right-hand column. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Email, B. Keith Rollins View the judge calendars for Superior and Juvenile Courts in Candler, Emanuel, Jefferson, Toombs, and Washington Counties. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. March 07, 2023 8:30AM, 9:30AM & 10:30AM Criminal Arraignment Calendar-Judge Cranford. WebFebruary 27, 2023 9am Civil Non-Jury Motions Calendar- Judge Cranford. Judge Kimberly K. Anderson Division A-2. You will be asked to enter a plea at that time. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 103: 151.22 KB: FY23 Newton County Holiday Schedule: No Description. Month; Week; Day (active tab) Year; Wednesday, March 1, 2023 WebLexington, GA 30648 Phone: 706.743.5731 Fax: 706.743.5335 Oglethorpe County Clerk of Court Court Calendars MALCOM-CIVIL MOTIONS CALENDAR-JULY 5, 2022. Video What to Expect at an OSAH Hearing, You can help call the HUMAN TRAFFICKING RESOURCE HOTLINE. WebFebruary 2022 DAILY COURTS CALENDAR ~ MOUNTAIN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Superior Court Chief Judge Russell W. Smith Superior Court Judge B. Chan Caudell Juvenile Court Judge B. Nichole Carswell Habersham State Court Judge M. Steven Campbell Stephens State Court Judge James T. Irvin Please be on time for your appointed court date as the judge will give you a lot of valuable information at the opening of the court session. Houston County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. WebCourt Calendars Court Calendars Click on the link (s) below to view the selected calendar. View Eton Municipal Court dates on the city calendar. Traffic/Misdemeanor Court sessions are held for various traffic infractions such as speeding tickets, suspended license, DUI, Shoplifting, and Possession of Marijuana less than one ounce. Can I pay my ticket before the court date and keep from having to go to court? The court requires completion of an application and financial statement and will make a decision upon review of these documents. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Gwinnett County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. White County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. To provide an independent, accessible and responsive forum for the just resolution of legal disputes and criminal matters in a manner that preserves the rule of law and protects the rights of all parties. View Lake Park Municipal Court dates on the city calendar. WebGo Mobile With Us. You may ask for an application when you appear for your arraignment and will need to complete it that day at court. Office of the Sheriff. WebSuperior Court 91 Albany Ave. P.O. Municipal Court in Session. It is subject to last minute changes and should in no way be construed as a View individual judges' civil calendars by judge, hearing type, and date. Atlanta, GA 30303 Douglas County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. 706-253-8900. Court Administrator: Davlon Ezell Please contact each judge's office for the most up-to-date scheduling information. View the Dade County Superior Court felony and misdemeanor criminal calendars. Municipal Court in Session. If you have weapons such as guns, knives, pepper spray, or tools you will not be granted entry into the courtroom. View the St. Marys Municipal Court schedule on the city calendar. District Attorneys Office. Court Calendars Calendar Assignment by Judge Holiday Calendar Order of Business Fulton County Courthouse 185 Central Avenue, SW Atlanta, GA 30303 Phone 404-613-5360 Enable Google Translate Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. BOX 1620 CARROLLTON, GA. 30112 Physical Address: 311 NEWNAN ST CARROLLTON, GA. 301172010 Carroll County Clerk of Superior & State Courts. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. More Details; Municipal Calendar. PeachCourt E-filing; Fulton County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Plea of Nolo Contendere: (Often known as Nolo or No Contest) this plea is only available once every (5) years and is discretionary. Jefferson County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Dougherty County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Phone: 478-272-4755 Fax: 478-272-3895 Select a county for links to that county's court calendars. Paulding County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Click the "Judges" menu item, then click on the court division/judge. Pike County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. The Gwinnett County Solicitor provides State Court criminal court calendars by judge, date, and hearing type. Designed and Developed by Azul Arc. This office also issues notary appointments, performs jury management, keeps election ballots for the statutory time limit of two years, and assists the public with obtaining various court records. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. California Privacy Notice: If you are a California resident, you have the right to know what personal information we collect, the purposes for which we use it, and your options to opt out of its sale. MALCOM-CRIMINAL MOTIONS CALENDAR-JULY 5, 2022. Please bring government id for verification if paying by credit or debit card. What do I do? Designed and Developed by Azul Arc. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. 22cr00859 state of georgia vs. jeremy wade bruce motion for bond felony indictment: single defendant count 1.) WebThe Georgia Court of Appeals serves as the intermediate appellate court in the state and may certify legal questions to the Supreme Court. Court Calendars 02.02.2023 MALCOM CIVIL MOTION CALENDAR. Superior Court Criminal Non-Jury February 27, 2023 @ 1:00 p.m. (Rose) Superior Civil Non-Jury Calendar for February 27, 2023 (Rose) Superior Court Criminal Non-Jury Docket and schedule links are found below each judge's name and picture. January 2023 thru June 2023 Atlantic Judicial Circuit Calendar. Laurens County Board of Commissioners P.O. Meriwether County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. March 07, 2023 @ 9AM Civil Non-Jury Motion Calendar-Judge Poulakos. You may also use our online payment service to pay your fine. Judge Coker. Must appear offenses are those for which a defendant is required to appear before the Judge in court. View the judge calendars for Superior and Juvenile Courts in Bleckley, Dodge, Montgomery, Pulaski, Telfair, and Wheeler Counties. WebBelow is a list of the Superior Court Calendars that are available for download. The Clerk of Superior and State Courts Offices will make every effort to keep this site current. Search this site . This website uses cookies to improve your experience. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Judge Wayne M. Purdom Division A-3. TOLL FREE 1 (877) 809-0007, OSAH 2023 All Rights Reserved. Magistrate Court Clerk. Court Services includes six full-time employees, four part-time employees, the clerk, the solicitor, and the judge. Check the Order of Business for the current procedures of the court. WebCouncil of Probate Court Judges of Georgia; Council of Juvenile Court Judges of Georgia; Council of Magistrate Court Judges; Council of Municipal Court Judges; Rabun Search for your Atlanta Municipal Court date online. You may pay the fine any time up to 24 hours before the court date and avoid having to come to court, as long as the violation is not a Must-appear (mandatory) offense. Lastly, this office provides administrative support to the Board of Equalization. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Marietta GA 30060. These cookies do not store any personal information. (404) 657-2800 Select the desired calendar from the list in the right-hand column. The name Jury Division will not be used on and forward of January 1, 2022 and shall be referred to as DIVISION A of DeKalb County State Court. View the Dade County Superior Court arraignment calendar. Wilkinson County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. WebTitle: SKM_C650i23022103460 Created Date: 2/21/2023 3:46:07 AM Reset notice for diversion form Dekalb Criminal Calendar Cover Sheet Parrott. Judge Kreuziger. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. View LaFayette Municipal Court dates on the city calendar. Judge Johnny Panos Division A- View Maysville Municipal Court dates on the city calendar. Putnam County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Search this site . Magistrate Court. View Telfair County Superior Court calendars by hearing type and date. Atlanta, GA 30303 Click To Open and Close Search. Webfor the Northern District of Georgia Court Calendar for the Honorable Judge Cohen NOTICE: This schedule is provided for the convenience of the public. Is there a cost for the police report? You may appear via Zoom, if you have been given special permission for each court calendar needed by the assigned Judges HOUSTON COUNTY STATE COURT 2023 & 2024 CALENDAR. WebUnited States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia Court Calendar for the Honorable Judge Grimberg. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 28:1446 Notice of Removal - Breach of Contract, 28:0158 Notice of Appeal re Bankruptcy Matter (BA. View Athens-Clarke County State Court calendars by hearing type, judge, and date. WebAll court calendars have returned to in-person only. WebCourt Calendars. WebLowndes County Accountability Court; Program for Parents Regarding the Effects of Divorce on Minor Children; Calendars thSJC31601 2023-02-28T15:59:57-05:00. Note: there is a 5% service fee charged by a third-party company, Government Windows, to cover the cost of this convenient and secure online payment service. View Superior Court civil and criminal hearing and trial calendars for Baker, Calhoun, Decatur, Grady, and Mitchell Counties. Call 1-800-GEORGIA to verify that a website is an official website of the State of Georgia. It is subject to last minute changes and should in no way be construed as a In addition, this office is also responsible for recording fi fas, military discharges, trade names, UCCs, and various sorts of liens including mechanic liens, property tax liens, and hospital/doctor liens. The Georgia Court of Appeals serves as the intermediate appellate court in the state and may certify legal questions to the Supreme Court. 2. The new law, provides that the current Jury Division be renamed DIVISION A. Cherokee County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. View Austell Municipal Court dates by month. View the Rockdale County Magistrate Court schedule by hearing type. Additional search options include party name, case number, attorney information, judicial officer, and case category. harassing telephone calls-m date: 1/16/2022 Search Bibb County Superior Court calendars by judge, hearing type, and attorney name or party name. Judge Thompson. Calendars are in Word format. View individual judges' calendars by date, hearing type, and judge. Webfor the Northern District of Georgia Court Calendar for the Honorable Judge Ray. 2023 Clayton County Government 112 Smith Street| Jonesboro, GA 30236 Jury Trial. Search the Fulton County Juvenile Court hearing schedule by hearing type, case number, file number, attorney, or date. Links are in the middle of the page. View judge and facilities calendars for Superior and Juvenile Courts in Ben Hill, Crisp, Dooly, and Wilcox Counties. Text Size: Decrease font size Calendar; Primary tabs. FindLaw offers a free RSS feed for this court. Box 2011 117 E Jackson Street Dublin, GA 31040. What type of documents are needed to get a new court date? For further information on victim rights, please call: The Solicitor General's Office handles all misdemeanor criminal and traffic offenses generated by Douglas County Sheriffs Office, and Douglasville Police court cases, which are bound over. View the calendar schedule for Superior Court in Bulloch, Effingham, Jenkins, and Screven Counties. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 03/21/2023: 09:30 AM: CR_1705: Motion Hearing 1:22-cv-1190: Hayes Shibley v. South State Bank What if I want to plead not guilty and have a trial? Webcriminal calendar floyd county superior court honorable judge kay ann wetherington superior courtroom c march 02, 2023 09:00am 1. View the calendars for Putnam County Superior, State, and Juvenile Courts by calendar type and date. Jones County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. United States Bankruptcy Court Northern District of Georgia Honorable Barbara Ellis-Monro, Chief Judge M. Regina Thomas, Clerk of Court. Fines, child support payments, and Mitchell Counties an application when you appear your. For bond felony indictment: single defendant count 1. Business for the of! When you appear for your arraignment and will make every effort to this! You can help call the HUMAN TRAFFICKING RESOURCE HOTLINE Courts by calendar type and date voters for year! Office for the Northern District of Georgia Court of Appeals and Development Meeting! Adequate for the report No Description Business for the judge 's name the! State Courts Offices will make every effort to keep this site current $ 2.00 and Incident reports are 2.00! 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